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Christopher ReidMichael Wiesecke
Published © GPL3+

Smart Meat Smoker Monitor

Our project is to give the ease of an electric smoker with the flavor of a charcoal smoker.

BeginnerFull instructions provided5 hours67
Smart Meat Smoker Monitor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ELEGOO 3pcs MB-102 Breadboard 830 Point Solderless Prototype PCB Board Kit
ELEGOO 3pcs MB-102 Breadboard 830 Point Solderless Prototype PCB Board Kit
Miuzei 20KG Servo Motor High Torque RC Servo Metal Gear
HiLetgo K Type Temperature Sensor
MAX6675 Temperature Sensor Module

Software apps and online services

Particle Build Web IDE
Particle Build Web IDE
ThingSpeak API
ThingSpeak API


Read more


Circuit Diagram



Copy and paste to a particle app and flash it to a particle device to use it.
#include <Particle.h>
int SA = 0;

// Servor handler
void ServoHandler(const char *event, const char *data);

#define CS_MAX D18 // Chip Select pin for MAX6675

double temp;

void setup() {
  pinMode(CS_MAX,OUTPUT); // MAX6675 /CS Line must be an output for hardware SPI
  digitalWrite(CS_MAX,HIGH); // Set MAX7765 /CS High
  SPI.begin(D18); // Init SPI
  SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); // Sets the order of the bits shifted out of and into the SPI bus
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); // Base value of clock is 1, data is captured on clock's falling edge
  Particle.subscribe("Servo Angle", ServoHandler);
  Particle.variable("Temperature", temp);

void ServoHandler(const char *event, const char *data) {
  // Convert the received data to a double
   SA = atof(data);
// Callback function to handle the "Temperature" event

void loop() {
  uint16_t v; // Variable to store the raw data from MAX6675
  double tempC; // Variable to store the temperature in Celsius
  double temp; // Variable to store the temperature in Celsius
  digitalWrite(CS_MAX,LOW); // Pull MAX7765 /CS Low
  v = SPI.transfer(0x00); // Send dummy byte and read MSB of data
  v <<= 8; // Shift MSB to left
  v |= SPI.transfer(0x00); // Send dummy byte and read LSB of data
  digitalWrite(CS_MAX,HIGH); // Set MAX7765 /CS High
  if (v & 0x4) { // Check if thermocouple is connected
    Serial.println("No thermocouple attached!");
  v >>= 3; // Discard the first three bits
  tempC = v * 0.25; // Convert raw data to temperature in Celsius
  temp = (tempC * (9/5)) + 32;
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  Serial.println(" C");
  //Particle.publish("Temperature", String(tempC));
  Particle.publish("Temperature", String(temp));
  Particle.publish("Recieved Servo Angle", String(SA));

delay(5000); // Wait for a second  


Copy and paste to a particle app and flash it to a particle device to use it.
#include "Particle.h"
double tempF = 0;
const int servoPin = D1; 
Servo myServo;

// Define the Particle function prototype
void temperatureHandler(const char *event, const char *data);
int SA;
// Setup function
void setup() {
  // Connect to the Particle Cloud
  // Subscribe to the "Temperature" event
  Particle.subscribe("Temperature", temperatureHandler);
  Particle.variable("Servo Angle", SA);
void temperatureHandler(const char *event, const char *data) {
  // Convert the received data to a double
  tempF = atof(data);
// Callback function to handle the "Temperature" event
void loop()
  int SA = 0;
  if ( tempF > 120) {
    // Set servo to 0
    SA = 0;
  else if (tempF > 90){
   // Set servo to 90
    delay(15);  // Adjust the delay as needed
  else  {
    // set servo position to 180
    delay(15);  // Adjust the delay as needed
  Particle.publish("Servo Angle", String(SA));
  Particle.publish("Recieved Temp", String(tempF));
delay(5000); // Wait for a second  


Christopher Reid
1 project • 1 follower
Michael Wiesecke
0 projects • 1 follower


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