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Golf Course Optimization with Raspberry Pi and Hologram Nova

Combines the cellular capability of Hologram Nova with the small-package power of Raspberry Pi Zero W to track real-time golfer movements.

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Golf Course Optimization with Raspberry Pi and Hologram Nova

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Hologram Nova
Hologram Nova
Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver
External Battery
Waterproof project box
Hologram Global IoT SIM Card
Hologram Global IoT SIM Card

Software apps and online services

Python client library for the Google Sheets API
Matt Richardson's basic Python code for GPS data processing, featured in Magpi issue 40
Google Earth
Google Spreadsheet Mapper
Hologram Python SDK

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Bottle opener
Anchor Steam


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Golfer Tracker diagram

Real-time golfer position data is tracked from GPS to RPi Zero W, transmitted to Google Sheet via Hologram Nova, and visualized for course management on Google Earth.

Golfer Tracker diagram v2

Version 2 replaces Google Sheets/Earth with ThingsBoard.io


Golfer GPS Tracking

Core components are:
a) gspread library for posting latitude/longitude data to Google Spreadsheet Mapper
b) Hologram Python SDK for managing cellular communications
c) GPS receiver serial communication
d) GPS data processing
e) Log file of the extended golf outing path
import serial
import os

# Library for managing Google Sheets update and authentication
import gspread

from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

# Hologram cloud library for cellular comminucations
from Hologram.HologramCloud import HologramCloud

hologram = HologramCloud(dict(), network='cellular')

result = hologram.network.connect()
if result == False:
    print ('Failed to connect to cell network')

# Use creds to create a client to interact with the Google Drive API
scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('client_secret.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

# Name of the Google Sheet and the specific worksheet
sheet = client.open("Golfer Tracker").worksheet("PlacemarkData")

# GPS receiver set up
firstFixFlag = False # this will go true after the first GPS fix.
firstFixDate = ""

# Set up serial:
ser = serial.Serial(

# Helper function to take HHMM.SS, Hemisphere and make it decimal:
def degrees_to_decimal(data, hemisphere):
        decimalPointPosition = data.index('.')
        degrees = float(data[:decimalPointPosition-2])
        minutes = float(data[decimalPointPosition-2:])/60
        output = degrees + minutes
        if hemisphere is 'N' or hemisphere is 'E':
            return output
        if hemisphere is 'S' or hemisphere is 'W':
            return -output
        return ""

# Helper function to take a $GPRMC sentence, and turn it into a Python dictionary.
# This also calls degrees_to_decimal and stores the decimal values as well.
def parse_GPRMC(data):
    data = data.split(',')
    dict = {
            'fix_time': data[1],
            'validity': data[2],
            'latitude': data[3],
            'latitude_hemisphere' : data[4],
            'longitude' : data[5],
            'longitude_hemisphere' : data[6],
            'speed': data[7],
            'true_course': data[8],
            'fix_date': data[9],
            'variation': data[10],
            'variation_e_w' : data[11],
            'checksum' : data[12]
    dict['decimal_latitude'] = degrees_to_decimal(dict['latitude'], dict['latitude_hemisphere'])
    dict['decimal_longitude'] = degrees_to_decimal(dict['longitude'], dict['longitude_hemisphere'])
    return dict

# Main program loop:
while True:
    line = ser.readline()
    if "$GPRMC" in line: # This will exclude other NMEA sentences the GPS unit provides
        gpsData = parse_GPRMC(line) # Turn a GPRMC sentence into a Python dictionary called gpsData
        if gpsData['validity'] == "A": # If the sentence shows that there's a fix, then we can log the line
            if firstFixFlag is False: # If we haven't found a fix before, then set the filename prefix with GPS date & time.
                firstFixDate = gpsData['fix_date'] + "-" + gpsData['fix_time']
                firstFixFlag = True
            else: # write the data to a simple log file and then to Google Sheets:
                with open("/home/pi/gps_experimentation/" + firstFixDate +"-simple-log.txt", "a") as myfile:
                    myfile.write(gpsData['fix_date'] + "," + gpsData['fix_time'] + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_latitude']) + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_longitude']) +"\n")
                print (gpsData['fix_date'] + "," + gpsData['fix_time'] + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_latitude']) + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_longitude']) +"\n")
                sheet.update_cell(11, 5, str(gpsData['decimal_latitude'])) # Write location data to the Google Sheet
                sheet.update_cell(11, 6, str(gpsData['decimal_longitude']))                
# Disconnect from the cellular network

Golfer GPS Tracking v2

Two changes:
1) Interval timer added to reduce cellular data usage
2) Simplified course load visualization using MQTT and provided dashboards on Thingsboard.io

(See "Version 2" change comments in the code below)
import serial
import os

# Library for managing Google Sheets update and authentication
import gspread

# Version 2 libraries:
import time
import sys
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json

from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

# Hologram cloud library for cellular comminucations
from Hologram.HologramCloud import HologramCloud

hologram = HologramCloud(dict(), network='cellular')

result = hologram.network.connect()
if result == False:
    print ('Failed to connect to cell network')

# Use creds to create a client to interact with the Google Drive API
scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('client_secret.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

# Name of the Google Sheet and the specific worksheet
sheet = client.open("Golfer Tracker").worksheet("PlacemarkData")

# Version 2 - Specify Thingsboard server and access token
THINGSBOARD_HOST = 'demo.thingsboard.io'
ACCESS_TOKEN = '<your access_token>'

# Version 2 - Specify interval to reduce cellular data usage
next_reading = time.time()

# Version 2 - Initialize mqtt
gps_data = {'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0}
client = mqtt.Client()

# Version 2 - Connect to ThingsBoard using default MQTT port and 60 seconds keepalive interval
client.connect(THINGSBOARD_HOST, 1883, 60)

# GPS fix flag will go true after first fix
firstFixFlag = False
firstFixDate = ""

# Set up serial:
ser = serial.Serial(

# Helper function to take HHMM.SS, Hemisphere and make it decimal:
def degrees_to_decimal(data, hemisphere):
        decimalPointPosition = data.index('.')
        degrees = float(data[:decimalPointPosition-2])
        minutes = float(data[decimalPointPosition-2:])/60
        output = degrees + minutes
        if hemisphere is 'N' or hemisphere is 'E':
            return output
        if hemisphere is 'S' or hemisphere is 'W':
            return -output
        return ""

# Helper function to take a $GPRMC sentence, and turn it into a Python dictionary.
# This also calls degrees_to_decimal and stores the decimal values as well.
def parse_GPRMC(data):
    data = data.split(',')
    dict = {
            'fix_time': data[1],
            'validity': data[2],
            'latitude': data[3],
            'latitude_hemisphere' : data[4],
            'longitude' : data[5],
            'longitude_hemisphere' : data[6],
            'speed': data[7],
            'true_course': data[8],
            'fix_date': data[9],
            'variation': data[10],
            'variation_e_w' : data[11],
            'checksum' : data[12]
    dict['decimal_latitude'] = degrees_to_decimal(dict['latitude'], dict['latitude_hemisphere'])
    dict['decimal_longitude'] = degrees_to_decimal(dict['longitude'], dict['longitude_hemisphere'])
    return dict

# Main program loop:
while True:
    line = ser.readline()
    if "$GPRMC" in line: # This will exclude other NMEA sentences the GPS unit provides
        gpsData = parse_GPRMC(line) # Turn a GPRMC sentence into a Python dictionary called gpsData
        if gpsData['validity'] == "A": # If the sentence shows that there's a fix, then we can log the line
            if firstFixFlag is False: # If we haven't found a fix before, then set the filename prefix with GPS date & time.
                firstFixDate = gpsData['fix_date'] + "-" + gpsData['fix_time']
                firstFixFlag = True
            else: # write the data to a simple log file and then to Google Sheets:
                with open("/home/pi/gps_experimentation/" + firstFixDate +"-simple-log.txt", "a") as myfile:
                    myfile.write(gpsData['fix_date'] + "," + gpsData['fix_time'] + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_latitude']) + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_longitude']) +"\n")
                print (gpsData['fix_date'] + "," + gpsData['fix_time'] + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_latitude']) + "," + str(gpsData['decimal_longitude']) +"\n")
                # Write location data to the Google Sheet
                sheet.update_cell(11, 5, str(gpsData['decimal_latitude'])) 
                sheet.update_cell(11, 6, str(gpsData['decimal_longitude']))
                # Version 2 - Write location data to Thingsboard 
                gps_data['latitude'] = str(gpsData['decimal_latitude'])
                gps_data['longitude'] = str(gpsData['decimal_longitude'])
                client.publish('v1/devices/me/telemetry', json.dumps(gps_data), 1)

                # Version 2 - Interval timing control
                next_reading += INTERVAL
                sleep_time = next_reading-time.time()
                if sleep_time > 0:


# Disconnect from the cellular network




3 projects • 5 followers
Little Lebowski Urban Achiever and part-time Abider. Very appreciative of the community and the open network of project ideas.
