The project "Smart Home Integration" is the idea of solving day to day life problems in home. We usually finds loads of IoT devices/Products like Smart Lamp, Smart Television, Smart Air conditioner, Smart Water Tap etc. available in the commercial market for purchasing and can be easily used by any user. But if we have some existing devices like old LCD TV or manual water tap, simple water based Air-cooler it's tedious to use new products available in the market with backward compatibility.
The vision of making this project defines the term of backward compatibility support with all the latest services of IoT where there will be win win situation for both Developer as well as user.
The Proposed project involves following modules :
1. Automatic Water Tap for water filling : This module include the arrangement of existing water tap with Servo motor for the connected to ESP8266 module and which will connect to the IoT cloud where we can turn ON/OFF also even control water for the filling water at Plants/Water Cooler or any equipment which will require water at certain intervals of time.
2. Water Level Sensors : The equipment which are getting filled by water by using IoT based automated water tap will be monitored using water level sensors and their status is getting monitored on IoT cloud. Once the water gets filled this will send notifications to user and water tap automatically turns OFF.
3. IR blaster for Television/AC : The module comprises of the IR Transmitter and Receiver for the Television / Air conditioners and any appliances which receives IR signals from their Remote. The Module uses sensors connected to the ESP8266 module which will get connected to the IoT cloud where virtual variables will be getting updated through their users via mobile APP , Alexa Echo or Google Assitant even using Microsoft Cortana also. Based upon the variable's updated data the IR blaster will sends the signal to appropriate devices.
4. Rotary Fan Regulator using Servo motors : Its always easy to handle DC motor and DC fan using any microcontroller module but at the other side its tough to handle operations like speed control of AC motors like Fan. ana Its very complex to change the existing fan regulator with installation of any new circuitary at house fr every fan. So this module includes Servo motor connected to existing fan regulator and with ESP8266 Module and can be operated using IoT cloud based App and any NLP device modules like Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana etc.
The speed of fan can be controlled as per the temperature/humidity of that room also.
5. Sensor Module (Temperature/Humidity) : The module includes the sensors like DHT11 which will update the Temperature and Humidity of different rooms on the cloud. Which will help in controlling devices like Fan speed and other devices like Air cooler, Air conditioner etc.
6. Mood Lamp using RGB : The module contains the Strip of RGB LED which will be controlled via users method- Mobile app, NLP Devices like Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana.
7. Smart Switches : This module Includes the relays connected to the existing electrical switch board and interfaced with ESP8266 for controlling all the AC/DC home appliances via Mobile app, voice assistant like Alexa, Google Assistant , Cortana etc.