Hello world! Today and yesterday I made a PANIC ALARM APP, I wanted to make a voice app to turn on and off a alarm with Arduino, but the result became this panic alarm app, hopefully useful to save some people. You can setup 5 numbers of family, friends or other important numbers, this app is very handy for disabled people in trouble who live alone, sick people, people with serious panic attacks, or girls that are in danger etc. check the video to see how it works. You don't have to setup the numbers everytime of course because it saves to the apps database. Follow the next step for the schematic, parts list, code & APP. Its very easy to build!
I am also trying to make it work so you can set and change the voice commands. Now the commands are set in the APPS code.
Below are the commands.
- alarm on
- alarm off (Only works for testing without alarm attached to relay, of course this does not work when the alarm is triggered and making noise.
Step 1: Parts list & APPMake sure you set TXD to RX and RXD to TX.
Also make sure not to have the bluetooth connected when uploading the code!
Parts list.
- Arduino Uno, Any copy will do. I used the RobotDyn Uno.
- HC-06 Bluetooth module.
- KY-019 Relay.
- Jumper wires set MM/FF/MF
- 12 volt alarm + adapter.
- Couple of sim cards and phones or just friends to test it. (Just Optional)
Follow the next step to learn how to rename your HC-06 Module and how to change the baudrate & pin of your module.
NOTE: You don't need the Device. The APPs SMS & Call functions work without it to.
Step 2: How to change the name of your HC-06What is needed?
- 1 x USB to TTL microcontroller programmer to connect to your HC-06
How to connect the Programmer?
- VCC to VCC
- GND to GND
- RXD to TX
- TXD to RX
Lets get started:
- Connect the USB TTL programmer to the HC-06
- Plug in the USB and open up The Arduino IDE
- Open the serial monitor.
- Type "AT" without quotes. You should see a respond in the Serial monitor saying "OK"
- Type "AT+NAMExyz" Sets the module name to “xyz” (Replace xyz with the name you want.) response should be OKsetname.
- Type "AT+PIN1234" Set the pin to 1234 (replace 1234 with your desired pin) respond should be OKsetPIN For more info on changing baudrate etc. i included a PDF file. Good luck!
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