I made an LED eyeball controlled by a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck Controller.
Make your own solenoid-engine car. With solenoid engines, the driving force is electromagnetism.
An Android-control(BT) system is added in a motor toy boat and it can go any direction slowly.
Image transmit and Control by Smartphone 4WD Robot Car over Bluetooth
Control any of the 55 RGB LEDs on the tree, let Santa twerk for you, control a model railroad, or display custom text on an LED dot matrix.
DIY powered skateboard controlled using Smartphone over Bluetooth communication with Arduino.
My idea was to use both an Xbox One Controller and the Firmata protocol to let children drive a little trike rover. It works very well!
In this project, the Iron Man speaks some phrases when you approach.
In this video we are going to build our own digital pet using Arduino, a Tamagotchi clone.
Grabs and drops objects from various heights over a field of 180 degrees.
Play MIDI arpeggios in every scale and pattern. Record and loop your sequences. Modify your sequences even after recording and be creative.
This is an original ternary digital clock running with Arduino! It's very simple and unlike anything you've ever seen!
Magic with claps. Switch on light using clap.
UFO blasting game using an Arduino UNO, some random bits and an Atari-compatible joystick.
A project that uses SG-90 Micro Servos to shoot Lego cannons, because why not.
Four cheap SG90 servo-driven robotic arm capable of performing pre-recorded job.
Fast RC robot controlled with iOS app via wifi! Using Legos for the body, fun little project for my kids to play with.
Control any of the 55 RGB LEDs on the tree, let Santa twerk for you, control a model railroad, or display custom text on a LED dot matrix.
How to turn your RC Car into a Bluetooth controlled RC Car.
Use the Leap Motion to control tanks armed with Infrared LEDs and Infrared Sensors to do battle.
This game with leds that will entertain you for a long time, este juego con leds que te entretendrá durante mucho tiempo
Simple and low-cost DIY modular toys for STEM education.
A small, portable rotating platform. Great for reviews!
Assembly and programming - an overview how easy it can be.