Ali SoomarTrey German

Light Sensing LED Gauge Tutorial

LEDs are programmed to display how bright a room is through the use of a photo resistor

BeginnerFull instructions provided1,583
Light Sensing LED Gauge Tutorial

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MSP-EXP432P401R SimpleLink MSP432 LaunchPad
Texas Instruments MSP-EXP432P401R SimpleLink MSP432 LaunchPad
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Photo Resistor
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm

Software apps and online services

Texas Instruments Energia


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Light Sensing LED Gauge Code

  Use the photoresistor (also called photocell) to trigger a threshold.
  The photocell will change it's resistance based on light. You can 
  change the voltage divider to adjust the brightness detected.  The 
  photocell is not super sensistive so shine a light and cover it to 
  see a significant change. 

/* In the setup function we initialize serial communication and set
 * the external LEDs on PWM pins 69, 68, 65, 64, 53, 52, 48, 47, 40, and 39 
 * as OUTPUTs. You can use a different 
 * LEDs if you prefer. Connect the photoresistor to pin 59.
void setup()
  analogReadResolution(12);//Allows the values to range from 0 to 4096. 
                           //If this wasn't done, the values would range from 0 to 1024.
  Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication 
  pinMode(69, OUTPUT); // sets the LED pins on the LaunchPad to output
  pinMode(68, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(65, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(64, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(53, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(52, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(48, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(47, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(40, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(39, OUTPUT);

/* In the loop section we will read the photoresistor analog value
 * then we will use the map() and constrain() functions to adjust the 
 * range for PWM. When the photoresistor is dark the LED will turn on, 
 * you can cover the photoresistor with your hand to block out light.
void loop()
  int lightLevel = analogRead(59); // Read the light level from analog pin 59
  Serial.println(lightLevel); // Print the analog value to Serial
  // adjust the value 0 to max resolution to span 0 to 255
  lightLevel = map(lightLevel, 0, 4096, 0, 255); //sets the value between 0-4096 
                                                 //to a proportional value between 0-255
  lightLevel = constrain(lightLevel, 0, 255); // constrain values between 0-255
  if (lightLevel < 26)
    /* If the photo resistor senses light at a value below 26,
    *  the first LED will adjust 
    *  accordingly through analogWrite, while the other LEDs reamin off.
    analogWrite(69, map(lightLevel, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(68, LOW);
    digitalWrite(65, LOW);
    digitalWrite(64, LOW);
    digitalWrite(53, LOW);
    digitalWrite(52, LOW);
    digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
  else if (lightLevel < 51)
    /* If the phott resistor senses light at a value below 51,
    *  the first LED will be digitally on, 
    *  and the second LED will adjust 
    *  accordingly through analogWrite, while the other LEDs reamin off.
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    analogWrite(68, map(lightLevel-26, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(65, LOW);
    digitalWrite(64, LOW);
    digitalWrite(53, LOW);
    digitalWrite(52, LOW);
    digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
  else if (lightLevel < 76)
    /* If the photo resistor senses light at a value below 76, 
    *  the first two LEDs will be digitally on, 
    *  and the third LED will adjust 
    *  accordingly through analogWrite, while the other LEDs reamin off.
    *  The pattern continues for all LEDs until full brightness is reached,
    *  which occurs when the photo resistor 
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    analogWrite(65, map(lightLevel-51, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(64, LOW);
    digitalWrite(53, LOW);
    digitalWrite(52, LOW);
    digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
   else if (lightLevel < 102)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    analogWrite(64, map(lightLevel-76, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(53, LOW);
    digitalWrite(52, LOW);
    digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
    else if (lightLevel < 127)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(64, HIGH);
    analogWrite(53, map(lightLevel-102, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(52, LOW);
    digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
  else if (lightLevel < 153)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(64, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(53, HIGH);
    analogWrite(52, map(lightLevel-127, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
   else if (lightLevel < 178)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(64, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(53, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(52, HIGH);
    analogWrite(48, map(lightLevel-153, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
   else if (lightLevel < 204)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(64, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(53, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(52, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(48, HIGH);
    analogWrite(47, map(lightLevel-178, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
  else if (lightLevel < 229)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(64, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(53, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(52, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(48, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(47, HIGH);
    analogWrite(40, map(lightLevel-204, 0, 26, 0, 255));
    digitalWrite(39, LOW);
  else if (lightLevel < 255)
    digitalWrite(69, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(68, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(65, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(64, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(53, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(52, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(48, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(47, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(40, HIGH);
    analogWrite(39, map(lightLevel-229, 0, 26, 0, 255));
  delay(100);//gives the Luanchpad time to complete the code


Ali Soomar
11 projects • 41 followers
Student at the University of Texas at Austin
Trey German
10 projects • 33 followers
Freelance Engineer, hacker, sky junkie, programmer, designer. All projects are my own.


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