RaspberryPi driven car that's controlled by voice.
A drone currently being built using a Pi Zero, one PXFmini and a little ingenuity.
Pellicanus is an open source INS/GPS integrated navigation system designed to be a handy, accessible development board.
This is a tutorial on how to get NavQ companion computer running with FMUK66 flight controller over serial.
Use an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense to control a Tello Drone using gestures to fly, land, and move left and right!
A 7 Segment Display of a Countdown from 9 to 0 for a Launch Pad Control Panel.
There is a need to detect the slightest touch of a propeller to other objects to protect the object and the multi-copter itself.
Autonomous drone firefighting based on a video warning system and a sensor system for risk assessment.
You don't have to worry about short runtime of your Drones!! Try for Aerial Charge!
A survey drone to generate ortho-rectified map of a survey area and point out nearby facilities like hospitals, fire-stations, etc.
Drone patrolling along highly populated public places to monitor social distancing during Covid-19.
Voice Activated Drone. Let's instruct Amazon Echo to fly a mini drone.
DIY Arduino.
Use Ultra Wide Band modules to triangulate position of Drone using time of flight principle. High absolute accuracy without GPS.
You have an action-cam and a '90s toy car? Then you're just a 3D print away from a Mars rover!
Making a PCB with AMS1117 for a drone project which required 3.3V VCC.
Adafruit app-controlled marshmallow gun turret that shoots 5-10 painful high-velocity mini marshmallow rounds in less than a second.
An autonomous drone that flies over busy streets and locations that can detect masks and check if social-distancing is being followed.
how to control bldc with arduino
Enhances situational awareness for forest firefighter crews.
This is an example problem to illustrate the function of a PID controller. You will learn the basics to control the speed of a DC motor.
Preflight checklist: companion computer ✅
Upgrade your Crazyflie 2.0 to a nano size FPV quadcopter.
The "Rescue Repeater" is a drone-based radio repeater solution to allow communications to be rapidly restored or extended over the horizon.