Mini Particle Argon Temperature Humidity and Daylight Weather Station
Our team has constructed a simple weather station for our IOT class. Using a DHT-11 Temperature and Humidity sensor combo, a KY-018 Photoresistor, 4 LED's, and wires, we can monitor basic weather conditions, and enable a system that alerts the other devices to daylight in their respective areas.Our group quickly realized that due to remote COVID-19 learning conditions, that member was spread across North Carolina, and we thought it would be interesting to collect and display weather data for all three major regions of the state. One member and Argon in Wilmington NC, on the coast, one in Charlotte in the Piedmont, and one in Asheville, in the Mountains. Each Argon has a set of four LEDs, the first blue LED is a daylight indicator for the Asheville area, once the photoresistor detects above a specified value, it will turn its own corresponding light on, and publish an event to the Particle console, so the other devices also turn on their Asheville lights. This idea was applied across the three devices such that members could watch the sunrise, and progress across NC in the morning via their led array, and then turn off in the other direction at night. Led 1 is Asheville Light, Led 2 is Charlotte Light, and Led 3 is Wilmington Light.
The fourth LED is a data confirmation light. Each Argon reports and graphs data to its respective channel on our ThingSpeak page, and each time the device completes its void loop, and posts data to ThingSpeak, and blinks its fourth LED.
ThingSpeak Data Page -
Example View of Data from ThingSpeak
Each Argon sends its own light level data to the Particle Cloud, then each Argon reacts to Day/Night events from the other two devices by triggering the corresponding location lights accordingly. Each device also uploads Temperature and Humidity data for its location to ThingSpeak to be graphed.
Photo Gallery
Team 5 Video