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Arduino STSPIN820 Stepper Driver

Arduino routines for running steppers from full to 1/256 step mode fully in hardware. (No software clocking).

Arduino STSPIN820 Stepper Driver

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Snippet for controlling STSPIN820
Motor Shield X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 Stepper Demo with STSPIN820 controller for MKR1000
By JV / 2019

Nem42 stepper motor - 1.8 degrees/step, BiPol (4 lead), max 0.4Amp per coil (37Ohm av resustance = high) -> Sense : 1.65V/Amp => 3.3V / 2 amp
Motor Driver STSPIN820 on IHM14A1 Motor Shield 

Function: start stepper left or right by defined stepper Mode
Runs for a cerctain amount of usteps
Shows interrupt Flag.

There is no way to measure the Motor Current with this board (unfortunatly), but easy of drive without software-clocking is very nice.

#define  DBG
#define  FULL_STEP 0
#define  HALF_STEP 1
#define  QUAD_STEP 2
#define  OCTA_STEP 3
#define  SIXT_STEP 4
// Define more for 1/32 and 1/64  ,1/28 or 1/256 if you like, (see Datasheet 5.2 page 13)
#define  CW 0
#define  CCW 1

const int STBY=8;     // STBY = Standby\reset input. When forced low the device enters in low consumption mode: all motor-coils are non-current 
const int REF=9;      // REF = Reference voltage for the PWM current control circuitry. should be 0 for max Vref or PWM-ed (turn R7 pot to 1K)
const int MODE1=0;    // MODE = stepper setting : [M1,M2,M3] = 0,0,0 = full step, 1,0,0 half step, 0,1,0 quartestep etc  -  (see Datasheet 5.2 page 13) Remark : D13 on UNO !!
const int MODE2=12;   // 
const int MODE3=11;   // 
const int EN_FAULT=2; // EN_FAULT = input for failure, or forced output . This is the power stage enable (when low, the power stage is turned off) and is forced low through the integrated open-drain MOSFET when a failure occurs.
const int INT_FAULT=1;// EN_FAULT is hard wired to MKR pin 1  for interrupt -> pin 2 does not serve interupt on MKR boards !! (MKR Pin1 = UNO2MKR pinD10 / PA23_TC4-W1)
const int STCK=3;     // STCK = Step clock input, ie 1KHz, used vie tone() command
const int DECAY=5;    // DECAY = Decay mode selection input. High logic level sets slow decay mode; low logic level sets mixed decay mode - (see Section 5.3 on page 16 Datasheet).
const int DIR =7;     // DIR = Direction input
int INT_FLAG=0;

void setup() {
  //establish motor driver pins
  pinMode(STBY, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(REF, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(MODE1, OUTPUT);   pinMode(MODE2, OUTPUT);   pinMode(MODE3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EN_FAULT, INPUT); // set to monitor Fault
  pinMode(STCK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DECAY, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DIR, OUTPUT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INT_FAULT), Fault, FALLING);
  Serial.println("\nMotor Shield X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 Stepper Demo with STSPIN820 controller for MKR1000");

void loop(){ // Example loops


Serial.println("\nStart Motor Loop:");

MotorLoop(500,1600,CW,HALF_STEP);  // (0.5KHz) 2ms step-time, 1600 steps = 4 turns @ 1/2step  (200 fullsteps @ 1.8degree = full turn)

Serial.print("\nMotor on Hold: ");Serial.println(INT_FLAG);
Serial.print("\nMotor in Standby ");Serial.println(INT_FLAG);


// interrupt routine for EN_FAULT going low
void Fault() {

// motor start By setting tone to the STspin820 clock input for a certain time
// Freq - Clock freq, stp = stepper steps, so time (in ms) = 1000*stp/frq. 
// stp=0 : no time limit, run forever
void MotorLoop( int frq,int stp,int dir,byte mod) {

digitalWrite(STBY,1);  // Wake up Controller
digitalWrite(MODE1,mod&1); // bit0 = mode1
digitalWrite(MODE2,mod&2); // bit1 = mode2
digitalWrite(MODE3,mod&4); // bit3 = mode3
digitalWrite(DIR,dir);  // set direction
if (stp != 0) tone(STCK, (unsigned int) frq, (unsigned long) (1000*stp)/frq ); // turn on for amount of step-time
else tone(STCK, (unsigned int) frq ); // turn on, no time limit

// power down the motor, set in standby
void MotorPowerDown() {
digitalWrite(STBY,0); // Forced to standby
digitalWrite(STCK,0); // clock zero  

void MotorInit() {
digitalWrite(STBY,0);  // Forced to standby
digitalWrite(STCK,0);  // clock zero
digitalWrite(REF,0);   // Reference PWM is Zero: R7 pot makes the Vref
digitalWrite(DECAY,1); // Mixed Decay mode




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