Hardware components | ||||||
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| × | 1 | ||||
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| × | 20 |
Smog has been a serious problem in major cities in China PRC. In Beijing or similar cities, every year, there are few months that smog endanger people's health. However, the data collected and reported by the institutes do not reflect the reality because of limited samples collected.
My system rely on community data collection. Each user has a smog / air quality monitoring system and share collected data via Bluetooth and internet. An Bluetooth app will collect data, and then data will upload to a cloud services to share with other users in real time. This setup can truthfully represent the air quality in Beijing and similar cities.
The device will be small, portable, and battery powered. The device also include a local permanent storage using SD or micro SD card.
I propose a new architecture that enables BLE links between BLE Central (Sensors) to computer, PC, MAC, and Linux. In this architecture, there is a BLE Central and a BLE bridge. Both BLE Central and BLE bridge are Arduino 101.
This is how it works. The BLE Central collect sensor data and store them locally to an ASCII file. When BLE Central is connected to BLE bridge, user can send commands via BLE bridge to view live sensor data.
Because BLE bridge connect to host PC, MAC, or Linux via USB, different apps can be created native to that host. So far, not all operating systems fully support BLE. Programming BLE in C / C++ is extremely difficult.
By using a BE bridge architecture, it eliminates the steep learning curve of BLE programming.
The project is divided into THREE phases.
- Phase1, working prototype + local data storage. Completed
- Phase2, working prototype + local data storage + Bluetooth link to an App. Completed
- Phase3, working prototype + local data storage + Bluetooth link to an App + a server to share data uploaded from an App. Ongoing
2017 Co-Making the Future Contest Entry
Arduino 101
BLE Center Service = Predefined BLE Service = "Environmental Sensing"
Environmental Sensing UUID = 0x181A
Last revised 2017-06-23 Wai Yung
#include <CurieBLE.h>
#include <SparkFunCCS811.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#define WY_ServiceName "AirQQQ_181A"
#define WY_ServiceUUID "181A"
#define NumOfByte_TxTx 4 // Maximum 20 bytes
#define NumOfByte_RxRx NumOfByte_TxTx
#define TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Debug 10000 // 10 Seconds interval = Debug
#define TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Default 60000 // 60 Seconds interval = Default
#define NoDataOffset 0
#define Working_SerialBaudRate 115200
#define Delay_Rx2Tx 1000
#define Delay_BLEScan 3000
#define Delay_VocSensor 500
#define Delay_SdCard 1000
#define Delay_Short 1000
#define Delay_Medium 6000
#define Delay_Long 8000
#define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B
1. Predefined BLE 16 bit UUID 0x181A
2. Reference1 = www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/services
Reference2 = learn.adafruit.com/introduction-to-bluetooth-low-energy/gatt
Reference3 = github.com/sparkfun/CCS811_Air_Quality_Breakout/blob/master/Libraries/Arduino/examples/BasicReadings/BasicReadings.ino
3. Last revised 2017-06-23 Wai Yung
BLEService WY_Service (WY_ServiceUUID);
BLELongCharacteristic WY_Characteristic (WY_ServiceUUID, BLERead | BLEWrite | BLENotify);
CCS811 VocSensor (CCS811_ADDR);
File VocSensorDataFile;
const long Pre_Register_Write = 0x20000000L;
const long Pre_Register_Read = 0x40000000L;
const long Pre_SensorData_CO2 = 0xE0000000L;
const long Pre_SensorData_TVOC = 0xF0000000L;
const long Cmd_DoNothing = 0x00000000L;
const long Cmd_LedBuiltin_On = 0x00000001L;
const long Cmd_LedBuiltin_Off = 0x00000002L;
const long Cmd_LedBuiltin_Toggle = 0x00000003L;
const long Cmd_LedBuiltin_Blink = 0x00000004L;
const long Cmd_LedBuiltin_Read = 0x00000005L;
const long Cmd_Streaming_Start = 0x00000006L;
const long Cmd_Streaming_Stop = 0x10000006L;
const long Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug = 0x00000010L | Pre_Register_Write;
const long Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default = 0x00000020L | Pre_Register_Write;
long s32TxTx = Cmd_DoNothing;
long s32RxRx = Cmd_DoNothing;
short u16RxRxLength = 0;
bool booIsTxTxNow = false;
uint16_t u16VocSensor_CO2 = 0; // VocSensor data = 16 unsigned
uint16_t u16VocSensor_TVOC = 0; // VocSensor data = 16 unsigned
uint32_t u32VocSensor_CO2 = 0; // BLE Tx data = 32 unsigned
uint32_t u32VocSensor_TVOC = 0; // BLE Tx data = 32 unsigned
uint32_t u32NewMilliSecond = millis ();
uint32_t u32OldMilliSecond = millis ();
uint32_t u32Reg_StreamingInterval = TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Default; // Default, can be changed via BLE command
void WY_ToggleLed ()
bool booStatus = digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN);
booStatus = !booStatus;
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, booStatus);
void WY_BlinkLed ()
bool booStatus = digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN);
booStatus = !booStatus; digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, booStatus); delay (100);
booStatus = !booStatus; digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, booStatus);
void WY_ReadLed ()
bool booStatus = digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN);
if (booStatus == true) WY_Characteristic.setValue (0x00000001);
else WY_Characteristic.setValue (0x00000000);
void setup ()
Serial.begin (Working_SerialBaudRate);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
CCS811Core::status VocSensorReturnCode = VocSensor.begin();
if (VocSensorReturnCode != CCS811Core::SENSOR_SUCCESS)
Serial.println (F("CCS811Core .begin() returned with an error"));
while (1)
WY_BlinkLed ();
Serial.println (F("BLE Start now"));
BLE.begin (); // Step1 = Begin initialization
BLE.setLocalName (WY_ServiceName); // Step2 = Set advertised local name and service UUID:
BLE.setAdvertisedService (WY_Service); // Step3 = Set advertised service
WY_Service.addCharacteristic (WY_Characteristic); // Step4 = Add characteristic to the service
BLE.addService (WY_Service); // Step5 = Add service
WY_Characteristic.setValue (s32TxTx); // Step6 = Set initial value for the characeristic:
BLE.advertise (); // Step7 = Start advertising
Serial.println (F("AirQuality Peripheral"));
void loop ()
BLEDevice The_BLE_Central = BLE.central (); // Listen for BLE peripherals to connect
delay (Delay_Short);
if (The_BLE_Central) // If a central is connected to peripheral
Serial.print (F("Connected to central, MAC = ")); // Display the central MAC address
Serial.println (The_BLE_Central.address ());
while (The_BLE_Central.connected ()) // While BLE central is still connected to peripheral
// If the remote device write to the characteristic,
// Use the value to control the LED
if (WY_Characteristic.written ())
u16RxRxLength = WY_Characteristic.valueLength ();
s32RxRx = WY_Characteristic.value ();
Serial.print (F("u16RxRxLength = "));
Serial.println (u16RxRxLength, DEC);
Serial.print (F("s32RxRx = "));
Serial.println (s32RxRx, DEC);
if (s32RxRx == Cmd_LedBuiltin_On) {digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_LedBuiltin_Off) {digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW);}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_LedBuiltin_Toggle) {WY_ToggleLed ();}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_LedBuiltin_Blink) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_LedBuiltin_Read) {WY_ReadLed ();}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_Streaming_Start) {booIsTxTxNow = true;}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_Streaming_Stop) {booIsTxTxNow = false;}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug) {u32Reg_StreamingInterval = TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Debug;}
else if (s32RxRx == Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default) {u32Reg_StreamingInterval = TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Default;}
// If BLE Central BLE Pherial is connected, device need to take measurement
u32NewMilliSecond = millis ();
if (u32NewMilliSecond - u32OldMilliSecond >= u32Reg_StreamingInterval)
u32OldMilliSecond = u32NewMilliSecond;
if (VocSensor.dataAvailable ())
// If so, have the sensor read and calculate the results
VocSensor.readAlgorithmResults ();
delay (Delay_VocSensor);
u16VocSensor_CO2 = VocSensor.getCO2 ();
u16VocSensor_TVOC = VocSensor.getTVOC ();
u32VocSensor_CO2 = ((uint32_t) u16VocSensor_CO2) & 0x0000FFFFL; // 16 bit to 32 bit Extension
u32VocSensor_TVOC = ((uint32_t) u16VocSensor_TVOC) & 0x0000FFFFL; // 16 bit to 32 bit Extension
u32VocSensor_CO2 = u32VocSensor_CO2 | Pre_SensorData_CO2; // Add prefix
u32VocSensor_TVOC = u32VocSensor_TVOC | Pre_SensorData_TVOC; // Add prefix
if (booIsTxTxNow == true)
if (WY_Characteristic.setValue (u32VocSensor_CO2) == false)
Serial.println (F("Characteristic.setValue u32VocSensor_CO2 FAILED"));
delay (Delay_VocSensor);
if (WY_Characteristic.setValue (u32VocSensor_TVOC) == false)
Serial.println (F("Characteristic.setValue u32VocSensor_TVOC FAILED"));
if (!SD.begin ())
Serial.println (F("SD Card is not present"));
delay (Delay_SdCard);
VocSensorDataFile = SD.open ("VocData.txt", FILE_WRITE);
if (VocSensorDataFile)
VocSensorDataFile.print (u32VocSensor_CO2, DEC); // 1. VOC Sensor CO2 raw reading
VocSensorDataFile.print (", "); // 2. Comma separated
VocSensorDataFile.println (u32VocSensor_TVOC, DEC); // 3. VOC Sensor TVOC raw reading + new line
WY_ToggleLed ();
booIsTxTxNow = false;
s32TxTx = Cmd_DoNothing;
Serial.print (F("Disconnected from central, MAC = ")); // If BLE central disconnect, display central MAC
Serial.println (The_BLE_Central.address ());
// If BLE Central BLE Pherial not connected, still need to take measurement
u32NewMilliSecond = millis ();
if (u32NewMilliSecond - u32OldMilliSecond >= u32Reg_StreamingInterval)
u32OldMilliSecond = u32NewMilliSecond;
if (VocSensor.dataAvailable ())
// If so, have the sensor read and calculate the results
VocSensor.readAlgorithmResults ();
delay (Delay_VocSensor);
u16VocSensor_CO2 = VocSensor.getCO2 ();
u16VocSensor_TVOC = VocSensor.getTVOC ();
u32VocSensor_CO2 = ((uint32_t) u16VocSensor_CO2) & 0x0000FFFFL; // 16 bit to 32 bit Extension
u32VocSensor_TVOC = ((uint32_t) u16VocSensor_TVOC) & 0x0000FFFFL; // 16 bit to 32 bit Extension
u32VocSensor_CO2 = u32VocSensor_CO2 | Pre_SensorData_CO2; // Add prefix
u32VocSensor_TVOC = u32VocSensor_TVOC | Pre_SensorData_TVOC; // Add prefix
if (WY_Characteristic.setValue (u32VocSensor_CO2) == false)
Serial.println (F("Characteristic.setValue u32VocSensor_CO2 FAILED"));
delay (Delay_VocSensor);
if (WY_Characteristic.setValue (u32VocSensor_TVOC) == false)
Serial.println (F("Characteristic.setValue u32VocSensor_TVOC FAILED"));
if (!SD.begin ())
Serial.println (F("SD Card is not present"));
delay (Delay_SdCard);
VocSensorDataFile = SD.open ("VocData.txt", FILE_WRITE);
if (VocSensorDataFile)
VocSensorDataFile.print (u32VocSensor_CO2, DEC); // 1. VOC Sensor CO2 raw reading
VocSensorDataFile.print (", "); // 2. Comma separated
VocSensorDataFile.println (u32VocSensor_TVOC, DEC); // 3. VOC Sensor TVOC raw reading + new line
VocSensorDataFile.close ();
delay (Delay_Medium);
Serial.println (F("BLE Central ready to connect again"));
BLE Bridge Sketch
2017 Co-Making the Future Contest Entry
Arduino 101
Serial-to-BLE Bridge
Last revised 2017-06-23 Wai Yung
Reference1 = www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/services
Reference2 = learn.adafruit.com/introduction-to-bluetooth-low-energy/gatt
#include <CurieBLE.h>
#define WaiYung_ServiceName "AirQQQ_181A"
#define WaiYung_ServiceUUID "181A"
#define NumOfByte_TxTx 4 // Maximum 20 bytes
#define NumOfByte_RxRx NumOfByte_TxTx
#define TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Debug 10000 // 10 Seconds interval = Debug
#define TxTxIntervalMilliSecond_Default 60000 // 60 Seconds interval = Default
#define NoDataOffset 0
#define Working_SerialBaudRate 115200
#define Delay_Rx2Tx 1000
#define Delay_BLEScan 3000
#define Delay_SdCard 1000
#define Delay_Short 1000
#define Delay_Medium 6000
#define Delay_Long 8000
const byte Pre_SensorData_CO2 = 0xE0;
const byte Pre_SensorData_TVOC = 0xF0;
const byte Cmd_DoNothing [4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
const byte Cmd_LedBuiltin_On [4] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
const byte Cmd_LedBuiltin_Off [4] = {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
const byte Cmd_LedBuiltin_Toggle [4] = {0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
const byte Cmd_LedBuiltin_Blink [4] = {0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
const byte Cmd_LedBuiltin_Read [4] = {0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
const byte Cmd_Streaming_Start [4] = {0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; // By default, BLE send 0x06 as LSByte
const byte Cmd_Streaming_Stop [4] = {0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10}; // By default, BLE send 0x06 as LSByte, 0x10 as MSByte
const byte Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug [4] = {0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20};
const byte Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default[4] = {0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20};
const byte Cmd_Disconnect_Arduino101BLE [4] = {0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40};
byte byCmdPrefix = 0x00;
// byte byTxTx[4] = {Cmd_DoNothing[0], Cmd_DoNothing[1], Cmd_DoNothing[2], Cmd_DoNothing[3]}; // In case to build custom commands on the fly
long lgRxRx = 0x00000000L;
uint16_t u16RxRxLength = 0;
const String Def_DoNothing = "DoNothing";
const String Def_LedBuiltin_On = "LedBuiltin_On";
const String Def_LedBuiltin_Off = "LedBuiltin_Off";
const String Def_LedBuiltin_Toggle = "LedBuiltin_Toggle";
const String Def_LedBuiltin_Blink = "LedBuiltin_Blink";
const String Def_LedBuiltin_Read = "LedBuiltin_Read";
const String Def_Streaming_Start = "Streaming_Start";
const String Def_Streaming_Stop = "Streaming_Stop";
const String Def_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug = "WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug";
const String Def_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default = "WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default";
const String Def_Disconnect_Arduino101BLE = "Disconnect_Arduino101BLE";
String Str_UserCmd = Def_DoNothing;
BLEDevice AirQQQPeripheral;
void WY_BlinkLed ()
bool booStatus = digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN);
booStatus = !booStatus; digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, booStatus); delay (100);
booStatus = !booStatus; digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, booStatus);
void setup ()
Serial.begin (Working_SerialBaudRate);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay (1000);
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay (1000);
Serial.println (" ");
Serial.print (F("BLE Central = "));
Serial.println (WaiYung_ServiceName);
BLE.begin (); // 1. Initialize Arduino 101 BLE
delay (Delay_Short);
void loop ()
BLE.scanForUuid (WaiYung_ServiceUUID); // 2. Start scanning BLE peripherals
delay (Delay_Short);
AirQQQPeripheral = BLE.available (); // 3. Check if a peripheral has been discovered
delay (Delay_Short);
if (AirQQQPeripheral)
Serial.print (F("BLE Peripheral discovered at address ")); // 1. Discovered a peripheral, print out address
Serial.println (AirQQQPeripheral.address ());
Serial.print (F("BLE Peripheral localName is ")); // 2. Discovered a peripheral, local name
Serial.println (AirQQQPeripheral.localName ());
Serial.print (F("BLE Peripheral service UUID is ")); // 3. Discovered a peripheral, advertised service
Serial.println (AirQQQPeripheral.advertisedServiceUuid ());
Serial.println (" ");
Serial.println (" ");
BLE.stopScan (); // 4. Because of discovering a peripheral, stop BLE scanning
if (AirQQQPeripheral.connect ())
Serial.println (F("BLE Peripheral is connected"));
Serial.println (F("BLE Peripheral is NOT connected"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
Serial.println (F("Ready to retrieve BLE peripheral attributes"));
if (AirQQQPeripheral.discoverAttributes ())
Serial.println (F("BLE Peripheral attributes discovered"));
Serial.println (F("BLE Peripheral attributes NOT discovered"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
Serial.println (F("Ready to retrieve BLE peripheral characteristic"));
BLECharacteristic AirQQQCharacteristic = AirQQQPeripheral.characteristic (WaiYung_ServiceUUID);
if (!AirQQQCharacteristic)
Serial.println (F("BLE Peripheral DO NOT have AirQQQCharacteristic"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
else if (!AirQQQCharacteristic.canWrite ())
Serial.println (F("BLE Peripheral DO NOT accept AirQQQCharacteristic command"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
Serial.println (F("Ready to send command to BLE peripheral"));
if (AirQQQPeripheral.connected ())
AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_DoNothing, NumOfByte_TxTx); // 5. Tx command
Serial.println (F("Sent command Cmd_StreamingStart to BLE peripheral"));
Serial.println (F("Error when sending ommand to BLE peripheral"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
Serial.println (" ");
Serial.println (" ");
if (AirQQQCharacteristic.canRead ())
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral can handle READ"));
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral CANNOT handle READ"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
if (AirQQQCharacteristic.canWrite ())
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral can handle WRITE"));
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral CANNOT handle WRITE"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
if (AirQQQCharacteristic.canNotify ())
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral can handle NOTIFY"));
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral CANNOT handle NOTIFY"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
if (AirQQQCharacteristic.canSubscribe ())
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral can handle SUBSCRIBE"));
AirQQQCharacteristic.subscribe ();
Serial.println (F("BLE peripheral CANNOT handle SUBSCRIBE"));
while (1) {WY_BlinkLed ();}
Serial.print (F("BLE Peripheral maximum size = "));
Serial.println (AirQQQCharacteristic.valueSize (), DEC);
while (1)
// Bridge from BLE to Serial
if (AirQQQCharacteristic.valueUpdated ())
u16RxRxLength = AirQQQCharacteristic.valueLength ();
lgRxRx = AirQQQCharacteristic.longValue ();
Serial.print (F("u16RxRxLength in decimal = "));
Serial.println (u16RxRxLength, DEC);
Serial.print (F("lgRxRx in decimal = "));
Serial.println (lgRxRx, DEC);
byCmdPrefix = (lgRxRx >> 24); // MSByte = Sensor data prefix
if (byCmdPrefix == Pre_SensorData_CO2)
Serial.print (F("VocSensor CO2 raw reading = "));
Serial.println (lgRxRx, DEC);
if (byCmdPrefix == Pre_SensorData_TVOC)
Serial.print (F("VocSensor TVOC raw reading = "));
Serial.println (lgRxRx, DEC);
delay (Delay_Rx2Tx);
if (AirQQQPeripheral.connected ())
AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_DoNothing, NumOfByte_TxTx);
// Serial.println (F("Sent command Cmd_StreamingStart to BLE peripheral"));
Serial.println (F("Error when sending ommand to BLE peripheral"));
delay (Delay_Rx2Tx);
// Bridge from Serial to BLE
if (Serial.available () > 0)
Str_UserCmd = Serial.readStringUntil (';');
Serial.println (" ");
Serial.print (F("Original UserCmd = "));
Serial.println (Str_UserCmd);
Str_UserCmd.toLowerCase ();
Serial.print (F("LowerCase UserCmd = "));
Serial.println (Str_UserCmd);
Serial.println (" ");
if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_LedBuiltin_On)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_LedBuiltin_On, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_LedBuiltin_On"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_LedBuiltin_Off)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_LedBuiltin_Off, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_LedBuiltin_Off"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_LedBuiltin_Toggle)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_LedBuiltin_Toggle, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_LedBuiltin_Toggle"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_LedBuiltin_Blink)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_LedBuiltin_Blink, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_LedBuiltin_Blink"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_LedBuiltin_Read)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_LedBuiltin_Read, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_LedBuiltin_Read"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_Streaming_Start)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_Streaming_Start, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_Streaming_Start"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_Streaming_Stop)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_Streaming_Stop, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_Streaming_Stop"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Debug"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default)) {AirQQQCharacteristic.writeValue (Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default, NumOfByte_TxTx); Serial.println (F("Matched = Cmd_WR2Reg_StreamingInterval_Default"));}
else if (Str_UserCmd.equalsIgnoreCase (Def_Disconnect_Arduino101BLE))
AirQQQPeripheral.disconnect ();
Serial.println (" ");
Serial.println (F("Disconnect Arduino101 BLE"));
Serial.println (F("Going into sleep now"));
Serial.println (F("You must use hardware reset to restart everything"));
Serial.println (" ");
while (1);
Str_UserCmd = Def_DoNothing; // Reset user command to default. Otherwise, resend the same command again by mistake
Serial.println (F("Ready to BLE scan again"));
delay (Delay_BLEScan);