We all love ESP32 microcontroller, In any of IOT Project we often use ESP32 module.
ESP32 is one of the power full and pretty famous microcontroller in the field of IOT.
ESP32 comes with lot of amazing and useful features, like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity which enables wide-range of applications.
I have made lot of projects using this ESP32 module.
This ESP32 module comes only in black color, So I decided why not, We give a fresh look to this esp32 module. then, I designed my version of esp32 module, which is purple in color. and this purple color esp32 module looks beautiful.
This ESP32 module has been made using JLPCB PCB assembly Services.
In the article, I have explain the Circuitry of this module, specification of the programming chip and the esp32 chipset. and also I have tested this module by uploading different code. so read this article till end.
Designing the PCB.To design the circuit and PCB, we used EasyEDA which is a browser based software to design PCBs.
Designing the circuit works like in any other circuit software tool, you place some components and you wire them together.
Then, you assign each component to a footprint.
Having the parts assigned, place each component. When you’re happy with the layout, make all the connections and route your PCB.
Save your project and export the Gerber files.
Ordering the PCBs at JLCPCB.This project is sponsored by JLCPCB. JLCPCB is a full feature Printed Circuit Board manufacturing service.
Turn your DIY breadboard circuits into professional PCBs– get 10 boards for approximately $5 + shipping (which will vary depending on your country).
Once you have your Gerber files, you can order the PCB. Follow the next steps.
1. Download the Gerber files –click here to download the.zip file.
2. Go to JLCPCB website and Click on Quote Now button under PCB assembly.
3.Upload the Gerber file you downloaded in the last step. Upload the.zip file or you can also drag and drop the Gerber files.
After uploading the zip file, you’ll see a success message at the bottom if the file is successfully uploaded. You can review the PCB in the Gerber viewer to make sure everything is good.
JLCPCB can grab all the PCB details and automatically fills them for you.
To place the order, click on “SAVE TO CART” button.
Now select the shipping method, the one you prefer and has cost efficient.
Before finalizing your order you can use the promotional code JLC-REBE to get a discount and then click pay.
After seven days, PCBs arrived at my place.
As usual the quality of PCB is very premium. and the Components are soldered very well.
Traces are perfect, silkscreen is fine.
Purple color PCB Masking looks very beautiful and PCBs look pretty professional.
PCB assembly service of JLCPCB is fabulous, without JLCPCB this purple color ESP32 board is not possible to make.
So, you can consider PCB assembly Service of JLCPCB for your projects.
ESP32-WROOM-32 chipset is used in this module which is very powerful and this chipset is integrated with WIFI, BT, BLE, Which enables wide range of applications.
There are two CPU cores that can be individually controlled, and the CPU clock frequency is adjustable from 80 MHz to 240 Mhz.
ESP32 integrates a rich set of peripherals, like capacitive touch sensors, Hall sensors, SD card interface, Ethernet, high-speed SPI, UART, I²S and I²C.
The sleep current of the ESP32 chip is less than 5 µA, which make it suitable for battery powered and wearable electronics applications.
The programming chip I have used in this ESP32 is CH340C...which is very popular, CH340C is a Serial to USB converter and vice -versa.
This chip has been used in some boards such as Arduino boards, ESP8266 board, and in many other modules.
It Supports baud rate from 2400bps to 115200bps.(1 lakh 15 thousand 2 hundred Bps)
CH340C provide full duplex serial interface, and also we can set transceiver buffer.
This CH340C is compatible with 3.3V and 5V I/Os.
let test this ESP32 board by uploading some example codes.
First of all I am going to upload simple blink sketch.
Here built-in led which is connected to GPIO 2, Will blink in interval Of one second.
Now select the right port and the right board. And the board is DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1.
Now click on upload button and see if the code will upload or not.
Code is successfully uploaded into the ESP32 board.
Which means my ESP32 board is working fine.
As you can see onboard led is blinking in every one second. this onboard led is connected to the GPIO Pin 2.
This is the first and most common Arduino sketch, I have uploaded to this ESP32 module.
Lets try to upload some other code in which peripherals are used.
Now I am going to connect this 16x2 LCD display using I2C module...
Now go-to files....then from the examples ----open Arduino-Liquid-Crystal I2C Library....then open hello world example code.
This is the simple code for Printing 'hello world' on the LCD Display.
Let upload this code....
Hello world is printed on the LCD screen. Which means peripherals are also working fine.
Now I am going to test integrated WIFI features of this ESP32 board.
For which I am going to use most popular IOT platform that is blynk.
And in this article, I am not going to show you how to setup and configure blynk.
I have already made lots of videos, you could checkout to those videos
This is simple code for controlling two LED's from the blynk app.
Now lets quickly upload this code into ESP32 board.
As you can see I am able to control the LED's from the blynk app.
This means WIFI is also working fine.
This purple color beautiful ESP32 module is available for sell, You can easily purchase this module from this link.