Only use this device on your own network, with permission. This is for educational and testing purposes only. Please check the law in your country regarding use of such devices, and use responsibly. I did not design any software, files etc. to do with this project.
IntroductionThis project was sent to me in the form of a youtube video, shown below, which outlined what it does:
So I decided to have a go at making it. After trying to follow the jumbled github instructions, I came up with these:
Step 1: Downloading the FlasherVisit this github page and download the latest version of the NodeMCU flasher: by clicking on the Win32Release or Win64Release.
Step 2: Downloading the.bin FilesVisit this github page and download the latest release of the bin files (look for 1MB):
Step 3: Flash Flash FlashOpen up the NodeMCU flasher and go to the advanced tab, making sure you are on these settings:
Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
Flash Mode: DIO
Flash Frequency: 80 MHZ
CPU Frequency: 160 MHz
Flash Size: 1M (256K SPIFFS)
Reset Method: nodemcu
Upload Speed: 115200
Port: <com port of your device> (mine was 3)
Go to the config tab and click the settings cog for the first row, and select the bin files.
Go back to the operation tab and flash. The bottom left corner has a tick to confirm when it's done.
Step 4: Setting UpPlug your flashed node into a power source. Get a computer, phone or tablet and scan for the WiFi network pwned. Connect it with the password deauther.
Once connected go to the ip It may take a minute to load for the first time. You will see a web interface, and you'll need to read and accept the agreements.
The instructions for the following part are on the website, but are quite difficult to make sense of, I thought.
Please remember that I did not design the software, and only use this on your own WiFi network, ask for permission first. Be responsible.