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The Anh Vuong
Published © CC BY-SA

Low cost Samba Server - Raspberry PI 4

Blueprint - Hardware choice-simple installation with RASPBIAN - troubleshooting

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours2,230
Low cost Samba Server - Raspberry PI 4

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
You could use Raspberry 3B / 3B +
external USB-HDD
External USB- Hard Disk Driver bis to 10 TB Chip and high Volume) Some Type USB-HDD has integrated USB-HUB or SSD Solid State Drive with USB-Interface or USB Momory Stick

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian


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Bluprint for system


The Anh Vuong
1 project • 0 followers
