π Wemos Lolin32 + OLED
Let's take a peek at the Wemos Lolin32 board with built-in OLED, thanks to our friend Moheeb! This nifty little board comes with WiFi and Bluetooth, and has a visual display to help with all your #robotics projects. Plus, you can program it with Arduino or MicroPython!
Stay tuned for the Actobotics robot build video...
// https://www.hackster.io/johnnyfrx/esp32-with-integrated-oled-wemos-lolin-getting-started-07ac5d
// https://github.com/monteslu/synergy2019
// https://twitter.com/virgilvox
// https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-built-in-oled-ssd1306/
// https://makeradvisor.com/tools/wemos-lolin32-esp32-oled/