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Antenna Rotator controller compatible with tracking software

Simple controller for homemade (or commercial) antenna rotator. Manual command or USB via computer tracking software: Orbitron, SatPC32 ...

IntermediateFull instructions provided48,894
Antenna Rotator controller compatible with tracking software

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Arduino Uno board
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
max. 1Kohm (500 Ohms work better)
Rotary Encoder with Push-Button
Rotary Encoder with Push-Button
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Relay Module (Generic)
2 modules x 2 relay NO-Com-NC
Power MOSFET N-Channel
Power MOSFET N-Channel
power mosfet module (min 12V/3A)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Electric Diagram for DC motors

Make sure you use this diagram with the code for DC motors.
PWM output, Smoother antenna movement

Electric Diagram for AC motors

Make sure you use this diagram with the code for AC motors.
Offers dry contacts (ON/OFF). It can be easily interfaced with commercial rotators.



This code is for DC motors, with soft start/stop PWM output.
Use electric diagram for DC motors.
/*  AZ/EL Antenna Rotator controller for Arduino - DC motors - PWM output
 *  =====================================================================
 *  Uses EasyComm protocol for computer - Tracking Software
 *  Manual command by means of two rotary encoders AZ - EL
 *  Viorel Racoviteannu
 *  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRLZX0bV9rS04BGAyUf-fA
 *  https://racov.ro
 *  YO3RAK@gmail.com
 * I cannot take any responsibility for missuse of this code
 * or any kind of damage it may occur from using this code.
 * dec 2020 v2 - improved serial comm stability
 * jan 2021 - improved near target dead-zone, for which antenna won't move
 * apr 2021 - improved serial comm stability
 * jun 2021 - error proportional power for tracking movement. Real Soft-Stop
 * aug 2021 - faster USB update, cold switching Az/El direction, small optimizations in the code
 * nov 2021 - cracked the secret of Soft-Start. It wasn't hard. There you have it
 * aug 2022 - improved EL encoder functionality, electric diagram modified - encoders connections
#include <Wire.h> // Library for I2C communication
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // https://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/liquid-crystal-i2-c (Library for LCD)
// Wiring: SDA pin is connected to A4 and SCL pin to A5.
// Connect to LCD via I2C, default address 0x27 (A0-A2 not jumpered)
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // address, chars, rows.

// declaring custom symbol for up/down arrow
 byte DownArrow[8] = {
 byte UpArrow[8] = {

/***********************************THIS IS WHERE YOU REALY TWEAK THE ANTENNA MOVEMENT***************/
// ANTENNA potentiometers CALIBRATION
  int AzMin = 1;         //begining of the potentiometer
  int AzMax = 1023;      //end of the potentiometer 
  int ElMin = 1;
  int ElMax = 1023;

// Allowed error for which antennna won't move
  int AzErr = 8;
  int ElErr = 4;

// Angle difference where soft stop begins
  int Amax = 25;        //azimuth
  int Emax = 15;        //elevation

// min and max power for motors, percents;
  int PwAzMin = 30;     //minimum power for which the motor doesn't stall and starts under load
  int PwAzMax = 100;    //full power for the fastest speed
  int PwElMin = 30;
  int PwElMax = 100;


  enum PinAssignments {
  AzPotPin = A0,        // input pin for the azim. potentiometer
  ElPotPin = A1,        // input pin for the elev. potentiometer    
  AzEncoderPinA = 2,    // Az encoder right
  AzEncoderPinB = 4,    // Az encoder left
  AzClearButton = 5,    // Az encoder push
  ElEncoderPinA = 3,    // El encoder right
  ElEncoderPinB = 6,    // El encoder left
  ElClearButton = 7,    // El encoder push
  ElPWMPin = 9,         // out pin for elevation rotation PWM command
  AzPWMPin = 10,        // out pin for azimuth PWM command
  AzRotPin = 11,        // out pin for Az rotation direction
  ElRotPin = 12,        // out pin for El rotation direction
// Az encoder variables
  int AzEncBut = 1;                   // variable to toggle with encoder push button
  volatile boolean AzEncRot;          // if rotation occured
  volatile boolean AzEncUp;           // direction of rotation
// El encoder variables
  int ElEncBut = 1;
  volatile boolean ElEncRot;
  volatile boolean ElEncUp;
// movement variables
  int TruAzim = 0;      // calculated real azimuth value
  int ComAzim = 0;      // commanded azimuth value
  int TruElev = 0;      // calculated real elevation value
  int ComElev = 0;      // commanded elevation value
  int OldTruAzim = 0;   // to store previous azimuth value
  int OldComAzim = 0;
  int OldTruElev = 0;   // to store previous elevation value
  int OldComElev = 0;
  int StaAzim = 0;      // Start Azimuth angle for motor Soft-Start
  int StaElev = 0;      // Start Elevation angle for motor Soft-Start
  int PwAzStop = 0;     // calculated PWM (percent) for soft-stop
  int PwAzStar = 0;     // calculated PWM (percent) for soft-start
  int PwElStop = 0;     // calculated PWM (percent) for soft-stop
  int PwElStar = 0;     // calculated PWM (percent) for soft-start
  int PwAz = 0;         //calculated power to be transmitted to motor (percents);
  int PwEl = 0;
  char AzDir;           // symbol for azim rot display
  char ElDir;           // symbol for elev. rot display
  unsigned long NowTime;         // store the current millis() for timing purposes
// flags for AZ, EL tolerances
  bool AzStop = false;
  bool ElStop = false;
  int ElUp = 1;                  // 1 - Elevation Dn, 0 - Elevation STOP, 2 - Elevation Up
//averaging loop
  const int numReadings = 25;
  int readIndex = 0;             // the index of the current reading  
  int azimuth[numReadings];      // the readings from the analog input
  int elevation[numReadings];
  int totalAz = 0;               // the running total
  int totalEl = 0;

// variables for serial comm
  String Azimuth = "";
  String Elevation = "";
  String ComputerRead;
  String ComputerWrite;
  bool AZser = false;
  bool ELser = false;
  bool ANTser = false;

/*************** END VARIABLE DECLARATION  ************/

void setup() {
  Serial.setTimeout(50);           // miliseconds to wait for USB sata. Default 1000
// Initiate the LCD:
//  lcd.begin(16,2);               //select this one if the arrows are not displayed correctly

// write on display name and version
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);           // Set the cursor on the first column first row.(counting starts at 0!)
  lcd.print("EasyCom AntRotor"); // display "..."
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);           // Set the cursor on the first column the second row
  lcd.print("*Racov* Aug.2022");

//creating custom symbol for up/dwn arrow
  lcd.createChar(1, DownArrow);
  lcd.createChar(2, UpArrow);
// pin declaration
  pinMode(AzRotPin, OUTPUT);       //declaring  azim. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(AzPWMPin, OUTPUT);       //declaring  azimuth PWM command Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(ElRotPin, OUTPUT);       //declaring  elev. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(ElPWMPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AzPotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElPotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzEncoderPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzEncoderPinB, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzClearButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElEncoderPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElEncoderPinB, INPUT);

// Interrupt Service Routine for Az and El encoder
  attachInterrupt(0, doAzEnc, CHANGE);                               // Az encoder
  attachInterrupt(1, doElEnc, CHANGE);                               // El Encoder

/* initialization of the averaging loop
   this is to set Az/El-command the same value as real, not to jerk the antenna at start-up */
  TruAzim = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));       // transforms potentiometer voltage into azimuth angle
  TruElev = (map(analogRead(ElPotPin), ElMin, ElMax, 0, 90));        // transforms potentiometer voltage into elevation angle

  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++) {
    azimuth[thisReading] = TruAzim;
    elevation[thisReading] = TruElev;
  totalAz = TruAzim * numReadings;
  totalEl = TruElev * numReadings;

/* keep command values in range  */
  ComAzim = constrain(TruAzim, 0, 359);
  ComElev = constrain(TruElev, 0, 90);
  OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
  OldComAzim = ComAzim;
  OldTruElev = TruElev;
  OldComElev = TruElev;

  delay(1500);                     // keep for 1.5 seconds
// display Azim. and Elev. values
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Azm.---" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd.---" + String(char(223)));  // char(223) is degree symbol
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Elv. --" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd. --" + String(char(223)));
  DisplValue(TruAzim, 4,0);
  DisplValue(TruElev, 4,1);
// end SETUP

void loop() {
/************** FYI, this loop repeats 500 times per second !!! **************/
  // subtract the oldest value
  totalAz = totalAz - azimuth[readIndex];
  totalEl = totalEl - elevation[readIndex];
  // read from the sensor:
  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));
  elevation[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(ElPotPin), ElMin, ElMax, 0, 90));
  // add the reading to the total:
  totalAz = totalAz + azimuth[readIndex];
  totalEl = totalEl + elevation[readIndex];
  // do the average
  TruAzim = totalAz / numReadings;
  TruElev = totalEl / numReadings;
/*  keep values in range
  TruAzim = constrain(TruAzim, 0, 359);
  TruElev = constrain(TruElev, 0, 90); */
  // advance to the next position in the array
  // if we're at the end of the array, wrap around to the beginning:
  readIndex = (readIndex + 1) % numReadings;

// read the command from encoder
  if (Serial.available()) {SerComm();}          // read USB data

// update antenna position display only if value change
  if ((millis() - NowTime) > 300){              //every 0.3 seconds, not to flicker the display
    if (OldTruAzim!=TruAzim) {
      OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
    if (OldTruElev!=TruElev) {
      OldTruElev = TruElev;
    NowTime = millis();

// update target position display only if value change
  if (OldComAzim != ComAzim) {
    OldComAzim = ComAzim;
  if (OldComElev != ComElev) {
    OldComElev = ComElev;

// this is to rotate in azimuth
  if (TruAzim == ComAzim) {                   // if equal, stop moving
    AzStop = true;
    analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                 // Az motor power = 0
    StaAzim = TruAzim;                        // this will be the start azimuth for soft-start
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    else if ((abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)<=AzErr)&&(AzStop == false)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
    else if (abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)>AzErr){   // if target is off tolerance
      AzStop = false;                         // it's not equal
      AzimRotate();                           // rotate

// this is to rotate in elevation
  if (TruElev == ComElev) {                   // if equal, stop moving
    ElStop = true;
    analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);                 // El motor power = 0
    StaElev = TruElev;                        // this will be the start elevation for soft-start
    lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
    ElUp = 0;                                 // flag for elevation STOP
  else if ((abs(TruElev - ComElev)<=ElErr)&&(ElStop == false)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
  else if (abs(TruElev - ComElev)>ElErr){     // if target is off tolerance
    ElStop = false;                           // it's not equal
    ElevRotate();                             // rotate
  // this is to interpret Az encoder x10 multiplication
  while (AzEncBut == 10) {                    // while toggled to x10
    analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                 // STOP antenna rotation
    StaAzim = TruAzim;                        // this will be the start azimuth for soft-start
    analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    if (OldComAzim != ComAzim){               // update display only if numbers change
      DisplValue(ComAzim, 12, 0);
      OldComAzim = ComAzim;
    delay (100);
}  // end main LOOP

// ___________procedures definitions__________________

void DisplValue(int x, int y, int z) {
  char displayString[7] = "";
  sprintf(displayString, "%3d", x);           // outputs a fixed lenght number (3 integer)
  lcd.setCursor(y, z);                        // for leading zeros '007' use "%03d"
// ************** FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES **************
  Serial.print ("Az ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(AzPotPin));
  Serial.print ("El ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(ElPotPin));
}  // end DisplValue()

void ReadAzimEncoder() {
  if (digitalRead(AzClearButton) == LOW )  {      // if encoder switch depressed
    delay (250);                                  // debounce switch
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);                          // refresh all the writings on the screen
    lcd.print("Azm.---" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd.---" + String(char(223)));
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
    lcd.print("Elv. --" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd. --" + String(char(223)));
    DisplValue(TruAzim, 4,0);
    DisplValue(TruElev, 4,1);
    if (AzEncBut == 1){
      AzEncBut = 10;                              // increment by 10 degrees
      ComAzim = int(ComAzim/10)*10;               // ComAzim in 10deg. steps 
      AzEncBut = 1;

  if (AzEncRot){
    delay(20);                                    // debouncing
    if (AzEncUp)
      ComAzim += AzEncBut;
      ComAzim -= AzEncBut;
    ComAzim = ((ComAzim + 360) % 360);            // Az Cmd between 0 and 359 deg continuous
    AzEncRot = false;
} //end ReadAzimEncoder()

void ReadElevEncoder() {
  if (digitalRead(ElClearButton) == LOW )  {      // set Park Position Command Az/El
    delay(250);                                   // debounce switch
    ComAzim = 260;
    ComElev = 0;

  if (ElEncRot){
    delay(20);                                    // debouncing
    if (ElEncUp)
      ComElev ++;
      ComElev --;
    ComElev = constrain(ComElev, 0, 90);          // keep El Cmd value in range
    ElEncRot = false;
}  // end of ReadElevEncoder()

// Interrupt Service Routine for a change to encoder pin A and B
void doAzEnc ()
  if (digitalRead (AzEncoderPinA))
    AzEncUp = digitalRead (AzEncoderPinB);
    AzEncUp = !digitalRead (AzEncoderPinB);
  AzEncRot = true;
}  // end of doAzEnc

void doElEnc ()
  if (digitalRead (ElEncoderPinA))
    ElEncUp = digitalRead (ElEncoderPinB);
    ElEncUp = !digitalRead (ElEncoderPinB);
    ElEncRot = true;
}  // end of doElEnc

void AzimRotate() {
    if (ComAzim > TruAzim) {                          // this to determine direction of rotation
// cold switching - stop motor before changing direction - to protect mechanic and electric parts
        if (AzDir == char(127)) {                     // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
          analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                   // STOP the motor
          StaAzim = TruAzim;                          // this will be the start azimuth for soft-start
          delay(200);                                 // pre-switch delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, LOW);                // deactivate rotation pin - rotate right
          delay(200);                                 // post-switch delay
        else {                                        // same directin, no Stop, no delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, LOW);                // deactivate rotation pin - rotate right
          AzDir = char(126);                          // "->"
      else {
        if (AzDir == char(126)) {                     // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
          analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                   // STOP the motor
          StaAzim = TruAzim;                          // this will be the start azimuth for soft-start
          delay(200);                                 // pre-switch delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, HIGH);               // activate rotation pin - rotate left
          delay(200);                                 // post-switch delay
        else {                                        // same directin, no Stop, no delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, HIGH);               // activate rotation pin - rotate left
        AzDir = char(127);                            // "<-"
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
 // this activates azim PWM pin proportional with angle error (calculated in percents %)
    PwAzStop = PwAzMin + round((abs(ComAzim-TruAzim))*(PwAzMax-PwAzMin)/Amax);   //formula which outputs a power proportional with angle difference for Soft-Stop
    PwAzStar = PwAzMin + round((abs(StaAzim-TruAzim))*(PwAzMax-PwAzMin)/Amax);   //formula which outputs a power proportional with angle difference for Soft-Start
    if (PwAzStar > PwAzStop){
         PwAz = PwAzStop;                             //choose whichever value is smallest
      else {PwAz = PwAzStar;}
    if (PwAz > PwAzMax) {PwAz = PwAzMax;}
    analogWrite(AzPWMPin, round(2.55*PwAz));          // activate Azim drive PWM pin 
}  // end AzimRotate()

void ElevRotate() {
// this to determine direction of rotation
    if (ComElev > TruElev) {
      if (ElUp == 1) {                                // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
        analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);                     // STOP the motor
        StaElev = TruElev;                            // this will be the start elevation for soft-start
        delay(200);                                   // pre-switch delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
        delay(200);                                   // post-switch delay
      else {                                          // same directin, no Stop, no delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      lcd.write(2);                                   // arrow up
      ElUp = 2;                                       // flag for elevation UP
     else {
      if (ElUp == 2) {                                // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
        analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);                     // STOP the motor
        StaElev = TruElev;                            // this will be the start elevation for soft-start
        delay(200);                                   // pre-switch delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, HIGH);                 // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
        delay(200);                                   // post-switch delay
      else {                                          // same directin, no Stop, no delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, HIGH);                 // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
        lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
        lcd.write(1);                                 // arrow down
        ElUp = 1;                                     // flag for elevation DN
 // this activates azim PWM pin proportional with angle error (calculated in percents %)
    PwElStop = PwElMin + round((abs(ComElev-TruElev))*(PwElMax-PwElMin)/Emax);   //formula which outputs a power proportional with angle difference for Soft-Stop
    PwElStar = PwElMin + round((abs(StaElev-TruElev))*(PwElMax-PwElMin)/Emax);   //formula which outputs a power proportional with angle difference for Soft-Start
    if (PwElStar > PwElStop){
         PwEl = PwElStop;                             //choose whichever value is smallest
      else {PwEl = PwElStar;}
    if (PwEl > PwElMax) {PwEl = PwElMax;}
    analogWrite(ElPWMPin, round(2.55*PwEl));          // activate Elev drive PWM pin
}  // end ElevRotate()

void SerComm() {
  // initialize readings
  ComputerRead = "";
  Azimuth = "";
  Elevation = "";

  while(Serial.available()) {
    ComputerRead= Serial.readString();  // read the incoming data as string
//    Serial.println(ComputerRead);     // echo the reception for testing purposes
// looking for command <AZxxx.x>
    for (int i = 0; i <= ComputerRead.length(); i++) {
     if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'A')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'Z')){ // if read AZ
      for (int j = i+2; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
        if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                                // if the character is number
          Azimuth = Azimuth + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
        else {break;}
// looking for command <ELxxx.x>
    for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()-2); i++) {
      if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'E')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'L')){ // if read EL
        if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i+2)) == '-') {
          ComElev = 0;                  // if elevation negative
        for (int j = i+2; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
          if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                               // if the character is number
            Elevation = Elevation + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
          else {break;}
// if <AZxx> received
    if (Azimuth != ""){
      ComAzim = Azimuth.toInt();
      ComAzim = ComAzim%360;          // keeping values between limits(for trackers with more than 360 deg. rotation)

// if <ELxx> received
    if (Elevation != ""){
      ComElev = Elevation.toInt();
      if (ComElev>180) { ComElev = 0;}
      if (ComElev>90) {               //if received more than 90deg. (for trackers with 180deg. elevation)
        ComElev = 180-ComElev;        //keep below 90deg.
        ComAzim = (ComAzim+180)%360;  //and rotate the antenna on the back

// looking for <AZ EL> interogation for antenna position
  for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()-4); i++) {
    if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'A')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'Z')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+3) == 'E')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+4) == 'L')){
    // send back the antenna position <+xxx.x xx.x>
      ComputerWrite = "+"+String(TruAzim)+".0 "+String(TruElev)+".0";
    //ComputerWrite = "AZ"+String(TruAzim)+".0 EL"+String(TruElev)+".0"; //that's for Gpredict and HamLib
}  // end SerComm()


This code is for relay output or AC motors.
Use electric diagram for AC motors.
/*  AZ/EL Antenna Rotator controller for Arduino - relay output
 *  ===========================================================
 *  Uses EasyComm protocol for computer - Tracking Software
 *  Manual command by means of two rotary encoders AZ - EL
 *  compatible with switch-box rotators 
 *  or AC motors
 *  dry contatcts for Left-Right, Up-Down
 *  Viorel Racoviteannu /
 *  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRLZX0bV9rS04BGAyUf-fA
 *  https://racov.ro
 *  YO3RAK@gmail.com
 * I cannot take any responsibility for missuse of this code
 * or any kind of damage it may occur from using this code.
 * dec 2020 v2 - improved serial comm stability
 * jan 2021 - fixed AZ, EL tolerances for motor activation
 * apr 2021 - improved serial comm stability
 * aug 2021 - faster USB update, cold switching Az/El direction, small optimizations in the code
 * ian 2022 - small optimizations
 * aug 2022 - improved EL encoder functionality, electric diagram modified - encoders connections
#include <Wire.h> // Library for I2C communication
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // https://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/liquid-crystal-i2-c (Library for LCD)
// Wiring: SDA pin is connected to A4 and SCL pin to A5.
// Connect to LCD via I2C, default address 0x27 (A0-A2 not jumpered)
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // address, chars, rows.

// declaring custom symbol for up/down arrow
 byte DownArrow[8] = {
 byte UpArrow[8] = {

// ANTENNA potentiometers CALIBRATION
  int AzMin = 1;                     //begining of the potentiometer
  int AzMax = 1023;                  //end of the potentiometer 
  int ElMin = 1;
  int ElMax = 1023;

// Allowed error for which antenna won't move
  int AzErr = 8;
  int ElErr = 4;

// PIN assignement
  enum PinAssignment {
  AzPotPin = A0,                      // input pin for the azim. potentiometer
  ElPotPin = A1,                      // input pin for the elev. potentiometer
  AzEncoderPinA = 2,                  // Az encoder right
  AzEncoderPinB = 4,                  // Az encoder left
  AzClearButton = 5,                  // Az encoder push
  ElEncoderPinA = 3,                  // El encoder right
  ElEncoderPinB = 6,                  // El encoder left
  ElClearButton = 7,                  // El encoder push
  ElRotPinD = 8,
  ElRotPinU = 9,                      // out pin for elevation rotation direction
  AzRotPinL = 10,
  AzRotPinR = 11                      // out pin for rotation direction
// Az encoder variables
  int AzEncBut = 1;                   // variable to toggle with encoder push button
  volatile boolean AzEncRot;          // if rotation occured
  volatile boolean AzEncUp;           // direction of rotation
// El encoder variables
  int ElEncBut = 1;
  volatile boolean ElEncRot;
  volatile boolean ElEncUp;
// movement variables
  int TruAzim = 0;                    // calculated real azimuth value
  int ComAzim = 0;                    // commanded azimuth value
  int TruElev = 0;                    // calculated real elevation value
  int ComElev = 0;                    // commanded elevation value
  int OldTruAzim = 0;                 // store previous azimuth values
  int OldComAzim = 0;
  int OldTruElev = 0;                 // store previous elevation values
  int OldComElev = 0;
  char AzDir;                         // symbol for azim rot display
  char ElDir;                         // symbol for elev. rot display
  unsigned long NowTime;              // store the current millis() for timing purposes
// flags for AZ, EL tolerances
  bool AzStop = false;
  bool ElStop = false;
  int ElUp = 0;                       // 1 = Elevation Dn, 0 = Elevation STOP, 2 = Elevation Up
// averaging loop
  const int numReadings = 25;
  int readIndex = 0;                  // the index of the current reading  
  int azimuth[numReadings];           // the readings from the analog input
  int elevation[numReadings];
  int totalAz = 0;                    // the running total
  int totalEl = 0;

// variables for serial comm
  String Azimuth = "";
  String Elevation = "";
  String ComputerRead;
  String ComputerWrite;
  bool AZser = false;
  bool ELser = false;
  bool ANTser = false;

/*************** END VARIABLE DECLARATION  ************/
void setup() {
  Serial.setTimeout(50);         // miliseconds to wait for USB sata. Default 1000
// Initiate the LCD:
//  lcd.begin(16,2);             //select this one if the arrows are not displayed correctly
// write on display name and version
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);           // Set the cursor on the first column first row.(counting starts at 0!)
  lcd.print("EasyCom AntRotor");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);           // Set the cursor on the first column the second row
  lcd.print("*Racov* Aug.2022");
// creating custom symbol for up/dwn arrow
  lcd.createChar(1, DownArrow);
  lcd.createChar(2, UpArrow);
// pin declaration
  pinMode(AzRotPinR, OUTPUT);    //declaring  azim. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(AzRotPinL, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ElRotPinD, OUTPUT);    //declaring  elev. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(ElRotPinU, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AzPotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElPotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzEncoderPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzEncoderPinB, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzClearButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElEncoderPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElEncoderPinB, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElClearButton, INPUT);
// deactivate rotation pins
  digitalWrite(AzRotPinL, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AzRotPinR, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ElRotPinD, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ElRotPinU, LOW);

// Interrupt Service Routine for Az and El encoder
  attachInterrupt(0, doAzEnc, CHANGE);                               // Az encoder
  attachInterrupt(1, doElEnc, CHANGE);                               // El Encoder

/* initialization of the averaging loop
   this is to set Az/El-command the same value as real, not to jerk the antenna at start-up */
  TruAzim = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));       // transforms potentiometer voltage into azimuth angle
  TruElev = (map(analogRead(ElPotPin), ElMin, ElMax, 0, 90));        // transforms potentiometer voltage into elevation angle

  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++) {
    azimuth[thisReading] = TruAzim;
    elevation[thisReading] = TruElev;
  totalAz = TruAzim * numReadings;
  totalEl = TruElev * numReadings;

/* keep command values in range  */
  ComAzim = constrain(TruAzim, 0, 359);
  ComElev = constrain(TruElev, 0, 90);
  OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
  OldComAzim = ComAzim;
  OldTruElev = TruElev;
  OldComElev = TruElev;

  delay(1500);                                // wait 1.5 seconds
// display Azim. and Elev. values
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Azm.---" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd.---" + String(char(223)));  // char(223) is degree symbol
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Elv. --" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd. --" + String(char(223)));
  DisplValue(TruAzim, 4,0);
  DisplValue(TruElev, 4,1);
// end SETUP
void loop() {         /************** FYI, this loop repeats 500 times per second !!! **************/

  // subtract the oldest value
  totalAz = totalAz - azimuth[readIndex];
  totalEl = totalEl - elevation[readIndex];
  // read from the sensor:
  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));
  elevation[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(ElPotPin), ElMin, ElMax, 0, 90));
  // add the reading to the total:
  totalAz = totalAz + azimuth[readIndex];
  totalEl = totalEl + elevation[readIndex];
  // do the average
  TruAzim = totalAz / numReadings;
  TruElev = totalEl / numReadings;
/*  keep values in range
  TruAzim = constrain(TruAzim, 0, 359);
  TruElev = constrain(TruElev, 0, 90); */
  // advance to the next position in the array
  // if we're at the end of the array, wrap around to the beginning:
  readIndex = (readIndex + 1) % numReadings;
// read the command from encoder
// read the command from computer
  if (Serial.available()) {SerComm();}        // read USB data

// update antenna position display only if value change
  if ((millis() - NowTime) > 300){            //every 0.3 seconds, not to flicker the display
    if (OldTruAzim!=TruAzim) {
      OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
    if (OldTruElev!=TruElev) {
      OldTruElev = TruElev;
    NowTime = millis();
// update target position display only if value change
  if (OldComAzim != ComAzim) {
    OldComAzim = ComAzim;
  if (OldComElev != ComElev) {
    OldComElev = ComElev;

// this is to rotate in azimuth
  if (TruAzim == ComAzim) {                   // if equal, stop moving
    AzStop = true;
    digitalWrite(AzRotPinL, LOW);             // deactivate rotation pin 
    digitalWrite(AzRotPinR, LOW);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    else if ((abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)<=AzErr)&&(AzStop == false)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
    else if (abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)>AzErr){   // if target is off tolerance
      AzStop = false;                         // it's not equal
      AzimRotate();                           // rotate

// this is to rotate in elevation
  if (TruElev == ComElev) {                   // if equal, stop moving
    ElStop = true;
    digitalWrite(ElRotPinD, LOW);             // deactivate elevator pin
    digitalWrite(ElRotPinU, LOW);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
    ElUp = 0;                                 // flag for elevation STOP
    else if ((abs(TruElev - ComElev)<=ElErr)&&(ElStop == false)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
    else if (abs(TruElev - ComElev)>ElErr){   // if target is off tolerance
      ElStop = false;                         // it's not equal
      ElevRotate();                           // rotate

// this is to interpret x10 AZ ENC multiplication
  while (AzEncBut == 10) {                    // while toggled to x10
    digitalWrite(AzRotPinL, LOW);             // deactivate rotation pin 
    digitalWrite(AzRotPinR, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ElRotPinD, LOW);             // deactivate elevator pin
    digitalWrite(ElRotPinU, LOW);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    if (OldComAzim != ComAzim){               // update display only if numbers change
      DisplValue(ComAzim, 12, 0);
      OldComAzim = ComAzim;
    if (OldComElev != ComElev){               // update display only if numbers change
      DisplValue(ComElev, 12, 1);
      OldComElev = ComElev;
// end main LOOP

// ___________procedures definitions__________________

void DisplValue(int x, int y, int z) {
  char displayString[7] = "";
  sprintf(displayString, "%3d", x);           // outputs a fixed lenght number (3 integer)
  lcd.setCursor(y, z);                        // for leading zeros '007' use "%03d"
// ************** FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES **************
  Serial.print ("Az ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(AzPotPin));
  Serial.print ("El ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(ElPotPin));
}  // end DisplValue()

void ReadAzimEncoder() {
  if (digitalRead(AzClearButton) == LOW )  {      // if encoder switch depressed
    delay (250);                                  // debounce switch
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);                          // refresh all the writings on the screen
    lcd.print("Azm.---" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd.---" + String(char(223)));
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
    lcd.print("Elv. --" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd. --" + String(char(223)));
    DisplValue(TruAzim, 4,0);
    DisplValue(TruElev, 4,1);
    if (AzEncBut == 1){
      AzEncBut = 10;                              // increment by 10 degrees
      ComAzim = int(ComAzim/10)*10;               // ComAzim in 10deg. steps 
      AzEncBut = 1;

  if (AzEncRot){
    delay(20);                                    // debouncing
    if (AzEncUp)
      ComAzim += AzEncBut;
      ComAzim -= AzEncBut;
    ComAzim = ((ComAzim + 360) % 360);            // Az Cmd between 0 and 359 deg continuous
    AzEncRot = false;
} //end ReadAzimEncoder()

void ReadElevEncoder() {
  if (digitalRead(ElClearButton) == LOW )  {      // set Park Position Command Az/El
    delay(250);                                   // debounce switch
    ComAzim = 260;
    ComElev = 0;

  if (ElEncRot){
    delay(20);                                    // debouncing
    if (ElEncUp)
      ComElev ++;
      ComElev --;
    ComElev = constrain(ComElev, 0, 90);          // keep El Cmd value in range
    ElEncRot = false;
}  // end of ReadElevEncoder()

// Interrupt Service Routine for a change to encoder pin A and B
void doAzEnc ()
  if (digitalRead (AzEncoderPinA))
    AzEncUp = digitalRead (AzEncoderPinB);
    AzEncUp = !digitalRead (AzEncoderPinB);
  AzEncRot = true;
}  // end of doAzEnc

void doElEnc ()
  if (digitalRead (ElEncoderPinA))
    ElEncUp = digitalRead (ElEncoderPinB);
    ElEncUp = !digitalRead (ElEncoderPinB);
    ElEncRot = true;
}  // end of doElEnc

void AzimRotate() {
    if (ComAzim > TruAzim) {                     // this to determine direction of rotation
// cold switching - stop motor before changing direction, to protect mechanic and electric parts
      digitalWrite(AzRotPinL, LOW);              // deactivate rotation pin Left
      if (AzDir == char(127)) {delay(1000);}     // if previously rotating in the oposite direction, wait 1 second
      digitalWrite(AzRotPinR, HIGH);             // activate rotation pin Right
      AzDir = char(126);                         // "->"
    else {
      digitalWrite(AzRotPinR, LOW);
      if (AzDir == char(126)) {delay(1000);}
      digitalWrite(AzRotPinL, HIGH);
      AzDir = char(127);                         // "<-"
  lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
}  // end AzimRotate()

void ElevRotate() {
// this to determine direction of rotation
    if (ComElev > TruElev) {
      digitalWrite(ElRotPinD, LOW);
      if (ElUp == 1) {delay(1000);}
      digitalWrite(ElRotPinU, HIGH);
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      lcd.write(2);                              // arrow up
      ElUp = 2;
     else {
      digitalWrite(ElRotPinU, LOW);
      if (ElUp == 2) {delay(1000);}
      digitalWrite(ElRotPinD, HIGH);
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      lcd.write(1);                              // arrow down
      ElUp = 1;
}  // end ElevRotate()

void SerComm() {
  // initialize readings
  ComputerRead = "";
  Azimuth = "";
  Elevation = "";

  while(Serial.available()) {
    ComputerRead= Serial.readString();           // read the incoming data as string
//    Serial.println(ComputerRead);              // echo the reception for testing purposes
// looking for command <AZxxx.x>
    for (int i = 0; i <= ComputerRead.length(); i++) {
     if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'A')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'Z')){ // if read AZ
      for (int j = i+2; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
        if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                                // if the character is number
          Azimuth = Azimuth + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
        else {break;}
// looking for command <ELxxx.x>
    for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()-2); i++) {
      if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'E')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'L')){ // if read EL
        if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i+2)) == '-') {                               // if received elevation negative
          ComElev = 0;                                                         // keep antenna to zero
        for (int j = i+2; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
          if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                               // if the character is number
            Elevation = Elevation + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
          else {break;}
// if <AZxx> received
    if (Azimuth != ""){
      ComAzim = Azimuth.toInt();
      ComAzim = ComAzim%360;          // keeping values in range

// if <ELxx> received
    if (Elevation != ""){
      ComElev = Elevation.toInt();
      if (ComElev>180) { ComElev = 0;}
      if (ComElev>90) {               // if received more than 90deg. (for trackers with 180deg. elevation)
        ComElev = 180-ComElev;        //keep below 90deg.
        ComAzim = (ComAzim+180)%360;  //and rotate the antenna on the back

// looking for <AZ EL> interogation for antenna position
  for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()-4); i++) {
    if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'A')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'Z')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+3) == 'E')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+4) == 'L')){
    // send back the antenna position <+xxx.x xx.x>
      ComputerWrite = "+"+String(TruAzim)+".0 "+String(TruElev)+".0";
 //ComputerWrite = "AZ"+String(TruAzim)+".0 EL"+String(TruElev)+".0"; //that's for Gpredict and HamLib
}  // end SerComm()

Potentiometer calibration procedure

AZ / EL Potentiometers limit calibration PROCEDURE for displaying the correct antenna angles and rotation limits ( 0-359ᴼ / 0-90ᴼ)
This is plain text, not a code :)
AZ / EL Potentiometers limit calibration PROCEDURE  ( 0-359 /  0-90)
1. Open the code in Arduino and
- Look for:

// ************** FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES **************
  Serial.print ("Az ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(AzPotPin));
  Serial.print ("El ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(ElPotPin));

- Eliminate the simbols /* and */
- The text above should turn from gray into black and coloured.

2. Upload the code and open the serial monitor. There you will see a lot of numbers;

3. With the help of the encoders, move the antenna to minimum values, 0 in azimuth and 0 in elevation.
- Write down the values for Azimuth and Elevation. (in my case it was AzMin=90, ElMin=10)
- These are the input values read by Arduino, not the real angles;

4. Move the antenna again to maximum values,  359 in azimuth and 90 in elevation.
- Again, write down the values for Azimuth and Elevation. (in my case it was AzMax=1000, ElMax=992);

5. Look in the code, at the beginning, for the section

// ANTENNA potentiometers CALIBRATION
  int AzMin = 1;
  int AzMax = 1023;
  int ElMin = 1;
  int ElMax = 1023;

- Here input the values you wrote down earlier, like
  int AzMin = 90;
  int AzMax = 1000;
  int ElMin = 10;
  int ElMax = 992;

6. Now it is no longer necessary to send this on serial, so you have to comment back these lines, like this:
  Serial.print ("Az ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(AzPotPin));
  Serial.print ("El ");
  Serial.println (analogRead(ElPotPin));
- The text above should turn gray

7. Upload again the code.

That's all. Now, in the serial monitor, there should be no more numbers.

Motor calibration procedure

This procedure sets the parameters for the Antenna Speed-Up / Slow-Down Zone.
This is plain text, not a code :)
Motor Calibration Procedure For Soft-Start / Soft-Stop feature.
This procedure sets the parameters for the Antenna Speed-Up / Slow-Down and the Dead-Zone.
You basically set how fast and how slow you want the antenna to start and to stop. You also set much the target can move, before the antenna will adjust again.
Its not strictly necessary, only if you dont like the default settings.
Make sure you first apply the Potentiometer Calibration Procedure !!! That one is strictly necessary.
Look at the power diagram for a better understanding.

***For Azimuth movement***
-As the antenna starts to move towards the target, is picking up speed, reaching full power after <Amax> degrees difference. 
-As the antenna closes in to the target, below <Amax> degrees difference, it starts to slow down. <Amax> should be higher for heavier antennas.
-The power starts to decrease from <PwAzMax> to <PwAzMin> until the angle difference becomes zero.
  <PwAzMax> (in percents %) should be 100 for full speed. If you ever think your antenna rotates too fast, you can set a smaller <PwAzMax>.
  <PwAzMin> (in percents %) is the minimum power for which your motor doesnt stall and can start under load. The power output never falls below this value.
-Once the antenna reaches the target position (zero degrees error), it stops and doesnt move again until the target travels more than <AzErr> degrees.
  This is a dead zone, to prevent continuously shaking the antenna for the smallest target movement, or potentiometer position jitter.
  The smaller the <AzErr>, the more precise tracking, the more frequent shacking of the motors.

***For Elevation movement***
Exactly as for the Azimuth.

Look at the beginning of the code for this section. Here you can input your  desired values.


// Allowed error for which antennna won't move.
  int AzErr = 8;
  int ElErr = 4;

// Angle difference where soft stop begins
  int Amax = 25;        //azimuth
  int Emax = 15;        //elevation

// min and max power for motors, percents;
  int PwAzMin = 30;     //minimum power for which the motor doesn't stall and starts under load
  int PwAzMax = 100;    //full power for the fastest speed
  int PwElMin = 30;
  int PwElMax = 100;




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