Whitney Knitter
Published © GPL3+

RTL-SDR on Mac OS Part 1: Install & Setup

This project walks through how to get started with the RTL-SDR on Mac OS 14

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RTL-SDR on Mac OS Part 1: Install & Setup

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RTL-SDR RTL2832U DVB-T Tuner Dongle

Software apps and online services

GNU Radio


Read more



Plain text
    author: whitneyknitter
    catch_exceptions: 'True'
    category: '[GRC Hier Blocks]'
    cmake_opt: ''
    comment: ''
    copyright: ''
    description: ''
    gen_cmake: 'On'
    gen_linking: dynamic
    generate_options: qt_gui
    hier_block_src_path: '.:'
    id: rtlsdr_tester
    max_nouts: '0'
    output_language: python
    placement: (0,0)
    qt_qss_theme: ''
    realtime_scheduling: ''
    run: 'True'
    run_command: '{python} -u {filename}'
    run_options: prompt
    sizing_mode: fixed
    thread_safe_setters: ''
    title: RTL-SDR Tester
    window_size: (1000,1000)
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [8, 8]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled

- name: audio_decimation
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: '10'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [256, 64.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: cutoff_freq
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: 270e3
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [344, 8.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: decimation_factor
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: int(samp_rate/quad_rate)
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [256, 8.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: fm_freq
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: 97.1e6
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [192, 8.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: quad_rate
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: '512000'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [464, 8.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: samp_rate
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: '2048000'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [120, 8.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: volume
  id: variable
    comment: ''
    value: '1'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [408, 8.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: analog_wfm_rcv_0
  id: analog_wfm_rcv
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    audio_decimation: audio_decimation
    comment: ''
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    quad_rate: quad_rate
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [616, 72.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: audio_sink_0
  id: audio_sink
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    comment: ''
    device_name: ''
    num_inputs: '1'
    ok_to_block: 'True'
    samp_rate: '48000'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [1112, 76.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0
  id: blocks_multiply_const_vxx
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    comment: ''
    const: '1'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    type: float
    vlen: '1'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [960, 76.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: low_pass_filter_0
  id: low_pass_filter
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    beta: '6.76'
    comment: ''
    cutoff_freq: cutoff_freq
    decim: '1'
    gain: '1'
    interp: '1'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    samp_rate: samp_rate
    type: fir_filter_ccf
    width: 900e3
    win: window.WIN_BLACKMAN
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [408, 136.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: qtgui_freq_sink_x_0
  id: qtgui_freq_sink_x
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    alpha1: '1.0'
    alpha10: '1.0'
    alpha2: '1.0'
    alpha3: '1.0'
    alpha4: '1.0'
    alpha5: '1.0'
    alpha6: '1.0'
    alpha7: '1.0'
    alpha8: '1.0'
    alpha9: '1.0'
    autoscale: 'False'
    average: '0.05'
    axislabels: 'True'
    bw: samp_rate
    color1: '"blue"'
    color10: '"dark blue"'
    color2: '"red"'
    color3: '"green"'
    color4: '"black"'
    color5: '"cyan"'
    color6: '"magenta"'
    color7: '"yellow"'
    color8: '"dark red"'
    color9: '"dark green"'
    comment: ''
    ctrlpanel: 'False'
    fc: fm_freq
    fftsize: '4096'
    freqhalf: 'True'
    grid: 'False'
    gui_hint: ''
    label: Relative Gain
    label1: ''
    label10: ''''''
    label2: ''''''
    label3: ''''''
    label4: ''''''
    label5: ''''''
    label6: ''''''
    label7: ''''''
    label8: ''''''
    label9: ''''''
    legend: 'True'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    name: '""'
    nconnections: '1'
    norm_window: 'False'
    showports: 'False'
    tr_chan: '0'
    tr_level: '0.0'
    tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE
    tr_tag: '""'
    type: complex
    units: dB
    update_time: '0.10'
    width1: '1'
    width10: '1'
    width2: '1'
    width3: '1'
    width4: '1'
    width5: '1'
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    width7: '1'
    width8: '1'
    width9: '1'
    wintype: window.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS
    ymax: '10'
    ymin: '-140'
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [616, 156.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: qtgui_waterfall_sink_x_0
  id: qtgui_waterfall_sink_x
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    alpha1: '1.0'
    alpha10: '1.0'
    alpha2: '1.0'
    alpha3: '1.0'
    alpha4: '1.0'
    alpha5: '1.0'
    alpha6: '1.0'
    alpha7: '1.0'
    alpha8: '1.0'
    alpha9: '1.0'
    axislabels: 'True'
    bw: samp_rate
    color1: '0'
    color10: '0'
    color2: '0'
    color3: '0'
    color4: '0'
    color5: '0'
    color6: '0'
    color7: '0'
    color8: '0'
    color9: '0'
    comment: ''
    fc: fm_freq
    fftsize: '4096'
    freqhalf: 'True'
    grid: 'False'
    gui_hint: ''
    int_max: '10'
    int_min: '-140'
    label1: ''
    label10: ''
    label2: ''
    label3: ''
    label4: ''
    label5: ''
    label6: ''
    label7: ''
    label8: ''
    label9: ''
    legend: 'True'
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    name: '""'
    nconnections: '1'
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    type: complex
    update_time: '0.10'
    wintype: window.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [616, 252.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: rational_resampler_xxx_0
  id: rational_resampler_xxx
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    comment: ''
    decim: decimation_factor
    fbw: '0'
    interp: '1'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    taps: '[]'
    type: ccc
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [256, 152.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: rational_resampler_xxx_1
  id: rational_resampler_xxx
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    comment: ''
    decim: '50'
    fbw: '0'
    interp: '48'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    taps: '[]'
    type: fff
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [792, 64.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled
- name: rtlsdr_source_0
  id: rtlsdr_source
    affinity: ''
    alias: ''
    ant0: ''
    ant1: ''
    ant10: ''
    ant11: ''
    ant12: ''
    ant13: ''
    ant14: ''
    ant15: ''
    ant16: ''
    ant17: ''
    ant18: ''
    ant19: ''
    ant2: ''
    ant20: ''
    ant21: ''
    ant22: ''
    ant23: ''
    ant24: ''
    ant25: ''
    ant26: ''
    ant27: ''
    ant28: ''
    ant29: ''
    ant3: ''
    ant30: ''
    ant31: ''
    ant4: ''
    ant5: ''
    ant6: ''
    ant7: ''
    ant8: ''
    ant9: ''
    args: '0'
    bb_gain0: '20'
    bb_gain1: '20'
    bb_gain10: '20'
    bb_gain11: '20'
    bb_gain12: '20'
    bb_gain13: '20'
    bb_gain14: '20'
    bb_gain15: '20'
    bb_gain16: '20'
    bb_gain17: '20'
    bb_gain18: '20'
    bb_gain19: '20'
    bb_gain2: '20'
    bb_gain20: '20'
    bb_gain21: '20'
    bb_gain22: '20'
    bb_gain23: '20'
    bb_gain24: '20'
    bb_gain25: '20'
    bb_gain26: '20'
    bb_gain27: '20'
    bb_gain28: '20'
    bb_gain29: '20'
    bb_gain3: '20'
    bb_gain30: '20'
    bb_gain31: '20'
    bb_gain4: '20'
    bb_gain5: '20'
    bb_gain6: '20'
    bb_gain7: '20'
    bb_gain8: '20'
    bb_gain9: '20'
    bw0: '0'
    bw1: '0'
    bw10: '0'
    bw11: '0'
    bw12: '0'
    bw13: '0'
    bw14: '0'
    bw15: '0'
    bw16: '0'
    bw17: '0'
    bw18: '0'
    bw19: '0'
    bw2: '0'
    bw20: '0'
    bw21: '0'
    bw22: '0'
    bw23: '0'
    bw24: '0'
    bw25: '0'
    bw26: '0'
    bw27: '0'
    bw28: '0'
    bw29: '0'
    bw3: '0'
    bw30: '0'
    bw31: '0'
    bw4: '0'
    bw5: '0'
    bw6: '0'
    bw7: '0'
    bw8: '0'
    bw9: '0'
    clock_source0: ''
    clock_source1: ''
    clock_source2: ''
    clock_source3: ''
    clock_source4: ''
    clock_source5: ''
    clock_source6: ''
    clock_source7: ''
    comment: ''
    corr0: '0'
    corr1: '0'
    corr10: '0'
    corr11: '0'
    corr12: '0'
    corr13: '0'
    corr14: '0'
    corr15: '0'
    corr16: '0'
    corr17: '0'
    corr18: '0'
    corr19: '0'
    corr2: '0'
    corr20: '0'
    corr21: '0'
    corr22: '0'
    corr23: '0'
    corr24: '0'
    corr25: '0'
    corr26: '0'
    corr27: '0'
    corr28: '0'
    corr29: '0'
    corr3: '0'
    corr30: '0'
    corr31: '0'
    corr4: '0'
    corr5: '0'
    corr6: '0'
    corr7: '0'
    corr8: '0'
    corr9: '0'
    dc_offset_mode0: '0'
    dc_offset_mode1: '0'
    dc_offset_mode10: '0'
    dc_offset_mode11: '0'
    dc_offset_mode12: '0'
    dc_offset_mode13: '0'
    dc_offset_mode14: '0'
    dc_offset_mode15: '0'
    dc_offset_mode16: '0'
    dc_offset_mode17: '0'
    dc_offset_mode18: '0'
    dc_offset_mode19: '0'
    dc_offset_mode2: '0'
    dc_offset_mode20: '0'
    dc_offset_mode21: '0'
    dc_offset_mode22: '0'
    dc_offset_mode23: '0'
    dc_offset_mode24: '0'
    dc_offset_mode25: '0'
    dc_offset_mode26: '0'
    dc_offset_mode27: '0'
    dc_offset_mode28: '0'
    dc_offset_mode29: '0'
    dc_offset_mode3: '0'
    dc_offset_mode30: '0'
    dc_offset_mode31: '0'
    dc_offset_mode4: '0'
    dc_offset_mode5: '0'
    dc_offset_mode6: '0'
    dc_offset_mode7: '0'
    dc_offset_mode8: '0'
    dc_offset_mode9: '0'
    freq0: fm_freq
    freq1: 100e6
    freq10: 100e6
    freq11: 100e6
    freq12: 100e6
    freq13: 100e6
    freq14: 100e6
    freq15: 100e6
    freq16: 100e6
    freq17: 100e6
    freq18: 100e6
    freq19: 100e6
    freq2: 100e6
    freq20: 100e6
    freq21: 100e6
    freq22: 100e6
    freq23: 100e6
    freq24: 100e6
    freq25: 100e6
    freq26: 100e6
    freq27: 100e6
    freq28: 100e6
    freq29: 100e6
    freq3: 100e6
    freq30: 100e6
    freq31: 100e6
    freq4: 100e6
    freq5: 100e6
    freq6: 100e6
    freq7: 100e6
    freq8: 100e6
    freq9: 100e6
    gain0: '20'
    gain1: '10'
    gain10: '10'
    gain11: '10'
    gain12: '10'
    gain13: '10'
    gain14: '10'
    gain15: '10'
    gain16: '10'
    gain17: '10'
    gain18: '10'
    gain19: '10'
    gain2: '10'
    gain20: '10'
    gain21: '10'
    gain22: '10'
    gain23: '10'
    gain24: '10'
    gain25: '10'
    gain26: '10'
    gain27: '10'
    gain28: '10'
    gain29: '10'
    gain3: '10'
    gain30: '10'
    gain31: '10'
    gain4: '10'
    gain5: '10'
    gain6: '10'
    gain7: '10'
    gain8: '10'
    gain9: '10'
    gain_mode0: 'False'
    gain_mode1: 'False'
    gain_mode10: 'False'
    gain_mode11: 'False'
    gain_mode12: 'False'
    gain_mode13: 'False'
    gain_mode14: 'False'
    gain_mode15: 'False'
    gain_mode16: 'False'
    gain_mode17: 'False'
    gain_mode18: 'False'
    gain_mode19: 'False'
    gain_mode2: 'False'
    gain_mode20: 'False'
    gain_mode21: 'False'
    gain_mode22: 'False'
    gain_mode23: 'False'
    gain_mode24: 'False'
    gain_mode25: 'False'
    gain_mode26: 'False'
    gain_mode27: 'False'
    gain_mode28: 'False'
    gain_mode29: 'False'
    gain_mode3: 'False'
    gain_mode30: 'False'
    gain_mode31: 'False'
    gain_mode4: 'False'
    gain_mode5: 'False'
    gain_mode6: 'False'
    gain_mode7: 'False'
    gain_mode8: 'False'
    gain_mode9: 'False'
    if_gain0: '20'
    if_gain1: '20'
    if_gain10: '20'
    if_gain11: '20'
    if_gain12: '20'
    if_gain13: '20'
    if_gain14: '20'
    if_gain15: '20'
    if_gain16: '20'
    if_gain17: '20'
    if_gain18: '20'
    if_gain19: '20'
    if_gain2: '20'
    if_gain20: '20'
    if_gain21: '20'
    if_gain22: '20'
    if_gain23: '20'
    if_gain24: '20'
    if_gain25: '20'
    if_gain26: '20'
    if_gain27: '20'
    if_gain28: '20'
    if_gain29: '20'
    if_gain3: '20'
    if_gain30: '20'
    if_gain31: '20'
    if_gain4: '20'
    if_gain5: '20'
    if_gain6: '20'
    if_gain7: '20'
    if_gain8: '20'
    if_gain9: '20'
    iq_balance_mode0: '0'
    iq_balance_mode1: '0'
    iq_balance_mode10: '0'
    iq_balance_mode11: '0'
    iq_balance_mode12: '0'
    iq_balance_mode13: '0'
    iq_balance_mode14: '0'
    iq_balance_mode15: '0'
    iq_balance_mode16: '0'
    iq_balance_mode17: '0'
    iq_balance_mode18: '0'
    iq_balance_mode19: '0'
    iq_balance_mode2: '0'
    iq_balance_mode20: '0'
    iq_balance_mode21: '0'
    iq_balance_mode22: '0'
    iq_balance_mode23: '0'
    iq_balance_mode24: '0'
    iq_balance_mode25: '0'
    iq_balance_mode26: '0'
    iq_balance_mode27: '0'
    iq_balance_mode28: '0'
    iq_balance_mode29: '0'
    iq_balance_mode3: '0'
    iq_balance_mode30: '0'
    iq_balance_mode31: '0'
    iq_balance_mode4: '0'
    iq_balance_mode5: '0'
    iq_balance_mode6: '0'
    iq_balance_mode7: '0'
    iq_balance_mode8: '0'
    iq_balance_mode9: '0'
    maxoutbuf: '0'
    minoutbuf: '0'
    nchan: '1'
    num_mboards: '1'
    sample_rate: samp_rate
    sync: pc_clock
    time_source0: ''
    time_source1: ''
    time_source2: ''
    time_source3: ''
    time_source4: ''
    time_source5: ''
    time_source6: ''
    time_source7: ''
    type: fc32
    bus_sink: false
    bus_source: false
    bus_structure: null
    coordinate: [48, 108.0]
    rotation: 0
    state: enabled

- [analog_wfm_rcv_0, '0', rational_resampler_xxx_1, '0']
- [blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0, '0', audio_sink_0, '0']
- [low_pass_filter_0, '0', analog_wfm_rcv_0, '0']
- [low_pass_filter_0, '0', qtgui_freq_sink_x_0, '0']
- [low_pass_filter_0, '0', qtgui_waterfall_sink_x_0, '0']
- [rational_resampler_xxx_0, '0', low_pass_filter_0, '0']
- [rational_resampler_xxx_1, '0', blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0, '0']
- [rtlsdr_source_0, '0', rational_resampler_xxx_0, '0']

  file_format: 1


Whitney Knitter

Whitney Knitter

169 projects • 1701 followers
All thoughts/opinions are my own and do not reflect those of any company/entity I currently/previously associate with.
