No need to purchase any propriety systems, this is a stand alone unit operated by a free App called 'LocoMotive Cab'
An interactive robot that anyone can make! Otto is very easy to 3D print and assemble, walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles.
Magnet levitation toy using Arduino. Cheap and easy to make!
Adding a much cheaper alternative to the Carter and Kaya designs reference using a Lego EV3 set.
A standard sized pinball machine made using parts from the home store and pinball supply houses. The game play is controlled by an Arduino.
Yet another useless Arduino clock, but i love it.
A tutorial for beginners for making a memory game with an arduino and leds
Blast your enemies from a safe distance!
Send and receive sound between Particle Photons, using microphones and speakers from Adafruit! Easy and fun, 1 day build or faster.
The good old buzz wire game, this time with score counter (as well as indicator lights).
Bring Teddy Ruxpin back to life, but on your own terms! Make him say whatever you want, or have him search twitter to read tweets!
Arduino Project: How to make a Fidget Spinner RPM counter with Hall-effect sensor.
A useless machine that flips down a switch. Turns itself off, with 15 different movement effects.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use a wireless PlayStation 2 (PS2) controller and an Arduino Uno pilot a robotic tank.
A mini CNC 2D plotter made from old DVD drive and L293D motor shield. Very cheap but interesting. It can draw any image uploaded from PC.
An Arduino plays with menus and sounds.
A Lego arachnid controlled by your smartphone.
Get the speed of your die-cast toy car!
An Arduino analog clock refreshed by GPS on TFT display - Steampunk GPS Clock.
Here We are going to make a light cube which will change color accordingly with surrounding sounds. This work is featured in Hackspace mag
Simple robot to build, involve no pcb or proto board, no frames, just using a lot of glues.
The construction is really simple thanks to the microcontroller, but also the module for weak signal amplification with LM358 IC.
Bluetooth controlled robot with motors, servos and Android app
I made a eye-ball using LED Tape Neopixel. It blink and pupil is moved to the left and right.