Waldemar Sakalus
Published © LGPL

Flair smart vent controlled through AWS Lambda and Alexa

Take full control of the Flair smart vent

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Flair smart vent controlled through AWS Lambda and Alexa

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Flair Smart Vent
Flair Puck
Amazon Alexa Amazon Basics Smart Switch

Software apps and online services

AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit


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Lambda funtion to implement on/off control of a Flair vent

import json
import urllib3
import math
import random
import uuid
import logging
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, timezone

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def lambda_handler(request, context):

    # Dump the request for logging - check the CloudWatch logs.
    print('lambda_handler request  -----')

    if context is not None:
        print('lambda_handler context  -----')

    # Validate the request is an Alexa smart home directive.
    if 'directive' not in request:
        alexa_response = AlexaResponse(
            payload={'type': 'INVALID_DIRECTIVE',
                     'message': 'Missing key: directive, Is the request a valid Alexa Directive?'})
        return send_response(alexa_response.get())

    # Check the payload version.
    payload_version = request['directive']['header']['payloadVersion']
    if payload_version != '3':
        alexa_response = AlexaResponse(
            payload={'type': 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
                     'message': 'This skill only supports Smart Home API version 3'})
        return send_response(alexa_response.get())

    # Crack open the request to see the request.
    name = request['directive']['header']['name']
    namespace = request['directive']['header']['namespace']

    # Handle the incoming request from Alexa based on the namespace.
    if namespace == 'Alexa.Authorization':
        if name == 'AcceptGrant':
            # Note: This example code accepts any grant request.
            # In your implementation, invoke Login With Amazon with the grant code to get access and refresh tokens.
            grant_code = request['directive']['payload']['grant']['code']
            grantee_token = request['directive']['payload']['grantee']['token']
            auth_response = AlexaResponse(namespace='Alexa.Authorization', name='AcceptGrant.Response')
            return send_response(auth_response.get())

    if namespace == 'Alexa.Discovery':
        if name == 'Discover':
            # The request to discover the devices the skill controls.
            discovery_response = AlexaResponse(namespace='Alexa.Discovery', name='Discover.Response')
            # Create the response and add the light bulb capabilities.
            capability_alexa = discovery_response.create_payload_endpoint_capability()
            capability_alexa_powercontroller = discovery_response.create_payload_endpoint_capability(
                supported=[{'name': 'powerState'}])
            capability_alexa_endpointhealth = discovery_response.create_payload_endpoint_capability(
                supported=[{'name': 'connectivity'}])
                capabilities=[capability_alexa, capability_alexa_endpointhealth, capability_alexa_powercontroller])
            return send_response(discovery_response.get())

    if namespace == 'Alexa.PowerController':
        # The directive to TurnOff or TurnOn the light bulb.
        # Note: This example code always returns a success response.
        endpoint_id = request['directive']['endpoint']['endpointId']
        if name == 'TurnOff':
            power_state_value = 'OFF'
        else :
            power_state_value = 'ON'
        correlation_token = request['directive']['header']['correlationToken']

        # Check for an error when setting the state.
        device_set = update_device_state(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, state='powerState', value=power_state_value)
        if not device_set:
            return AlexaResponse(
                payload={'type': 'ENDPOINT_UNREACHABLE', 'message': 'Unable to reach endpoint database.'}).get()

        directive_response = AlexaResponse(correlation_token=correlation_token)
        directive_response.add_context_property(namespace='Alexa.PowerController', name='powerState', value=power_state_value)
        return send_response(directive_response.get())

# Send the response
def send_response(response):
    print('lambda_handler response -----')
    return response

# Make the call to your device cloud for control
def update_device_state(endpoint_id, state, value):
    attribute_key = state + 'Value'
    # result = stubControlFunctionToYourCloud(endpointId, token, request);
    return True

# Datetime format for timeOfSample is ISO 8601, `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`.
def get_utc_timestamp(seconds=None):
    return datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat()
# call Flair APIs
def call_Flair(vent):
    http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    response = http.request(
                "grant_type": "client_credentials",
                "client_id": "your client ID as provided by Flair",
                "client_secret": "your client secret as provided by Flair team",
                "scope": "vents.edit vents.view"
    # Parse the response as JSON and get the access token
    token = json.loads(response.data.decode("UTF-8"))["access_token"]
    # Define the external API endpoint and parameters
    api_endpoint = "https://api.flair.co/api/vents/your_vent_ID"
    # Create an authorization header with the access token
    auth_header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    # Create a JSON body with the data to be updated
    json_body = {
        "data": {
            "type": "vents",
            "attributes": {
                "percent-open": vent
            "relationships": {}
    # Send a PATCH request to the external API endpoint with the header, parameters and JSON body
    response = http.request(
        body=json.dumps(json_body) # Encode the JSON body as a string
    # Print the response status and data
    return response.status

class AlexaResponse:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.context_properties = []
        self.payload_endpoints = []

        # Set up the response structure.
        self.context = {}
        self.event = {
            'header': {
                'namespace': kwargs.get('namespace', 'Alexa'),
                'name': kwargs.get('name', 'Response'),
                'messageId': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                'payloadVersion': kwargs.get('payload_version', '3')
            'endpoint': {
                "scope": {
                    "type": "BearerToken",
                    "token": kwargs.get('token', 'INVALID')
                "endpointId": kwargs.get('endpoint_id', 'INVALID')
            'payload': kwargs.get('payload', {})

        if 'correlation_token' in kwargs:
            self.event['header']['correlation_token'] = kwargs.get('correlation_token', 'INVALID')

        if 'cookie' in kwargs:
            self.event['endpoint']['cookie'] = kwargs.get('cookie', '{}')

        # No endpoint property in an AcceptGrant or Discover request.
        if self.event['header']['name'] == 'AcceptGrant.Response' or self.event['header']['name'] == 'Discover.Response':

    def add_context_property(self, **kwargs):

    def add_cookie(self, key, value):

        if "cookies" in self is None:
            self.cookies = {}

        self.cookies[key] = value

    def add_payload_endpoint(self, **kwargs):

    def create_context_property(self, **kwargs):
        return {
            'namespace': kwargs.get('namespace', 'Alexa.EndpointHealth'),
            'name': kwargs.get('name', 'connectivity'),
            'value': kwargs.get('value', {'value': 'OK'}),
            'timeOfSample': get_utc_timestamp(),
            'uncertaintyInMilliseconds': kwargs.get('uncertainty_in_milliseconds', 0)

    def create_payload_endpoint(self, **kwargs):
        # Return the proper structure expected for the endpoint.
        # All discovery responses must include the additionAttributes
        additionalAttributes = {
            'manufacturer': kwargs.get('manufacturer', 'Sample Manufacturer'),
            'model': kwargs.get('model_name', 'Sample Model'),
            'serialNumber': kwargs.get('serial_number', 'U11112233456'),
            'firmwareVersion': kwargs.get('firmware_version', '1.24.2546'),
            'softwareVersion': kwargs.get('software_version', '1.036'),
            'customIdentifier': kwargs.get('custom_identifier', 'Sample custom ID')

        endpoint = {
            'capabilities': kwargs.get('capabilities', []),
            'description': kwargs.get('description', 'Smart Home Tutorial: Virtual smart light bulb'),
            'displayCategories': kwargs.get('display_categories', ['LIGHT']),
            'endpointId': kwargs.get('endpoint_id', 'endpoint_' + "%0.6d" % random.randint(0, 999999)),
            'friendlyName': kwargs.get('friendly_name', 'Sample light'),
            'manufacturerName': kwargs.get('manufacturer_name', 'Sample Manufacturer')

        endpoint['additionalAttributes'] = kwargs.get('additionalAttributes', additionalAttributes)
        if 'cookie' in kwargs:
            endpoint['cookie'] = kwargs.get('cookie', {})

        return endpoint

    def create_payload_endpoint_capability(self, **kwargs):
        # All discovery responses must include the Alexa interface
        capability = {
            'type': kwargs.get('type', 'AlexaInterface'),
            'interface': kwargs.get('interface', 'Alexa'),
            'version': kwargs.get('version', '3')
        supported = kwargs.get('supported', None)
        if supported:
            capability['properties'] = {}
            capability['properties']['supported'] = supported
            capability['properties']['proactivelyReported'] = kwargs.get('proactively_reported', False)
            capability['properties']['retrievable'] = kwargs.get('retrievable', False)
        return capability

    def get(self, remove_empty=True):

        response = {
            'context': self.context,
            'event': self.event

        if len(self.context_properties) > 0:
            response['context']['properties'] = self.context_properties

        if len(self.payload_endpoints) > 0:
            response['event']['payload']['endpoints'] = self.payload_endpoints

        if remove_empty:
            if len(response['context']) < 1:

        return response

    def set_payload(self, payload):
        self.event['payload'] = payload

    def set_payload_endpoint(self, payload_endpoints):
        self.payload_endpoints = payload_endpoints

    def set_payload_endpoints(self, payload_endpoints):
        if 'endpoints' not in self.event['payload']:
            self.event['payload']['endpoints'] = []

        self.event['payload']['endpoints'] = payload_endpoints


Waldemar Sakalus
1 project • 0 followers
