Hello world! Yep yep, I made another simple example project. This time for the KY-021 Mini reed switch. It will simply turn on and off a light with a relay by using a magnetic field. Reed switches are used a lot in burglar alarms.
Follow the next step for the Schematic Code & Parts List.
Step 1: Parts List.Parts List
- Arduino Uno, I used the robotdyn Uno. One with 7 analog pins! Very good stuff! Buy it!
- KY-021 Mini reed Switch
- KY-019 1 Channel Relay.
- A magnetic field, can be any magnet but it is best to use a small one. Or even better, a magnet from a alarm.
- Set of jumper wires. MM/FF/MF
- Lamp + power cable (optional, you don't need this!) The relay itself will show you if it works by turning on a led.
Good luck!