This device allows users to scan for drones, cameras, and other non-surveillance devices while sending alerts to your channel by Meshtastic.
An Arduino Uno autopilot drone with multiple sensors and a wireless camera controlled by two microcontrollers.
Interested in drones? This hack teaches you how to build a $200 smart Linux drone with the Pi Zero and the PXFmini autopilot shield.
Learn how to lift-off a drone with your mind and a hacked controller using a MindWave sensor, Arduino MKR1000 and Processing.
A cool drone controlled by a Raspberry Pi, a Windows 10 device and an XBOX One controller over 4G network.
Solo autonomously lands on a small IR marker.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use a wireless PlayStation 2 (PS2) controller and an Arduino Uno pilot a robotic tank.
A step-by-step tutorial for interfacing an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor with an Arduino and reading the Yaw, Pitch & Roll values.
Designing a mulirotor using MultiWii v2.5 SE and controlling it via Bluetooth.
There is a new puppy in the family! PocketPilot is a smaller version of the BBBmini Flight Controller.
Designing a quadcopter using FCB. KK 2.15 Module and controlling it via a Fly Sky 6 CH transmitter.
Complete the Arduino-based Drone Assembly with the Arduino-based Receiver and Flight Controller as well
This article describes the design process, development and assembling operation of the underwater drone prototype powered by Raspberry Pi.
Detect flight data of a drone, like altitude, speed, GPS position and many other. Besides, we can take incredible aerial pictures!
Signal your colleagues if you're busy or not by flying a small traffic light around showing red, yellow or green status.
I bought a programming card for the hobbyking ESC series, so I thought to create an Arduino sketch for you to program your ESC without it!
A fully autonomous fixed-wing glider designed to safely return a payload after being deployed on near-space missions.
Showing my progress in building the dashboard and flight control systems,follow up on channel and github repo to keep track:
What about using a Wi-Fi remote-controlled robot for exploring your surroundings, reaching inaccessible places, spying and take pictures?
Add a servo to your solo using arduino, firmata, python, and a usb OTG
An attempt to create a realtime "Artificial Horizon" on the M5.
Simple, a Drone made with Arduino Uno.
In the US there is a drone ID requirement that becomes effective on September 16 2023. This project is an attempt to satisfy the requirement
Combine the power of autonomous flight and computer vision in a UAV that can detect people in search and rescue operations.