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Minimum Effective Dose
Published © MIT

Star Wars Droid Translator Helmets

Wear helmets & speak Droid to each other! Everyone hears droid "language" but wearers of the helmets hear each others' actual voice instead!

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)Over 2 days12,153

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Lithium Polymer Battery - 400mAh
Any 3.7v li-ion or li-po will work.
Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board - WAV/OGG Trigger
Use WAV files only for seamless playing
Adafruit Mono 2.5W Class D Audio Amplifier - PAM8302
Power this via a separate battery, otherwise it causes resets on the Particle Photon (and the sound board).
Throat Microphone (Kenwood wiring)
Available widely on ebay, aliexpress, etc.
Small speaker (surplus tablet computer speaker)
Just about any speaker that can fit will do.
FRS radio (off the shelf) H-777
Used for voice transmission. All interfacing is non-destructive.
Generic DPST relay, 3V coil
Used to let the Photon control the PTT (push-to-talk) of the radio, thus controlling transmission.
QRB1114 IR Reflective Sensor
Used to optically sense mouth movement (i.e. talking)
LPD8806 RGB Strip
Can substitute more modern RGB LEDs with minor code changes.
Particle Photon
Used to control everything and communicate with other units to coordinate.
DPST Rocker Switch
Used to switch two separate power supplies (batteries) with one switch.
ZVN210 N-channel MOSFET
Used to switch the coil of the relay from the Photon.
UVEX Sperian Protection S8500 Bionic Face Shield
Face shield is used as the frame for the whole helmet.

Software apps and online services

Particle UI


Read more


Main Schematic

Main schematic for one Helmet.

Wiring diagram for optional LINE OUT

If an optional LINE OUT is needed for audio from other helmets, you need to make a breakout adapter as shown. This applies to "Kenwood" style 2-prong wiring.

Droid "face" #1

Print out in color (will fit on 11x17 small poster size) and cut out to fit inside the face shield.

Droid "face" #2

Print out in color (will fit on 11x17 small poster size) and cut out to fit inside the face shield.

Droid voice sampleset #1

Set of WAV files for uploading to Adafruit WAV player (#2133). Choose a trigger input from 0-4 on the WAV player, and while LOW the player will play some semirandom droid language. These samplesets have been carefully made so that they will always sound good no matter where you start or stop.

Droid voice sampleset #2

Set of WAV files for uploading to Adafruit WAV player (#2133). Choose a trigger input from 0-4 on the WAV player, and while LOW the player will play some semirandom droid language. These samplesets have been carefully made so that they will always sound good no matter where you start or stop.


Droid Helmet Code for Particle Photon

Code from Particle's online UI. Uses the FastLED library.
#include "FastLED/FastLED.h"    // Use latest library version - might have to select 3.14 (as of Dec 2016) manually 

/* Droid Translation Helmet code
   Project Documentation: https://www.hackster.io/vastemptinessinside/star-wars-droid-translation-helmets-359bea
   Feb 2016

#define IRsensorPin A0  // Mouth sensor
#define PTT_PIN A2      // Interface to radio's TRANSMIT - via relay
#define DATA_PIN    0   // For LED strip
#define CLOCK_PIN   1
#define SOUND_0_PIN D6  // Interface to sound board
#define SOUND_1_PIN D5
#define SOUND_2_PIN D4
#define SOUND_3_PIN D3
#define SOUND_4_PIN D2

#define NUM_LEDS    4

#define BRIGHTNESS  255

#define IR_BUFFERSIZE   3
#define IR_SENSOR_STARTUP_DEADTIME  3000    // this many ms before we actually look at the data (to allow it to populate)
#define IR_SENSOR_DECAYTIME 100             // Don't assume mouth is done unless at least this much time has passed

#define PTT_DECAY_TIME  1000        // minimum time to keep PTT on, PTT is useful to hold ON separate from mouth sensor results

#define UDP_PORT_FOR_RIGHT_OF_WAY   8899
#define RIGHT_OF_WAY_DECAY_TIME     500    // How many ms that right-of-way assertion needs to be absent before we assume it's over

unsigned long int mouthSensorDeadline; // low-precision timer for when to poll the mouth movement sensor
unsigned long int mouthSensorLeaveAloneUntil;
unsigned long int mouthSensorDecayed;
unsigned long int PTToffDeadline;
int IRreadings[IR_BUFFERSIZE];
int IRindex;
int IRprevious;
int IRltindex;
bool mouthMoving;
bool amSpeaking;
bool PTTonState;
bool mouthOverride; // Whether we have a hardware override installed (auto detected)
bool rightOfWayAsserted;    // whether someone else is transmitting and has asserted right-of-way (and so we forbid transmission, etc of our own)
unsigned long int rightOfWayOver;

// LED String related

// UDP related - we use it to transmit and coordinate "right of way" when talking.
// Right of way allows reception of another helmet's transmission to overrider and suppress any talking / emitting of our own 
// as well as play light patterns unique to the act of listening.
UDP rightOfWayUDP;
IPAddress broadcastAddress(255,255,255,255);
unsigned int UDPport = UDP_PORT_FOR_RIGHT_OF_WAY;

void setup()
    // UDP functionality (transmission and reception of right-of-way signal via wifi) setup

    // Leds
    FastLED.addLeds<LPD8806, DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
    FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS );
    for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i] = CRGB::Black; }
    digitalWrite(PTT_PIN, LOW);

    Serial.println("Droid Translation Helmet Firmware Version 1.0");
    Serial.println("papp.donald@gmail.com - Feb 2016");
    Serial.println("(? for debug commands)");
    Serial.println(" ");

    Serial.println("PLAYER 1 READY");

    for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) {
        leds[i] = CRGB::Green;
    for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) {
        leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
    // Set up an initial time for checking the IR mouth movement sensor (this kicks off doing it every roughly 50ms unless changed)
    mouthSensorDeadline = millis() + MOUTH_SENSOR_SAMPLE_RATE;
    mouthSensorLeaveAloneUntil = millis() + IR_SENSOR_STARTUP_DEADTIME;
    IRindex = 0; IRprevious = IR_BUFFERSIZE-1; IRltindex = 0; 
    mouthMoving = false;
    PTToffDeadline = 0; // A time to turn the PTT off at after it turns on.  0 means inactive/disabled.

void loop() 

    if( millis() > mouthSensorDeadline )
        if( mouthOverride == true ) 
    if( (mouthMoving == true) && (rightOfWayAsserted == false) )
    if( (mouthMoving == true) && (rightOfWayAsserted == false) )
        PTTon();    // Turn on if not already on
        PTToffDeadline = millis() + PTT_DECAY_TIME; // Top up this value - keep tacking on the PTT_DECAY_TIME as long as we're talking
        sendROY();  // send a right-of-way assertion packet because we are transmitting
        leds[1] = CRGB::Green;
    if( (millis() > PTToffDeadline) && (PTToffDeadline != 0) ) 
        leds[1] = CRGB::Black;
    if( Serial.available() > 0)
        int inByte = Serial.read();
        doConsoleCommands( inByte );
    if (rightOfWayUDP.parsePacket() > 0) {    // If any UDP data exists, someone is asserting Right of Way (transmission-wise) so act accordingly.  Actual data is don't care.
        rightOfWayAsserted = true;
        rightOfWayOver = millis() + RIGHT_OF_WAY_DECAY_TIME;
        leds[0] = CRGB::Red;leds[1] = CRGB::Red;leds[2] = CRGB::Red;leds[3] = CRGB::Red;    FastLED.show();
        rightOfWayUDP.flush();  // drop the data on the floor - it's irrelevant only the transmission existence matters.
        Serial.println("Right of Way asserted by ~someone~");
        leds[0] = CRGB::Black;leds[1] = CRGB::Black;leds[2] = CRGB::Black;leds[3] = CRGB::Black;   FastLED.show();
    if( (rightOfWayAsserted == true) && (millis() > rightOfWayOver) )
        rightOfWayAsserted = false;
        Serial.println("Right of Way expired");
    delay(50);  // Makes things a little more readable


// Handle hardware override for mouth sensor
void handleMouthButton(void)
    int reading = analogRead(IRsensorPin);
    // Handle manual override - 0-2 and 4093-4094 when using manual button override
    if( reading > 4090 ) {
        //Serial.println("Override button DOWN");
        mouthMoving = true;
        //Serial.println("mouth ON");
        leds[0] = CRGB::Red;
        //Serial.println("Override button UP");
        mouthMoving = false;
        //Serial.println("mouth OFF");
        leds[0] = CRGB::Black;
    mouthSensorDeadline = millis() + MOUTH_SENSOR_SAMPLE_RATE;  // Set up for next time around

// Handle Mouth Sensor takes care of checking if it's time to read the value of the mouth sensor (an IR reflective sensor), managing a couple ring buffers of
// readings and calculating some averages, and checking whether the value changes should be considered "user is talking" or "user has stopped talking".
// And the housecleaning around that.  This function is more like a big macro, almost everything it touches is a global variable.
// Most useful of which is boolean variable "mouthMoving" which reflects whether the user is talking.
void handleMouthSensor(void)
    int reading = analogRead(IRsensorPin);  // Get current IR reading    

    IRreadings[IRindex] = reading;            // Write current value to the buffer
    int diff = IRreadings[IRindex] - IRreadings[IRprevious];    // Get absolute difference between this reading and the last one (i.e. the amount, ignore +/-)
    diff = abs(diff);
    int signedDiff = IRreadings[IRindex] - IRreadings[IRprevious];  // Same but maintains the sign
    int shortTermAvg = 0; // Average of the short-term ring buffer

    for(int i=0; i<IR_BUFFERSIZE; i++) {
        shortTermAvg += IRreadings[i]; 
    shortTermAvg = (shortTermAvg / IR_BUFFERSIZE);
    IRlongterm[IRltindex] = diff;   // Long term buffer stores magnitude changes, so store the last diff value in it.
    int IRlongtermAvg = 0; // Calculate the average diff over the entire long term

    for(int i=0; i<LONGTERM_BUFFERSIZE; i++) {
        IRlongtermAvg += IRlongterm[i]; 

    IRlongtermAvg = (IRlongtermAvg / LONGTERM_BUFFERSIZE);
    if( millis() > mouthSensorLeaveAloneUntil )
        // Decide if mouth has started moving - sensor data in IRreadings[] and IRlongterm[] are stable
        // What we have to work with is:
        //  diff: the absolute change between last reading and this reading (e.g. "50" change from last time whether it was +50 or -50)
        //  signedDiff: same but preserves the sign (so we know whether it was up or down)
        //  IRlongtermAvg: average of diffs over the past while (a primitive sort of low-pass filter)
        //  shortTermAvg: average of (default three) last readings, averages out noisy readings
        // How to decide if the mouth is moving:
        // - Since the IR sensor sometimes has spikes of noise readings (like a diff of 13 all of a sudden out of 0,1,2s) we need to ignore these
        // - We also need to ignore slow and steady changes in the average value (ambient IR changes, slow sensor movement, etc)
        // - When we detect a lot of frequent changes to the sensor value, the mouth is moving.
        // * IRlongtermAvg = used as a threshold
        // * diff = most recent amount of change
        // * if diff is significantly higher than IRlongtermAvg a number of times in a row, then trigger
        if( DUMP_IR_SENSOR_DEBUG == 1 ) {
            Serial.print(diff); Serial.print(": ");  Serial.print(IRlongtermAvg); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(abs(IRlongtermAvg-diff)); 
        // ^^ Actually if all three go double digit that's not a bad threshold, all three single digit is definitely non-movement and all three double+
        // is definitely movement.  2/3 and 1/3 = hysterysis?
        if((((diff>50) && (IRlongtermAvg>50) && (abs(IRlongtermAvg-diff)>50)) && (mouthMoving==false)) ) {
            mouthMoving = true;
            Serial.println("mouth ON");
            leds[0] = CRGB::Red;
        //if(((diff<50) && (IRlongtermAvg<50) && (abs(IRlongtermAvg-diff)<50)) && (mouthMoving==true)) {
        //else if(((diff<25) && (mouthMoving==true)) || (override==false)) {
        else if(((diff<25) && (mouthMoving==true)) ) {
            mouthMoving = false;
            leds[0] = CRGB::Black;
    // Manage the ring buffer indexes - inc then wrap if needed
    IRprevious = IRindex; IRindex++; IRltindex++;
    if( IRindex == IR_BUFFERSIZE ) { IRindex = 0; IRprevious = (IR_BUFFERSIZE-1); }
    if( IRltindex == LONGTERM_BUFFERSIZE ) { IRltindex = 0; }
    mouthSensorDeadline = millis() + MOUTH_SENSOR_SAMPLE_RATE;  // Set up for next time around

// Speak Droid (true or false ie on or off)
// Handles choosing a randome sample set to begin playing, then stops that same sample set on
// the next stop command.  In other words takes care of tracking which sample set is playing 
// or needs to be stopped (only ever one at a time).
void speakDroid(bool state)
    static int sampleChoice;
    // Choose a sample set (0-4) if we're about to play
    if( amSpeaking == false && state == false ) 
        sampleChoice = random(2,7); // Returns 2-6; seed is handled by the cloud upon connect.  Digital pins 2-6 play sample sets 0-4.
    if( state == true && amSpeaking == false )
        digitalWrite(sampleChoice, LOW);
        amSpeaking = true;
        Serial.print("|> PLAY sample set "); Serial.println(sampleChoice-2);
    if( state == false && amSpeaking == true )
        digitalWrite(sampleChoice, HIGH);
        amSpeaking = false;
        Serial.print("[] STOP sample set "); Serial.println(sampleChoice-2);

// PTT on and off control
// Energizes the relay (or turns it off)
void PTTon(void)
    if( PTTonState == true ) { 
        return;     // Already on
    Serial.println("PTT on");
    PTTonState = true;
    PTToffDeadline = millis() + PTT_DECAY_TIME; // PTT will always be ON for minimum of now + PTT_DELAY_TIME
void PTToff(void)
    if( PTTonState == false ) { 
        return;     // Already off
    Serial.println("PTT off");
    PTTonState = false;
    PTToffDeadline = 0;
void PTTonDebug(void)
    Serial.println("PTT on");
void PTToffDebug(void)
    Serial.println("PTT off");

void doConsoleCommands(int inByte)
    if( inByte == '?') {
        Serial.println(">Sound Debug: 0-4 to play, shift 0-4 to stop");
        Serial.println(">Lamp Test: L");
        Serial.println(">PTT Relay on:  p");
        Serial.println(">PTT Relay off: P");
        Serial.println(">Send single UDP right-of-way packet: u");
    else if( inByte == '0') { speakSample(0); }
    else if( inByte == '1') { speakSample(1); }
    else if( inByte == '2') { speakSample(2); }
    else if( inByte == '3') { speakSample(3); }
    else if( inByte == '4') { speakSample(4); }
    else if( inByte == ')') { speakStopSample(0); }
    else if( inByte == '!') { speakStopSample(1); }
    else if( inByte == '@') { speakStopSample(2); }
    else if( inByte == '#') { speakStopSample(3); }
    else if( inByte == '$') { speakStopSample(4); }

    else if( inByte == 'p') { PTTonDebug(); }
    else if( inByte == 'P') { PTToffDebug(); }
    else if( inByte == 'u') {  // send 1 UDP packet
        Serial.println("Sent UDP packet broadcast (asserting transmission right-of-way)");

    else if( inByte == 'L')
        Serial.println("RGB Test begin");
        for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) {
            leds[i] = CRGB::Red;
        for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) {
            leds[i] = CRGB::Green;
        for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) {
            leds[i] = CRGB::Blue;
        for(int i; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) {
            leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
        Serial.println("RGB Test end");

// For testing
void speakSample(int sampleSet)
    sampleSet = sampleSet + 2;          // D2-D6 is sampleSet 0-4
    digitalWrite(sampleSet, LOW);
    Serial.print("|> PLAY sample set "); Serial.println(sampleSet-2);
void speakStopSample(int sampleSet)
    sampleSet = sampleSet + 2;          // D2-D6 is sampleSet 0-4
    digitalWrite(sampleSet, HIGH);
    Serial.print("[] STOP sample set "); Serial.println(sampleSet-2);

// If three checks are all <10 on the mouth sensor, then assume the manual override is attached
void checkMouthSensorOverridePresent(void)
    int reading = analogRead(IRsensorPin);
    reading += analogRead(IRsensorPin);
    reading += analogRead(IRsensorPin);
    if( reading < 30 ) {
        mouthOverride = true;
        Serial.println("Mouth sensor override button present");

// Send right-of-way UDP packet
void sendROY(void)
    leds[2] = CRGB::Blue;
    char c = 'X';
    rightOfWayUDP.beginPacket(broadcastAddress, UDPport);
    leds[2] = CRGB::Black;


Minimum Effective Dose
1 project • 18 followers
I do electronics design and product development. I enjoy using things for something other than their intended purpose.


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