A sensitive metal detector which is a great example of cooperation between a microcontroller and an Android smartphone.
Run marauder firmware on M5Stick-C and get yourself the smallest marauder hardware
Maker PCB Maker ST-1
What is the difference between between Pico 2W, Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 w and Elecrow RP3250 Pico W5 Board. Goal is to show the differences.
This system detects obstacles and collects distance and angle information and can be controlled via Bluetooth via a mobile application.
Pedro 2.0 is a fully open-source project, designed to be accessible and customizable for everyone.
This unit plus App gives a complete DCC controller with features that beat more expensive systems. The original project is updated here.
A story on how we were able to embed part of the existing Sniffle project into the CatSniffer and talk to it using the RP2040 onboard.
Turn an LED on and off using Windows Remote Arduino.
"Otto DIY with steroids" + Bluetooth + APP + switch + touch sensors + strength + sound detection...
This is my next project, a smartphone-controlled Arduino 4WD robot car or Bluetooth Arduino robot.
KureBasArm is a robotic arm that can movable from mobile phone manually or by sensors from your phone. You can record and play your movement
Program your Arduino with an Android device over Bluetooth HC05.
This project shows how you can build a car which can be controlled by your smartphone using an android application via Bluetooth.
Learn how to communicate and send data over Bluetooth using an HC-05 module and an Arduino board.
This project shows how to control a servo motor with a smartphone via Bluetooth.
This article shows how you can build a mobile application that connects to your RPi 3 using Bluetooth Low Energy. All code is JavaScript.
Control toys like a superhero. A DIY video for how to make gesture-controlled car.
Just connect your Arduino smart home and control the heater, airing, and lights via Bluetooth!
Designing a mulirotor using MultiWii v2.5 SE and controlling it via Bluetooth.
A smartwatch with fall and location detection, reminders and more, designed to help you or your loved one with Alzheimer's!
You will learn how I converted an RC car from my childhood days to an Arduino-based RC car.
The communication between the cell phone and the Arduino BT board is wireless. Additional devices can be connected into the system.
Controlling a car using a Pebble watch, an Android phone and an Arduino