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Varindra KumarShalini Vaish

Diabetes Diagnosis and Management

Diabetes diagnosis and management using Android over Bluetooth and NFC.

IntermediateWork in progress22,116
Diabetes Diagnosis and Management

Things used in this project


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Partial schematics

Arduino connected with HC-05, SD card and TGS 826 gas sensor


Partial code

// This version uses the internal data queing so you can treat it like Serial (kinda)!

#include <SPI.h>
//#include "Adafruit_BLE_UART.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>      // include Adafruit graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h>   // include Adafruit ST7735 TFT library
#include <Plotter.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 5); // RX, TX
#define TFT_RST   8      // TFT RST pin is connected to arduino pin 8
#define TFT_CS    9      // TFT CS  pin is connected to arduino pin 9
#define TFT_DC    10     // TFT DC  pin is connected to arduino pin 10
// initialize ST7735 TFT library
Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);

 Plotter p;
double x;
// define Gas data pin connection
#define  Gas_pin  A0
// Connect CLK/MISO/MOSI to hardware SPI
// e.g. On UNO & compatible: CLK = 13, MISO = 12, MOSI = 11
#define ADAFRUITBLE_RDY 2     // This should be an interrupt pin, on Uno thats #2 or #3

    Configure the Arduino and start advertising with the radio
void setup(void)
  while(!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro should wait for serial init
  Serial.println(F("Bluetooth comm"));

  Serial.println("Enter AT commands:");

  p.AddTimeGraph( "BT plot", 1500, "sample", x ); // add any graphs you want
  // BTLEserial.setDeviceName("NEWNAME"); /* 7 characters max! */

//  BTLEserial.begin();
   analogReference(INTERNAL);     // set positive reference voltage to 1.1V
  tft.initR(INITR_BLACKTAB);     // initialize a ST7735S chip, black tab
  tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK);  // fill screen with black color
  tft.drawFastHLine(0, 44,  tft.width(), ST7735_BLUE);    // draw horizontal blue line at position (0, 44)
  tft.setTextColor(ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK);     // set text color to white and black background
  tft.setTextSize(1);                 // text size = 1
  tft.setCursor(4, 10);               // move cursor to position (4, 10) pixel
  tft.print("ARDUINO + ST7735 TFT");
  tft.setCursor(15, 27);              // move cursor to position (25, 27) pixel
  tft.print("+ Diabetic SENSOR");
  tft.setTextColor(ST7735_GREEN, ST7735_BLACK);     // set text color to green and black background
  tft.setCursor(05, 55);              // move cursor to position (15, 55) pixel
  tft.print("Diabetic Value:");
  tft.setTextSize(2);                 // text size = 2

    Constantly checks for new events on the nRF8001
//aci_evt_opcode_t laststatus = ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED;

void loop()
    char _buffer[8];
    int Diabetic_value = analogRead(Gas_pin);
    float val;
    Diabetic_value = Diabetic_value/10;
    val = Diabetic_value; 

//Serial.print("Raw data : ");
if (mySerial.available()){
mySerial.print("Raw data : ");
Serial.print("Raw data : ");
else if (Serial.available()){
mySerial.print("Diabetes value : ");
mySerial.print(" PPM");

  if (Diabetic_value >= 100)    // if Diabetes >= 100.0 
   {   tft.setCursor(13, 77);
       tft.setTextColor(ST7735_RED, ST7735_BLACK);  // set text color to red and black background
     //  tft.print(_buffer);
       tft.setCursor(75, 77);
       tft.print("PPM"); }
    {   tft.setCursor(05, 77);
        tft.setTextSize(2);                 // text size = 1
       tft.print("No Diabetes"); 
  // Tell the nRF8001 to do whatever it should be working on.
/*  BTLEserial.pollACI();

  // Ask what is our current status
  aci_evt_opcode_t status = BTLEserial.getState();
  // If the status changed....
  if (status != laststatus) {
    // print it out!
    if (status == ACI_EVT_DEVICE_STARTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Bluetooth starting to connect"));
    if (status == ACI_EVT_CONNECTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Connected!"));
    if (status == ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Disconnected or timed out"));
    // OK set the last status change to this one
    laststatus = status;

  if (status == ACI_EVT_CONNECTED) {
    // Lets see if there's any data for us!
    if (BTLEserial.available()) {
      Serial.print("* "); 
      Serial.println(F(" bytes available from BTLE"));
    // OK while we still have something to read, get a character and print it out
    while (BTLEserial.available()) {
      char c = BTLEserial.read();

    // Next up, see if we have any data to get from the Serial console

    if (Serial.available()) {
      // Read a line from Serial
      Serial.setTimeout(100); // 100 millisecond timeout
      String s = Serial.readString();

      // We need to convert the line to bytes, no more than 20 at this time
     // uint8_t sendbuffer[20];
      uint8_t analog = Diabetic_value;
      //s.getBytes(sendbuffer, 20);
   //   s.getBytes(analog, 2);
    //  char sendbuffersize = min(20, s.length());
      char analogsize = min(2, s.length());

   //   Serial.print(F("\n* Sending -> \"")); 
  //    Serial.print((char *)sendbuffer); 
   //      Serial.print((char *)analog);

      // write the data
     // BTLEserial.write(sendbuffer, sendbuffersize);
   //   analog = Diabetic_value;
   //   BTLEserial.write(analog, analogsize);
  } */

 delay(1000);    // wait a second 


Varindra Kumar

Varindra Kumar

1 project • 10 followers
Shalini Vaish

Shalini Vaish

0 projects • 7 followers
I am a health professional and interested to create a quick and efficient way to detect and manage type 1 diabetes for bedside patients.
Thanks to shalini_v.
