This is a two-in-one app with voice command, Arduino and NodeMCU, with ESP8266 commanding an Android app. In Bluetooth mode, you can send commands via Bluetooth using HC05 or HC06 with any Arduino board. In WiFi Mode, you can send any customized command to NodeMCU or any ESP8266 application.
This is a simple guide for a simple project.
Choose one method: which mode, either WiFi or Bluetooth, to command your application. Install DCmote app on your mobile phone. Go to setup, tap on add switch.
1 - Set your switch name. You need to speak the switch name when using the voice commanding button.
2 - Type your command.
3 - Choose any icon and click the green plus button to save.
4 - Back to setup.
5 - Choose your commanding method and save as default.
In Bluetooth mode, show all Bluetooth devices you've paired. You need to select HC05 or HC06 and set Bluetooth Mode as default. In WiFi mode, type the IP address your application provided; the default is port 80. Save the IP and port, and set WiFi mode as default. Back to setup, and restart the app.
Now you can use this app. Go to Home and click the commanding button to send a command. I think you can understand how the code works; there are 2 examples of code provided.
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