Loaded Raspbian Stretch on SD card using SD formatter
Connect to external monitor.
Used code to insure most recent update
Sudo apt-get update
Then used code to insure most recent version of Raspbian Stretch :
Sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server
sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Interfacing Options.
- Navigate to Interfacing Options.
- Scroll down and select VNC > Yes.
hostname -I
to get your IP of the Raspberry Pi
Enter your Raspberry Pi's private IP address into VNC Viewer on your PC (or other
device you wish to control the Raspberry PI from. Set up your password.
Dayton Audio DAEX13CT-8 Coin Type 13mm Exciter 3W 8 Ohm Stuck to Foam Cor using 3M sticky pad on Exciter.
Foam Cor was the material I went with because it worked better that the other materials I Tried.
PAM8403 small mini 5v digital power amplifier board (can be USB powered) Instead of the old sub woofer amp. Enabling a more streamline thinner profile.
3.5mm 1/8" audio Female Port, Output Interface : 3 Way AV Screw Terminal Port
To enable the use of 3.5 audio input connections.