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vincent wongmok mun fong
Published © GPL3+

Give openHAB System a Voice

Make a voice assistant for openHAB system. The assistant will add the voice interface to the popular openHAB system.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1,337
Give openHAB System a Voice

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Snips Voice Interaction Development Kit (Base Kit)
Snips Voice Interaction Development Kit (Base Kit)
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
3 mm LED: Green
3 mm LED: Green

Software apps and online services

Snips AI Voice Platform


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Pi DHT11 Leds breadboard




vincent wong
81 projects • 205 followers
mok mun fong
2 projects • 2 followers
