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Tyeth Gundry
Published © GPL3+

Paddy's Cakes

Creatures of habit like us need things to be dependable, like the great cake at our local cafe, always great and now*...always in stock*

AdvancedWork in progressOver 4 days390
Paddy's Cakes

Things used in this project

Hardware components

4-wire Load Cell OR 3Wire LoadCells Combined
HX711 24bit ADC Breakout
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
AS1115 3-Character Red LED 7-Segment Hexidecimal Display
ControlEverything.com AS1115 3-Character Red LED 7-Segment Hexidecimal Display
Coin Cell Battery CR2032
Coin Cell Battery CR2032
Coin Cell Battery Holder
Coin Cell Battery Holder

Software apps and online services

Amazon Web Services AWS IoT

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Tea and Cake


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Language of Choice

Plain text
/*  Arduino Side: */
// Timer interupt every X minutes (lets pick 5 for no sound reason).
// Attach sensitive Vibration Sensor to Hardware Interrupt.
// On Event Interrupt: poll hx711 for current weight of cake.

//Also: Buttons for new cake / slice count, attached to another interrupt triggering different routine.

/*  Raspberry Pi side: */
// Check battery levels and automatically reorder from Amazon as required.
//Seperately every afternoon send updated values and last sensor timestamp. Keep tally of cakes on each cakestand. -- tracked by initial weight or through end-user portal.


Tyeth Gundry

Tyeth Gundry

7 projects • 8 followers
Love solving problems
