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Julio Caso Cobos
Created July 8, 2016

Safer Kitchen

I´m sure that you think sometimes if something is happening in your kitchen, with this project you can control and know everything there

IntermediateProtip1 hour443
Safer Kitchen

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
SparkFun IoT Starter Kit with Blynk Board
SparkFun IoT Starter Kit with Blynk Board
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
web cam
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)

Software apps and online services



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schematics of the project

description of project

Here there is a brief description of the project.


kitchen safer

Arduino´s file for the project called "a safer kitchen"
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include "SparkFunHTU21D.h"
#include <SparkFunTSL2561.h>
#include "Servo.h"
#include "BlynkBoard_settings.h"
HTU21D thSense;

bool scanI2C(uint8_t address);

// blynk virtual pins

#define LED_PIN             16
#define SERVO_XY_VIRTUAL    V14
#define SERVO_MAX_VIRTUAL   V16 

const int btnPin = 0; // button to water level

// Wifi connections

char BlynkAuth[] = "xxxx";
char WiFiNetwork[] = "xxxx";
char WiFiPassword[] = "xxx";

WidgetLCD lcd(V10); //LCD widget on V10
WidgetLED led3(V3); // LED widget in Blynk App on v3
WidgetLED led4(V4); // LED widget in Blynk App on v4

SimpleTimer timer;

void setup()
  Blynk.begin(BlynkAuth, WiFiNetwork, WiFiPassword); //data to connect
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Light control
  pinMode(btnPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // water level

  while (Blynk.connect() == false) {
    // Wait until connected
  timer.setInterval(500L, buttonLedWidget);

// V3 LED Widget represents the physical button state
boolean btnState = false;
void buttonLedWidget()
  // Read button
  boolean isPressed = (digitalRead(btnPin) == LOW);

  // If state has changed...
  if (isPressed != btnState) {
    if (isPressed) {
      lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
      lcd.print(0, 0, "Something"); // use: (position X: 0-15, position Y: 0-1, "Message you want to print")
      lcd.print(0, 1, "Wrong");
    } else {
      lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
      lcd.print(0, 0, "Everything"); // use: (position X: 0-15, position Y: 0-1, "Message you want to print")
      lcd.print(0, 1, "OK");
    btnState = isPressed;

// ADC is read directly to a gauge
// Voltage is read to V8 to work as a gas sensor

  float adcRaw = analogRead(A0); // Read in A0
  // Divide by 1024, then multiply by the hard-wired voltage divider max (3.2)
  float voltage = ((float)adcRaw / 1024.0) * ADC_VOLTAGE_DIVIDER;
  Blynk.virtualWrite(ADC_VOLTAGE_VIRTUAL, voltage); // Output value to Blynk
  BB_DEBUG("Blynk DC Voltage: " + String(voltage));
  if (adcRaw < 512)
      lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
      lcd.print(0, 0, "Everything"); // use: (position X: 0-15, position Y: 0-1, "Message you want to print")
      lcd.print(0, 1, "OK");
      lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
      lcd.print(0, 0, "Something"); // use: (position X: 0-15, position Y: 0-1, "Message you want to print")
      lcd.print(0, 1, "Wrong");

#define SERVO_PIN 15 // Servo attached to pin 15
#define SERVO_MINIMUM 5 // Minimum servo angle
unsigned int servoMax = 180; // Default maximum servo angle
int servoX = 0; // Servo angle x component
int servoY = 0; // Servo angle y component
Servo myServo; // Servo object
bool firstServoRun = true;

  // If it's the first time the servo is set, turn it on
  if (firstServoRun)
    firstServoRun = false;

  // Read in the servo value:
  int servoXIn = param[0].asInt();
  int servoYIn = param[1].asInt();
  BB_DEBUG("Servo X: " + String(servoXIn));
  BB_DEBUG("Servo Y: " + String(servoYIn));
  servoX = servoXIn - 128; // Center xIn around 0 (+/-128)
  servoY = servoYIn - 128; // Center xIn around 0 (+/-128)

  // Calculate the angle, given x and y components:
  float pos = atan2(servoY, servoX) * 180.0 / PI; // Convert to degrees
  // atan2 will give us an angle +/-180
  if (pos < 0) // Convert it to 0-360:
    pos = 360.0 + pos;

  int servoPos = map(pos, 0, 360, SERVO_MINIMUM, servoMax);
  // Write the newly calculated angle to a virtual variable:
  Blynk.virtualWrite(SERVO_ANGLE_VIRUTAL, servoPos);

  // Constrain the angle between min/max:
  myServo.write(servoPos); // And set the servo position

  int sMax = param.asInt();
  BB_DEBUG("Servo Max: " + String(sMax));
  servoMax = constrain(sMax, SERVO_MINIMUM + 1, 360);
  Serial.println("ServoMax: " + String(servoMax));

void loop()


Julio Caso Cobos
3 projects • 0 followers
