Our drone can help fire fighters to find temperature & CO2 hotspots around a wildfire and thus, choose a safe path to approach it or to reach trapped people.
It is sensing the air-quality & bottom / object temperature measured through IR sensor and links it to its GPS location, publish it via uORB and send it down to the GCS / QGC via MAVLink Radio link to allow for post-processing and ultimately, a visual representation of the sensor data.Additionally, we support A1006 secure authenticator features such as GetUID to uniquely identify the drone, GetCert to retrieve the certificates stored inside the A1006 (e.g. used to store public certificate of server where sensor live data is published to in e.g. Challenge 2 onwards - which is when there'll be internet access through the companion computer) or use an EccAuth to run a challenge-response elliptic curve secure authentication.
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