Jonathan ChiuDaniel KuoWindows IoT
Published © MIT

Air Hockey Robot

An air hockey robot that's running on Windows 10 IoT Core.

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Air Hockey Robot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Standard Air Hockey Table
84” x 43” play surface
2020 Profile 2x2” T-Slotted Cut-to-size Aluminum Beam 96”
Main horizontal span for the frame
2020 Profile 2x2” T-Slotted Cut-to-size Aluminum Beam 64”
Vertical beams for the overhead camera mount
2020 Profile 2x2” T-Slotted Cut-to-size Aluminum Beam 35”
Four legs that hold up the frame
2020 Profile 2x2” T-Slotted Cut-to-size Aluminum Beam 54”
Crossbeams linking the two sides of the frame
1010 Profile 1x1” T-Slotted Cut-to-size Aluminum Beam 50”
Shaft guide for Y-axis motors
2020 Inside Corner Bracket
For joining all the 2020 beams
1010 Inside Corner Bracket
For attaching the shaft guide beam
T-Screws and Nuts
T-Slotted screws and nut for joining all the beams
Drop-in T-Nut
Drop-in nut used after frame is completed
2020 End Caps
For covering up the sharp ends of the beams
NEMA 23 Stepper High torque 269 oz-in
Dual Y-axis stepper motors
NEMA 23 Stepper Standard torque 178 oz-in
X-axis stepper motor
Pulley XL Series
Pulleys for X and Y axis timing belts
1/4” Ball Bearing
Allows the 1/4” shafts to spin freely
Shaft Collar
Used to lock bearings in place
1/4” D Shaft 48”
Shaft to link both Y-axis motors
1/4” Shaft 3”
X-axis pulley shaft
12mm Shaft 1M
For Y-axis linear slide guiderail
12mm Carbon Shaft
For X-axis linear slide guiderail
Timing Belt (Ft)
X and Y timing belt (By feet)
12mm Linear Bearing 2pk
For the X and Y carriages
Spring 10 pack
Used as bumpers at the end of the guide rails
Acrylic Sheet 1/16” (1 Sq Ft)
For laser cutting into parts
Acrylic Sheet 1/8” (1 Sq Ft)
For laser cutting into parts
Acrylic Sheet 1/4” (1 Sq Ft)
For laser cutting into parts
Assortment of ANSI machine screws, nuts, and washers
Assortment of metric machine screws, nuts, and washers
Assortment of 1/4” screws, nuts, washers, nylon spacers
Used mainly for fastening objects to the aluminum frame
TouchScreen Monitor
Touchscreen display for interacting with the app
Monitor Mounting Bracket
HDMI Cable 15 FT
Micro HDMI Adapter
Pixy CMUcam5
Puck tracking camera with built-in color blob detection
Green Air Hockey Puck
Bright green puck
Ribbon Cable 10ft
For connecting the Pixy to the MinnowBoard
IDC Headers Pack
For connecting the Pixy to the MinnowBoard
IDC Connectors 2x5 Pack
For connecting the Pixy to the MinnowBoard
Stepper Motor Controller
Drives the stepper motors
48V 7.3A Power Supply
Motor power supply
1000uF capacitors
Used to smooth out power to the motor controller
Emergency Stop Push Button
Used to quickly stop the robot if it gets out of control
Project Enclosure Box
For housing the Emergency Stop Button
Reed Switch 10pk
Used as the X and Y axis limit switches
Neodymium Magnets 20pk
Used to trigger the limit switches
5mm Beam Break IR Sensors
Used to detect when a goal is scored
100nF capacitors
100Ω resistors
Perfboard Pack
Cable Carrier
Carries and protects the wires on the moving parts of the robot
Spiral Cable Wrap
Helpful for cable management
Zip Ties
Helpful for cable management
Surge protectors
For plugging in the MinnowBoard, Power Supply, and Monitor
Hookup Wire
We found that Molex power supply extension cables were a relatively cheap source of spare wires
Crimp Terminals
MinnowBoard MAX
MinnowBoard MAX

Software apps and online services

Windows 10 IoT Core
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core

Hand tools and fabrication machines

SAE/Metric Hex key set
SAE/Metric Wrench set
Dremel Tool or Hand Saw
Power Drill + Drill Bits
Digital Caliper
Tape Measure
Loctite thread locker compound
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cut designs can also be ordered online from places like Pololu or Ponoko
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
You can also order 3D printed parts online from services like Shapeways
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Wire Strippers
Wire Crimper
Used for troubleshooting. An oscilloscope may also be helpful


Read more


Full Schematic of Air Hockey Robot


Air Hockey Robot App Source Code


Jonathan Chiu
0 projects • 8 followers
Daniel Kuo
3 projects • 9 followers
Windows IoT
38 projects • 2541 followers
We want to transform lives by connecting people, processes and objects. Build what matters most to you. Create the Internet of Your Things.
Thanks to JJRobots.


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