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Autopilot Drone

An Arduino Uno autopilot drone with multiple sensors and a wireless camera controlled by two microcontrollers.

AdvancedWork in progress120,669
Autopilot Drone

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Module (Generic)
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
flight controller (CC3D)
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
Drone frames,ESC ,battery 11.1V ,Brushless DC motor

Software apps and online services

MIT App Inventor drone
using the above website will provide u to create your own android application that to free to access.
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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interface of Bluetooth module

here we use a Bluetooth module (HC-05) for bidirectional communication purpose, for turn ON the drone and to receive the sensor data's.
two resistors are used as a voltage divider to step down the 5 volts to 3.3 volts so that Bluetooth can receive the data from the Arduino Uno.
The circuit is so simple and small , there is only few connection to be made
Arduino Pins Bluetooth Pins
RX (Pin 0) ———-> TX
TX (Pin 1) ———-> RX
5V ———-> VCC
GND ———-> GND

interface of Sensors

The DHT11 measures relative humidity. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in air vs. the saturation point of water vapor in air. At the saturation point, water vapor starts to condense and accumulate on surfaces forming dew.The DHT11 uses just one signal wire to transmit data to the Arduino interface diagram is shown in above fig. Using DHTLib library. It has all the functions needed to get the humidity and temperature readings from the sensor which is shown below program.

Interface of Arduino Uno with flight controller

The flight controller (Cc3d) will provides 5 input control pins which gives the 4 movement actions to the drone they are throttle, roll, yaw, and pitch. These pins need a PWM signal to work, so we will generate the PWM signal using Arduino Uno. By proper planning and sketch of a particular are we can program the Arduino by calling function with delay.

Android App

An App to Control the Drone Using Bluetooth ( updated 21-07-2022 )


interface of Sensors DHT11

using this program we can display humidity and temperature in the Serial Monitor
#include <dht.h>
dht DHT;
#define DHT11_PIN 10
String voice;
void setup() 
void loop() 
int chk =DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN);
Serial.print("Temperature = ");
Serial.print("Humidity =");

interface of Bluetooth module

this program will show simple led on and off operation using Arduino Uno and Bluetooth
/* simple program to control a LED on pin 13 of arduino using a bluetooth module
char data = 0;            //Variable for storing received data
void setup()
    Serial.begin(9600);   //Sets the baud for serial data transmission                               
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);  //Sets digital pin 13 as output pin
void loop()
   if(Serial.available() > 0)      // Send data only when you receive data:
      data = Serial.read();        //Read the incoming data & store into data
      Serial.print(data);          //Print Value inside data in Serial monitor
      if(data == '1')           
         digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   //If value is 1 then LED turns ON
      else if(data == '0')         
         digitalWrite(13, LOW);    //If value is 0 then LED turns OFF

Main Code link

Full Code contains complete information ( updated link 21-07-2022 )


1 project • 84 followers
know completed my studies, its my hobbit of doing projects in electronics.


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