This project used an Arduino MKR1000 board with a standard wall outlet, 3D printed case and some miscellaneous components to create an outlet that you can control through Windows 10 remote Arduino and Windows Universal app. Project loads standard Firmata on MKR board to enable windows remote Arduino.
Link to GitHub for XAML and .ino files for project
Used 123d circuits to create wire schematic. A MKR1000 board is being used for project, but uno was used for diagram also wiring for 110v outlet is omitted from schematic.
Wiring for this project is pretty basic, wifi connected led wired to pin 11 and 2 5v relays triggered off digital 2 and 3. I wired the relays to be normally closed that way the outlet works as a normal always on outlet when not connected through the app. The 2 relays wire straight through a standard 110v outlet you can purchase at Lowe's or home depot. pass through pins were found out of a generic 6 outlet expander that was purchased at harbor freight, cut apart and the hot glued into the 3D printed backing plate.
A stable 5v 1.2 amp power source was achieved by disassembling a cell phone wall wart and hard wiring to the back of the USB connector. Originally a 700ma unit was used but did not supply a stable 5v when relays would latch. Voltage would drop to 4v and MKR1000 board would lock up.
I have also wired in 2 acs712 current sensors in series with the relays for future current sensing capabilities but was unable to make it stable by deadline of project. current sensors are wired into pins A1 and A2.