Receive muscle signal data from the Hexabitz Single-Lead EXG Monitor using Arduino. Process and visualize data with LED indicators.
Build a smart detector with the mmwave LD2410C to turn on and off the lights based on presence in a room.
Maker PCB Maker ST-1
Learn how to build a Simple Lux Meter to measure light intensity using a BH1750 sensor, Arduino UNO, and Visuino!
A simple guide that how you can use Wled in easy steps.
Make an aesthetic mood lamp for your desktop easily
Will guide you to build a custom Neo Pixel Panel for Arduino UNO
Smart-Sleep Assistant created using m5 stack
A stereo VU meter built with an Arduino Nano and two NeoPixel LED rings.
Automated Home using Raspberry Pi 2 (Windows 10 IoT Core) and Arduino.
Sending Bytes to an 8x8 LED Matrix.
Writing in a 4 digit 7 segment LED display.
Simple device to control and initialize DALI lamps.
Arduino Nano 32x8 LED matrix displaying date, time, temperature and humidity with a motion sensor.
It is a simple tutorial on how to create little a security device using an Arduino.
The sunflower follows the light using a servo motor and two photoresistors.
You will learn how to use the RGB LED with Arduino to obtain different colors.
Use Arduino to run a spectacular Christmas light show. (Both in English and Spanish, en Ingles y Español.)
A tutorial for beginners for making a memory game with an arduino and leds
A Home Automation system using a Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10 IoT Core including an App.
The good old buzz wire game, this time with score counter (as well as indicator lights).
Mechanical tulip sculpture that blooms with just gentle touch and can shine into any color of a rainbow.
You will lean what PWM is and how you can get the PWM output from the digital pins of Arduino using analogwrite() function.
Home Automation with ESP Zerocode and Beetle ESP32C3: Controlling Two Switches via Matter Protocol