This project is based on an arduino uno (any arduino will work with this), controlled with a hc-06 bluetooth module (a hc-05 will work just fine aswell), and ran by a L289N H-Bridge module.
It was built by hand fully with some pieces of scrap aluminum framing, some plastic sheet as the platform and 2 "tank" motor modules I got from an old toy tank and put a better motor in them.
It is powered with a 12v 7.2Ah lead-acid based battery giving it a few hours of runtime.
I made use of the ENA and ENB pins on the arduino to prevent any unwanted movement and just enabled the motors when needed (as seen in the code)
NOTE: if you get a sync error while uploading code to the arduino, unplug the bluetooth modules rxd/txd pins and try again.
I have made a fully custom app for this project soon to be available on google play.