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Zach Rose
Published © MIT

Alexa SoundTouch Speaker Control

An experimental skill for using Amazon Alexa to control Bose SoundTouch speakers.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours18,170
Alexa SoundTouch Speaker Control

Things used in this project


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Architecture Overview

This is how the three components work together.


Local Server for Alexa SoundTouch

Runs on the network with your SoundTouch devices and communicates with the Remote Server to empower the Alexa skill.

Alexa SoundTouch Skill

The Lambda Function and Voice Interaction pieces that make up the skill itself.

Remote Server Bridge for Alexa SoundTouch

Cloud broker between the SoundTouch skill and the local server+devices.


Zach Rose

Zach Rose

1 project • 5 followers
SoundTouch Ecosystem Product Manager. Let's chat about hacking on audio!
Thanks to CONNCTED.
