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Winston Fernandes
Published © GPL3+

PSoC 4 BLE Thermal Printer

Stand alone Thermal Printer using the CY8CKIT-042BLE. Have used the PSoC UDB to create Hardware logic to drive the motor and print head.

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PSoC 4 BLE Thermal Printer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Print Head
Feed Motor Driver
PSoC BLE Pioneer Kit
Cypress PSoC BLE Pioneer Kit

Software apps and online services

Cypress CySmart


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Custom parts and enclosures

CAD Files for the shield

This shield was design using KiCad.


Firmware for Thermal Printer

Here is the firmware for the Project.

Shield Schematic

This is the schematic for the Thermal printer shield. It mainly contains the Print Head, a regulator & the LB1936 Feed Motor Driver.

Design document

This is a brief guide to the overall design and covers some of the hardware design and test methods.


Firmware for Thermal Printer

This code is developed using PSoC Creator
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Winston Fernandes
1 project • 13 followers
I am a F.A.E. with Cypress Semiconductors in India. Electronics is a my Hobby and i do spend a significant amount of my week end with boards, wires.
