Problem statements
Based on UN statistics, EU statistics, US EPA statistics, and ABS statistics, waste is growing at compounding rate. It is estimated a third of the planet's food goes to waste.
Composting is one of the best way to reuse and recycle organic food waste. However it is easy to be said than done. Smelly aroma from the compost is inviting neighbor complaints. Somehow the compost bin can be new home of some unwanted creatures such as ants and rats. Last and but not least, the food waste could fail to decompose.
By monitoring the compost bin with IoT sensors, CompostEasy can help to create ideal breeding ground for composting to take place. CompostEasy will make composting easy.
By composting more organic waste, we can reduce methane which is the by product of food rooting in the landfill. With the increase success rate of composting, we will save the environment.
Sensor Number One, Analog pH Sensor
The ideal pH for composting is between 5.5 to 8. For further research, see and
Sensor Number Two, Waterproof Digital Temperature
By plotting the temperature, we can know the phases of the compost.
For further research, visit and
Sensor Number Three, Analog Moisture Sensor pointed out that at lower moisture the microbial activity is limited which will result decomposing process will take more time.
Data Collection and Analysis
Sensors are connected to Arduino 101 using the Expansion Shield. Arduino 101 is connected with Serial cable to a Raspberry Pi Rev 3 model B running Windows 10 IoT Core. The Raspberry Pi is powered by a souvenir from winning a Microsoft IoT Hackathon years ago.
Additional Information
Some electronic components and apps still could not be added in the "Things" section.