Solution for deploying advanced AI models on embedded systems, Using our Synapedge ONNX-to-C compiler.
Our IoT-enabled collar tracks elephants in real time, ensuring safety with GPS, geofencing, and instant alerts.
Covering everything you need to set up a smooth and responsive media center using Raspberry Pi 5 – without overcomplicating things.
Meet Smart Plant, auto-waters when soil is dry, its pump glows blue, and ambient lights change color based on air quality.
The capability of reading sensor status information from other Bluetooth or wifi enabled devices. The Other vital informations...
In-depth Comparison Between the nRF52832 and Nordic’s New nRF54L15
Want to create a smart visitor counter that tracks people entering and exiting a room? With just an Arduino board, and a pair of IR sensors.
Connected cocktail machine using RFID badges linked to an online account to process customer orders. Data processing via LoRaWAN and Python.
A smart flower pot, powered by a Photon 2, that monitors conditions in the room, and automatically waters and lights the plant.
Learn how to build an indoor air quality monitor using the Notecard Cellular from Blues to sync AQI sensor data with Adafruit IO and IFTTT.
ArduLink Shield is a platform that brings many Arduino projects to life quickly without having to do a lot of breadboard connections.
This is a beautiful looking and sounding doorbell with piano keys that will take your visitors' experience to a whole new level
This project aims to design and implement a smart home automation system using IoT (Internet of Things).
The PowerPulse Inverter converts 12V DC to AC voltage using square wave pulses, offering modular design for easy troubleshooting and upgrade
A Pi-Day Pendant powered by the RP2350A microcontroller that can change its LED behavior when a keyword like "Pi, " "3.14" is detected.
Using the XIAO ESP32C6, I connect an atmospheric pressure sensor via Zigbee, sending real-time data to Home Assistant for monitoring ☁️.
Build a 2.4GHz wireless network analyzer that doubles as a Long Range (LoRa) transceiver to dispatch independent wireless commands.
Video walk-through demonstration of using the evaluation DEEPCRAFT™ Ready Models that are available within ModusToolbox™ Software.
A thinner version of the previously created protable display project.
Learn how to use the shell utility "direnv" to automatically activate Zephyr build environments when working in West workspaces.
A sleek, open-source IoT controller bridging cloud & physical devices. Wi-Fi, BLE, rotary control—customizable & built for makers!
Maker PCB Maker ST-1
🌤️ Our IoT-based system detects real-time weather using sensors & auto-updates your laptop wallpaper to match the ambiance! 💻✨
What is the difference between between Pico 2W, Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 w and Elecrow RP3250 Pico W5 Board. Goal is to show the differences.