Tom Minnich
Created June 24, 2018 © GPL3+

Robotic Assistant with Search and Rescue Capability

This design will perform the functions of several types of service dog. AI and sensors will provide emergency search and rescue.skills.

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Robotic Assistant with Search and Rescue Capability

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RPi DonkeyCar connections

How to connect the Rpi to the PWM servo controller board


mmult.cpp with logistic function added Test1

replaces mmult.cpp in Xilinx matrix multiply example project
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "mmult.h"
// HLS Math Functions
//#include "hls_math.h"// HLS Math Functions
#include <math.h>
 * Design principles to achieve II = 1
 * 1. Stream data into local RAM for inputs (multiple access required)
 * 2. Partition local RAMs into N/2 sub-arrays for fully parallel access (dual-port read)
 * 3. Pipeline the dot-product loop, to fully unroll it
 * 4. Separate multiply-accumulate in inner loop to force two FP operators
void mmult_accel(float A[N*N], float B[N*N], float C[N*N]) 
     float _A[N][N], _B[N][N];
#pragma HLS array_partition variable=_A block factor=8 dim=2
#pragma HLS array_partition variable=_B block factor=8 dim=1
     for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
          for(int j=0; j<N; j++) {
               _A[i][j] = A[i * N + j];
               _B[i][j] = B[i * N + j];
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
               float result = 0;
               for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
                    float term = _A[i][k] * _B[k][j];
                    result += term;
               C[i * N + j] = 1.0/(1.0 + /*hls::*/expf(-result));

main.cpp for logistic function Test 1

replaces main.cpp in the Xiliinx matrix multiply example project. This adds the logistic function where it would be in neural network calculations
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "sds_lib.h"
#include "mmult.h"

// Non-HLS Math for benchmark purposes (non-accelerated versions of functions)
#include <math.h>

// Fixed point support experiments soon
//#include <ap_fixed.h>

#define NUM_TESTS 1024

class perf_counter
     uint64_t tot, cnt, calls;
     perf_counter() : tot(0), cnt(0), calls(0) {};
     inline void reset() { tot = cnt = calls = 0; }
     inline void start() { cnt = sds_clock_counter(); calls++; };
     inline void stop() { tot += (sds_clock_counter() - cnt); };
     inline uint64_t avg_cpu_cycles() { return (tot / calls); };

static void init_arrays(float *A,  float *B, float *C_sw, float *C)
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
               A[i * N + j] = 1+i*N+j;
               B[i * N + j] = rand() % (N * N);
               C_sw[i * N + j] = 0.0;
               C[i * N + j] = 0.0;

void mmult_golden(float *A,  float *B, float *C)
     for (int row = 0; row < N; row++) {
          for (int col = 0; col < N; col++) {
               float result = 0.0;
               for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
                    result += A[row*N+k] * B[k*N+col];
               C[row*N+col] = 1.0/(1.0 + expf(-result)); // non-accelerated logistic function

static int result_check(float *C, float *C_sw)
     for (int i = 0; i < N * N; i++) {
          if (C_sw[i] != C[i]) {
               std::cout << "Mismatch: data index=" << i << "d=" << C_sw[i] 
                         << ", dout=" << C[i] << std::endl;
               return 1;
     return 0;

int mmult_test(float *A,  float *B, float *C_sw, float *C)
     std::cout << "Testing " << NUM_TESTS << " iterations of " << N << "x" << N 
               << " floating point mmult..." << std::endl;

     perf_counter hw_ctr, sw_ctr;
     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++) 
          init_arrays(A, B, C_sw, C);

          mmult_golden(A, B, C_sw);

          mmult_accel(A, B, C);

          if (result_check(C, C_sw))
               return 1;
     uint64_t sw_cycles = sw_ctr.avg_cpu_cycles();
     uint64_t hw_cycles = hw_ctr.avg_cpu_cycles();
     double speedup = (double) sw_cycles / (double) hw_cycles;

     std::cout << "Average number of CPU cycles running mmult in software: "
               << sw_cycles << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Average number of CPU cycles running mmult in hardware: "
               << hw_cycles << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Speed up: " << speedup << std::endl;

     return 0;

 * Design principles to achieve performance
 * 1. sds_alloc to guarantee physically contiguous buffer allocation
 *    that enables the most efficient DMA configuration (axidma_simple)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
     int test_passed = 0;
     float *A, *B, *C_sw, *C;

     A = (float *)sds_alloc(N * N * sizeof(float));
     B = (float *)sds_alloc(N * N * sizeof(float));
     C = (float *)sds_alloc(N * N * sizeof(float));
     C_sw = (float *)sds_alloc(N * N * sizeof(float));
     if (!A || !B || !C || !C_sw) {
          if (A) sds_free(A);
          if (B) sds_free(B);
          if (C) sds_free(C);
          if (C_sw) sds_free(C_sw);
          return 2;
     test_passed = mmult_test(A, B, C_sw, C);
     std::cout << "TEST " << (test_passed ? "FAILED" : "PASSED") << std::endl;

     return (test_passed ? -1 : 0);


Tom Minnich
19 projects • 81 followers
Embedded software guy for a long time
