For people that work on hourly based projects, it´s a constant pain to correctly record the time used on each project. This is especially true if the tasks involved also include non-computer based work (such as working with pen and paper).
If you are a freelancer, it is a good chance that you will have more than one project going on most of the time. It is also a good chance that you don´t have a good time tracker system or software.
With this device you can easily register every minute used on a project. And since desk-real estate is precious, it also doubles as a pencil holder.
How it works
When the device is powered on, a blue LED will flash until internet connection is established.
On internet connection a list of all active projects will be downloaded to the ESP8266 board.
When movement is detected, a red LED will start to flash (so you remember to start the time tracker).
You select the project by turning the dial and the project is displayed on the LCD display.
To start the time tracker on the selected project, just press the Start/Stop button. A green LED will light up to show that time is being registered.
If you fall asleep (or move away from you desk to make a coffee), the PIR motion detector will not register any movement. After X seconds/minutes, a red LED will flash. If no motion is detected, the time tracker will automatically stop.
If you want to stop the tracker manually, just press the Start/Stop button.