This is the second version of my rotary platform. I make videos for YouTube and needed something I could present my components and completed projects on. So I decided to build this thing! The first version was based on an Arduino, but I considered it as too expensive just for powering a stepper motor and setting its speed. So I went for the ATtiny13A which is much cheaper. The electronics look the following:
The ATtiny reads the value from the potentiometer and applies a certain delay in the code to speed up or down the rotation.
The platform itself I printed on my Anet A8 and it is removable:
To program the ATtiny, I used this schematic and an Arduino:
After that you can write a standard Arduino program without any changes for the syntax or anything. The only thing you should remember is that you only have 1 KB of space for your program.
The pinout, just in case:
Please, watch this video about the building process:
If you liked it, please leave a like and comment on YouTube! I would really appreciate that :)
PS: I applied a little bit too much voltage to the schematic, it would be good to add a buck converter...
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