// STM CR95HF chibios driver
#include "cr95hf_driver.h"
#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "string.h"
uint8_t CR95HF_CMD = 0x00;
uint8_t CR95HF_POLL = 0x03;
uint8_t CR95HF_READ = 0x02;
uint8_t CR95HF_RESET = 0x01;
static struct pin IRQ_IN, IRQ_OUT;
static SPIConfig spicfg;
static thread_t *messageThread;
static mailbox_t cr95hfMailbox;
// 10 messages should be enough of a buffer
static msg_t cr95hfMailboxBuf[10];
static uint8_t rxbuf[255];
static uint8_t txbuf[255];
static uint8_t idleCommand[16];
// thread that watches for messages in a mailbox
// when the cr95hf sends a pulse on IRQ_OUT an interrupt is generated
// which reads the message the IC has and puts it in the mailbox.
// This thread infinitely loops and when it sees data parses it and
// calls the appropriate function.
static THD_WORKING_AREA(cr95hfMessageThreadWA, 512);
static THD_FUNCTION(cr95hfMessageThread, arg) {
while (!chThdShouldTerminateX()) {
chEvtWaitAnyTimeout((eventmask_t)1, TIME_INFINITE);
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_READ);
// get the response code
spiReceive(&SPID1, sizeof(rxbuf), &rxbuf);
chMBPost(&cr95hfMailbox, (msg_t)0x00, TIME_INFINITE);
// clear variables before next loop
// Initializes SPI and interrupt for the cr95hf IC.
// Sends initialize command and waits for the chip to start up.
void cr95hf_init(struct pin *IRQ_IN_temp,
struct pin *IRQ_OUT_temp,
ioportid_t spi_port,
uint16_t spi_select_pin) {
memcpy(&IRQ_IN, IRQ_IN_temp, sizeof(IRQ_IN));
memcpy(&IRQ_OUT, IRQ_OUT_temp, sizeof(IRQ_OUT));
// initalize static arrays to all zeros
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(txbuf));
memset(idleCommand, 0x00, sizeof(idleCommand));
chMBObjectInit(&cr95hfMailbox, cr95hfMailboxBuf, sizeof(cr95hfMailboxBuf)/sizeof(msg_t));
spicfg = (SPIConfig) {
spiStart(&SPID1, &spicfg);
// send a reset command just in case the cr95hf hasn't been powered off
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_RESET);
// send idle command to start from known state
// send wake up on IRQ_IN pin
palSetPadMode(IRQ_OUT.port, IRQ_OUT.pin, PAL_MODE_INPUT);
// Send a 20us pulse to wake up the CR95HF
palClearPad(IRQ_IN.port, IRQ_IN.pin);
// delay for 20 microseconds so the cr95hf sees it for sure
// (this is double the minimum)
chSysPolledDelayX(US2RTC(STM32_HCLK, 20));
palSetPad(IRQ_IN.port, IRQ_IN.pin);
// wait 10 ms to let the CR95HF set itself up
chSysPolledDelayX(MS2RTC(STM32_HCLK, 10));
//start the thread that watches for messages from the cr95hf
messageThread = chThdCreateStatic(cr95hfMessageThreadWA,
NORMALPRIO, cr95hfMessageThread, NULL);
void setProtocol() {
uint8_t command = 0x02; // protocol select
uint8_t length = 0x04; // 2 bytes of data
uint8_t data[4] = {0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00};
msg_t message;
// send control byte for send command
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &command);
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &length);
spiSend(&SPID1, 4, &data);
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
// everything went as planned
} else if(rxbuf[0] == 0x82) {
// invalid command length
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
// Echo is a special command since it does not require a data length to be sent.
// Sends 0x55 and expects to receive 0x55 back if SPI is working.
void echo() {
uint8_t echo = 0x55;
msg_t message;
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &echo);
// watch for a message here and when received parse the data
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
if(rxbuf[0] == (msg_t)0x55) {
// echo was a success, end function now
} else {
// throw an error here
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
void idle() {
msg_t message;
// Temporary!
// Remove before completing code!
uint8_t tempIdle[16] = {0x07, 0x0E, 0x02, 0x21, 0x00, 0x79, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00,
0x01, 0x60, 0x60, 0x40, 0x50, 0x3F, 0x01};
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
spiSend(&SPID1, 16, &tempIdle);//&idleCommand);
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
if(rxbuf[1] == 0x01) {
if(rxbuf[2] == 0x02) {
// The idle command somehow changes how the IC communicates with tags.
// So we reset the protocol before trying to talk to the tag again.
uint8_t nfcid[10];
if(sdd_req(1, nfcid) == 1) {
sel_req(1, 1, nfcid);
if(sdd_req(2, nfcid) == 1) {
sel_req(2, 1, nfcid);
sdd_req(3, nfcid);
sel_req(3, 0, nfcid);
} else {
sel_req(2, 0, nfcid);
} else {
sel_req(1, 0, nfcid);
//uint8_t blocks[16];
//type2Read(0x04, blocks);
//uint8_t data[4] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF};
//type2Write(0x04, data);
//type2Read(0x04, blocks);
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
// tagCalibrate adjusts the threshold detection values for an antenna.
// It starts off at the maximum settings to verify everything
// is working correctly.
// It then converges/iterates to a set of threshold values that should work
// well for most environments.
// This can be skipped if good DAC Data values are known for a certain antenna.
void tagCalibrate() {
// Initial idle command. Has a very short timeout period and DAC Data
// values are not initialized.
uint8_t thisdata[16] = {0x07, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x21, 0x00, 0x79, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00,
0x02, 0x60, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x01};
msg_t message;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
spiSend(&SPID1, 16, &thisdata);
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
if(rxbuf[1] == 0x01) {
if(rxbuf[2] == 0x02) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
thisdata[13] = 0xFC;
case 1:
case 2:
thisdata[13] += 0x40;
case 3:
thisdata[13] += 0x20;
case 4:
thisdata[13] += 0x10;
case 5:
thisdata[13] += 0x08;
case 6:
thisdata[13] += 0x04;
case 7:
// settings are good. Do nothing.
} else if(rxbuf[2] == 0x01) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
case 1:
thisdata[13] -= 0x80;
case 2:
thisdata[13] -= 0x40;
case 3:
thisdata[13] -= 0x20;
case 4:
thisdata[13] -= 0x10;
case 5:
thisdata[13] -= 0x08;
case 6:
thisdata[13] -= 0x04;
case 7:
thisdata[13] -= 0x04;
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
// Now that we know appropriate tag values set the idle command to the final
// values we want for further operations.
thisdata[2] = 0x02;
thisdata[9] = 0x20;
thisdata[12] = thisdata[13] - 0x08;
thisdata[13] += 0x08;
memcpy(idleCommand, thisdata, sizeof(idleCommand));
// This function takes parameters for ISO 14443 type A protocol only
// data is the NFC command to be sent
// dataSize is length (in bytes) of the NFC command to be sent
// topaz is 0 or 1 based on if topaz format should be used
// splitFrame is
// crc is 0 or 1 depending on if a CRC needs to be appended
// sigBits is number of signifcant bits in the last byte
// returns uint8_t that is the result code. Full data is copied to returnData
uint8_t sendRecv(uint8_t *data, uint8_t dataSize, uint8_t topaz, uint8_t splitFrame,
uint8_t crc, uint8_t sigBits, uint8_t *returnData) {
uint8_t length = 0;
msg_t message;
txbuf[0] = CR95HF_CMD;
txbuf[1] = 0x04; // SendRecv command
txbuf[2] = dataSize + 1;
length += 3;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
txbuf[3 + i] = *(data + i);
length += dataSize;
txbuf[length] = (topaz << 7) | (splitFrame << 6) | (crc << 5) | sigBits;
length += 1;
spiSend(&SPID1, length, &txbuf);
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
memcpy(returnData, rxbuf, 255);
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
memset(txbuf, 0x00, sizeof(txbuf));
return returnData[0];
/*switch(rxbuf[0]) {
case 0x80:
// decode data
//memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
case 0x90:
// non integer number of bytes received
// response to ACK or NACK?
case 0x86:
// communication error
case 0x87:
// frame wait time out or no tag
case 0x88:
// invalid SOF
case 0x89:
// receive buffer overflow
case 0x8A:
// framing error
case 0x8B:
// EGT time out
case 0x8C:
// invalid length
case 0x8D:
// CRC error
case 0x8E:
// reception lost without EOF received
// ruh roh
void ISO14443AAdjustRegisters() {
msg_t message;
uint8_t adjustModAndGain[6] = {0x09, 0x04, 0x68, 0x01, 0x01, 0xD1};
uint8_t adjustTimerW[6] = {0x09, 0x04, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x58, 0x04};
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
spiSend(&SPID1, 6, &adjustTimerW);
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
if(rxbuf[1] == 0x00) {
// success
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
spiSend(&SPID1, 6, &adjustModAndGain);
chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
if(rxbuf[1] == 0x00) {
// success
memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
// List of NFC Forum NFC-A commands
// SENS_REQ 0x26 - short frame (REQA)
// ALL_REQ 0x52 - short frame (WUPA)
// SDD_REQ 0x93, 0x95 (anti collision CL1 or CL2)
// SEL_REQ 0x93, 0x95 (select CL1 or CL2) // requires CRC
// SLP_REQ 0x50 (halt) // requires CRC
// NFC forum type 2 commands
// READ 0x30
// WRITE 0xA2
// Sends a sens_req (REQA) to the NFC device
// Checks the return value to see what NFCID1 size the device is
// returns 1, 2, or 3 for single, double, or triple. Returns 0 for other.
uint8_t sens_req() {
uint8_t data = 0x26;
uint8_t returnData[255];
// send the individual bit. No CRC, etc, but it is a short frame (7 bits)
sendRecv(&data, 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, returnData);
// check ATQA response to see what bits 7 and 8 are to determine UID size.
// check it bits 7 and 8 are 0
if(~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 00
// NFCID1 size: single (4 bytes)
return 1;
} else if (~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && (returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 01
// NFCID1 size: double (7 bytes)
return 2;
} else if ((returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 10
// NFCID1 size: triple (10 bytes)
return 3;
} else {
// RFU, so nothing
return 0;
// Sends an all_req (WUPA) to the NFC device
// Checks the return value to see what NFCID1 size the device is
// returns 1, 2, or 3 for single, double, or triple. Returns 0 for other.
uint8_t all_req() {
uint8_t data = 0x52;
uint8_t returnData[255];
// send the individual bit. No CRC, etc, but it is a short frame (7 bits)
sendRecv(&data, 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, returnData);
// should do error checking here. Make sure the first byte is 0x80
// check ATQA response to see what bits 7 and 8 are to determine UID size.
// we could also check returnData[3] to see if it is 0x0C which means it is
// a type 1 device (basically topaz/broadcom)
// check it bits 7 and 8 are 0
if(~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 00
// NFCID1 size: single (4 bytes)
return 1;
} else if (~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && (returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 01
// NFCID1 size: double (7 bytes)
return 2;
} else if ((returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 10
// NFCID1 size: triple (10 bytes)
return 3;
} else {
// RFU, so nothing
return 0;
// accepts current anti collision cascade level (1, 2, or 3) and
// if applicable parts of the uid. Returns 1 if the cascade tag is present
// which means that another level of sdd_req needs to be sent.
// returns 0 if sdd_req was unsuccessful
// returns 2 if no cascade tag and sdd_req was successful.
// fills out nficid param with the returned 3 or 4 bytes of NFCID1
uint8_t sdd_req(uint8_t cascadeLevel, uint8_t *nfcid) {
uint8_t returnData[255];
uint8_t data[5] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint8_t dataSize = 0;
// TODO: make these so they can send parts of the nfcid along with them.
// this would help if there ever is a collision of devices.
switch(cascadeLevel) {
case 1:
data[0] = 0x93;
data[1] = 0x20;
dataSize = 2;
case 2:
data[0] = 0x95;
data[1] = 0x20;
dataSize = 2;
case 3:
data[0] = 0x97;
data[1] = 0x20;
dataSize = 2;
sendRecv(data, dataSize, 0, 0, 0, 8, returnData);
// cr95hf error
if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
return 0;
// cascade tag, only 3 bytes returned
if(returnData[2] == 0x88) {
switch(cascadeLevel) {
case 1:
nfcid[0] = returnData[3];
nfcid[1] = returnData[4];
nfcid[2] = returnData[5];
case 2:
nfcid[3] = returnData[3];
nfcid[4] = returnData[4];
nfcid[5] = returnData[5];
return 1;
} else {
switch(cascadeLevel) {
case 1:
nfcid[0] = returnData[2];
nfcid[1] = returnData[3];
nfcid[2] = returnData[4];
nfcid[3] = returnData[5];
case 2:
nfcid[3] = returnData[2];
nfcid[4] = returnData[3];
nfcid[5] = returnData[4];
nfcid[6] = returnData[5];
case 3:
nfcid[6] = returnData[2];
nfcid[7] = returnData[3];
nfcid[8] = returnData[4];
nfcid[9] = returnData[5];
return 2;
// returns 0 for error
// returns 1 for NFCID1 not complete so we need another cascade level
// returns 2 for NFC-DEP support, probably a phone
// returns 3 for type 2 tag
uint8_t sel_req(uint8_t cascadeLevel, uint8_t cascadeTag, uint8_t *nfcid) {
uint8_t returnData[255];
uint8_t data[7];
switch(cascadeLevel) {
case 1:
data[0] = 0x93;
data[1] = 0x70;
if(cascadeTag == 0) {
data[2] = nfcid[0];
data[3] = nfcid[1];
data[4] = nfcid[2];
data[5] = nfcid[3];
} else {
data[2] = 0x88;
data[3] = nfcid[0];
data[4] = nfcid[1];
data[5] = nfcid[2];
data[6] = data[2] ^ data[3] ^ data[4] ^ data[5];
case 2:
data[0] = 0x95;
data[1] = 0x70;
if(cascadeTag == 0) {
data[2] = nfcid[3];
data[3] = nfcid[4];
data[4] = nfcid[5];
data[5] = nfcid[6];
} else {
data[2] = 0x88;
data[3] = nfcid[3];
data[4] = nfcid[4];
data[5] = nfcid[5];
data[6] = data[2] ^ data[3] ^ data[4] ^ data[5];
case 3:
data[0] = 0x97;
data[1] = 0x70;
data[2] = nfcid[6];
data[3] = nfcid[7];
data[4] = nfcid[8];
data[5] = nfcid[9];
data[6] = data[2] ^ data[3] ^ data[4] ^ data[5];
sendRecv(data, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);
if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
// return that it failed
return 0;
if(returnData[2] & 1<<2) {
// NFCID1 not complete, on to the next cascade level!
return 1;
if(returnData[2] & 1<<5) {
// supports NFC-DEP protocol, probably a phone
return 2;
if(~(returnData[2] & 1<<5) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) {
// type 2 tag
uint8_t blocks[16];
type2Read(0x04, blocks);
return 3;
// if we made it here it is a type 4a tag which is currently unsupported
return 0;
void slp_req() {
// type 2 tag read
// block is the starting block to read
// response contains the 16 bytes (4 blocks) that were read if successful
void type2Read(uint8_t block, uint8_t *response) {
uint8_t returnData[255];
uint8_t data[2];
data[0] = 0x30; // read command
data[1] = block; // block number
sendRecv(data, 2, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);
if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
// error
if(returnData[1] == 0x04 && (returnData[2] == 0x00 ||
returnData[2] == 0x01 || returnData[2] == 0x04 ||
returnData[2] == 0x05)) {
// NACK sent back, treat as error)
// copy over the 16 response bytes starting from returnData[2]
memcpy(response, returnData + 2, 16);
// return 16 bytes that represent the 4 blocks that were read
// type 2 tag write
// block is the block to be written
// writeData is the data to be written and must be 4 bytes
void type2Write(uint8_t block, uint8_t *writeData) {
uint8_t returnData[255];
uint8_t data[6];
data[0] = 0xA2;
data[1] = block;
memcpy(data + 2, writeData, 4);
sendRecv(data, 6, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);
void type4aRATS() {
uint8_t data[2] = {0xE0, 0x70}; // RATS with accepted frame size of 128 bytes
uint8_t returnData[255];
sendRecv(data, 2, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);
if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
// error
if((returnData[3] & 1<<4) &&(returnData[3] & 1<<5) &&(returnData[3] & 1<<6)) {
// TA(1), TB(1), and TC(1) are all included in this
// we should do verification here, but that will come later
extern void cr95hfInterrupt(EXTDriver *extp, expchannel_t channel) {
// add a message to the mailbox for cr95hfMessageThread
chEvtSignalI(messageThread, (eventmask_t)1);