
Smart Landscaping RGBW Lights

Create landscaping lights that can automatically turn on/off at set times and change the color of all from your phone.

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Smart Landscaping RGBW Lights

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP32
Adafruit NEOPIXEL RING - 16 X 5050 RGBW
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Running Android Things
3 Conduit 20AWG wire
Outdoor enclosure
JST Male/Female connectors
Solar landscaping lights
I just bought the cheapest ones I could find. The housing has to be big enough to hold the lights and depending on how you route the wires you might want to find ones that you cant see through or else you might see the wires
5V power supply
Pixel LED's can use a lot of power depending on how bright you want them and how many you have on. This should supply voltage to all led's to run them at max brightness if you want to
Waterproof Wire Connectors

Software apps and online services

Android Things
Google Android Things
Running on the Raspberry Pi
Cloud IoT Core
Google Cloud IoT Core
Used for IoT Core and some HTTP calls to App Engine
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Google Firebase
Used for sending push notifications to the Raspberry Pi Device


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