I seen some Raspberry Pi based IOT thermal printers and was tickled by the idea of having a thermal printer to print out small things like, shopping lists, phone no.'s and note and the geek in me did not allow me to buy a Serial interface Printer module.
I decided to make a shield to fit onto the CY8CKIT-042BLE. Then the thought of using the UDB's struck me. Now I am not an expert at Verilog and the UDB editor was a little confusing. But that's where PSoC Creator really shows its power. I could do the good chunk of the logic needed for the Feed Motor Driving and Strobe signals using Gates, Look up Tables, Counters etc. So it looks messy on the schematic page. But trust me it works well ! There is room to optimize the logic but i was just too excited that it worked :-)
The above logic takes care of moving the motor by one line and also activating the strobe signals to print the dots. The rest is all firmware. The features right now are quite basic. It does not have fonts or a command based interface. Would absolutely love to make it a fully functional device, not finding the time.
Hope this design gets you excited on the power of the digital resources in the PSoC 4 devices.
For more details refer to the Design document in the Attachments Section.