Hardware components | ||||||
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Software apps and online services | ||||||
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Imagine if you are procrastinating for your calculus homework and you need to check if your answers are correct, or if you only have a scientific calculator and you need to find the third derivative of a super complex equation without doing all the work manually.
Introducing Calculus Buddy, a skill that let's you solve ANY math problem, whether it be computing third derivatives, finding points of inflections, or simple arithmetic. This skill uses the power of Wolfram Alpha to get accurate and precise answers as well as extra information you may need for solving your math problems.
How to useTo get started with using this skill you can say 'Alexa, tell Calculus Buddy to help me solve this problem...' followed by any math problem you want to solve, such as 'solve 5 - 3 * 8' or 'find the roots of x^2 + x + 6' or 'integrate 3x + sin x'. It will reply with the answer as well as possible extra information such as alternate forms of equations, roots of the function, indefinite integrals, etc.
BackstoryMy inspiration was based off of an older idea that a good friend of mine suggested me, which was to provide a way to use Wolfram Alpha through a voice interface. At the time, I knew very little about Alexa and her capabilities. Fast forward a few years, and this challenge came up, and I figured that I could fulfill his idea, to some extent.
Bill Of Materials- Heroku - A web service that lets you run any app/website on the cloud.
- node.js - The JavaScript environment that I used to develop the skill.
- Alexa Utterance Generator Website - A website I created that lets you create a huge amount of utterances with minimum effort.
- Wolfram Alpha - The "Computational Knowledge Engine" that does all of the the heavy computation for the math problems.
var wajs = require('wajs');
var waClient = new wajs("WOLFRAM-ALPHA-KEY-HERE");
var queryString = 'indefinite integral of open paren ten x squared plus sin x squared close paren plus five x';
var queryString2 = 'first derivative of open paren ten x squared plus sin x squared close paren plus five x';
var queryString3 = 'open paren ten x squared plus sin x squared minus eleven x squared close paren plus five x';
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
var target = this;
return target.split(search).join(replacement);
var unenglishify = function(text) {
return text.replaceAll("open paren ", "(").replaceAll(" close paren", ")").replaceAll(" squared", "^2").replaceAll(" cubed", "^3")
.replaceAll(" plus ", "+").replaceAll(" minus ", "-").replaceAll(" times ", "*").replaceAll(" divided ", "/").replaceAll(" equals ", "=")
.replaceAll("zero", "0").replaceAll("one", "1").replaceAll("two", "2").replaceAll("three", "3").replaceAll("four", "4")
.replaceAll("five", "5").replaceAll("six", "6").replaceAll("seven", "7").replaceAll("eight", "8").replaceAll("nine", "9")
.replaceAll("ten", "10").replaceAll("eleven", "11").replaceAll("twelve", "12").replaceAll("thirteen", "13")
.replaceAll("fourteen", "14").replaceAll("fifteen", "15").replaceAll("sixteen", "16").replaceAll("seventeen", "17")
.replaceAll("eighteen", "18").replaceAll("nineteen", "19");
var englishify = function(text) {
return text.replaceAll("~~", " approximately equals ").replaceAll("\n", " ")
.replaceAll(" ", " ").replace(/_\((.+)\)\^/g, " from $1 to ");
var alexa = require('alexa-utils');
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;
var app = alexa.app("CalculusBuddy")
.onLaunch(function(req, res) {
res.prompt("Hello there. What would you like me to solve?")
.reprompt("What would you like me to solve?")
.onIntent("SolveQuestion", function(req, res) {
var input = req.intent.slot("input");
if (input) {
waClient.query(input).then(function(qr) {
var pods = JSON.parse(qr.toJson());
var resultObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < pods.pod.length; i++) {
var pod = pods.pod[i];
var podTitle = pod.title;
if (podTitle.toLowerCase().includes("plot") || podTitle === "Alternate forms") {
var subPodTexts = [];
for (var j = 0; j < pod.subpod.length; j++) {
var subPodTitle = pod.subpod[j].title.trim();
var subPodText = pod.subpod[j].plaintext[0].trim();
subPodTexts.push((subPodTitle ? subPodTitle + " equals " : "") + englishify(subPodText));
if (subPodTexts.length) {
resultObj[podTitle] = subPodTexts;
console.log(JSON.stringify(resultObj, null, 2));
var keys = Object.keys(resultObj);
var response = "<speak>Here are some answers and information: ";
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
var values = resultObj[key];
response += "<s>The " + key + ((values.length > 2) ? " are " : " is ");
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
var value = values[j];
if (value === "") value = "unknown";
response += value;
if ((j + 1) < values.length) {
response += ", and ";
} else {
if ((i + 1) < keys.length) {
response += ".</s>";
response += ".</s></speak>";
.catch(function(err) {
} else {
res.prompt("I didn't quite hear what you wanted me to compute. Could you repeat your command again?")
.onIntent("AMAZON.StopIntent", function(req, res) {
res.prompt("All right, goodbye!").endSession(true).send();
.onIntent("AMAZON.CancelIntent", function(req, res) {
res.prompt("All right, goodbye!").endSession(true).send();
.onIntent("AMAZON.HelpIntent", function(req, res) {
var prompt = "You can ask me to do any math function, such as 'intergrate x squared plus five', or 'find the roots of x squared minus two x plus one'. You can also say stop or cancel if you are done.";
.onSessionEnd(function(req, res) {
res.prompt("All right, goodbye!")
.host("/solve", PORT, false, true);
console.log("Server started on port " + PORT);
"intents": [
"intent": "SolveQuestion",
"slots": [
"name": "input",
"intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.StopIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.CancelIntent"
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared plus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared minus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x squared times five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x plus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x minus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to help me solve this problem {integrate x times five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared plus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared minus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x squared times five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x plus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x minus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this problem {differentiate x times five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared plus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared minus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x squared times five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x plus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x minus five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five minus sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five minus sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five minus sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five minus sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five minus sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five minus sine x divided by seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five sine x minus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five sine x minus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five sine x plus seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five sine x plus seven x dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five sine x divided by seven x squared dx|input}
SolveQuestion to solve this {x times five sine x divided by seven x dx|input}