Published © CERN-OHL

Bluetooth Controlled Pick And Place Robot

Robot use to pick a object using Bluetooth from Android smart phone.

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Bluetooth Controlled Pick And Place Robot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

DC motor (generic)
RobotGeek Snapper Arduino Robotic Arm
RobotGeek Snapper Arduino Robotic Arm
SparkFun Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF Silver
SparkFun Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF Silver
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
Texas Instruments Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
Bo motor

Software apps and online services

Arduino Bluetooth Controller

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Pick & Place Robot Arm Circuit


Pick & Place Robot Arm Code

Pick & Place Robot Control via Bluetooth using android Smart Phone
  Control the robot using smart phone via bluetooth using android app

  BluBug have an on-board bluetooth you can control. 
  check the documentation at

  Control four dc motor with this code.

  This example code is in the public domain.

  modified 25 August 2016
  by Sathish kumar

#include <robotarm.h>                          // blugbug library for robotarm
Robotarm mybot;
void setup() 
   Serial.begin(9600);                         // initilize the serial communication 

void loop() {
 if(Serial.available())                        // check for data is available from serial port
   char botdata = (char);        // read the data from serial port and move data a character
     mybot.left();                          // if received value 'a' move motor1 forward
   else if(botdata=='b')
     mybot.right();                          // if received value 'e' move motor1 reverse  
    else if(botdata=='c')
      mybot.forward();                           // if received value 'l'  move motor4 stop 
    else if(botdata=='d')
      mybot.reverse();                            // if received value 'l'  move motor4 stop  
    else if(botdata=='g')
      mybot.up();                            // if received value 'l'  move motor4 stop  
    else if(botdata=='h')
      mybot.down();                            // if received value 'l'  move motor4 stop  
    else if(botdata=='e')
      mybot.openarm();                            // if received value 'l'  move motor4 stop  
    else if(botdata=='f')
      mybot.closearm();                            // if received value 'l'  move motor4 stop  
    else if(botdata=='s')
      mybot.stopbot();                            // if received value 'i'  move motor1 stop  


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