This innovative project harnesses the power of EMG signals to enable intuitive and seamless navigation between web tabs & other interfaces.
Looking to build a prototype with the sensors on flex PCBs from Sensirion evaluation kits? Look no further, 3 options await.
Receive muscle signal data from the Hexabitz Single-Lead EXG Monitor using Arduino. Process and visualize data with LED indicators.
Using the XIAO ESP32C6, I connect an atmospheric pressure sensor via Zigbee, sending real-time data to Home Assistant for monitoring ☁️.
🌤️ Our IoT-based system detects real-time weather using sensors & auto-updates your laptop wallpaper to match the ambiance! 💻✨
Use an Arduino with the Hexabitz Single-Lead EXG Monitor Module (H2BR0) to plot analog signals on a plotter for visualizing biosignals.
The Hexabitz Biosignal Logger is a powerful and portable tool designed for capturing biosignal data using the Hexabitz EXG Monitor.
Imagine fixing all your hydroponics solutions with a simple M5 stack
An Arduino Uno autopilot drone with multiple sensors and a wireless camera controlled by two microcontrollers.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to detect Smoke and inflammable gases using an MQ-2 sensor.
Project #15: Environment – GPS – Mk27
Automatic arming/disarming. Motion detection. Mobile notifications with images.
Upgrade your home security camera or webcam with a motorized stand that will detect and follow any motion around the camera!
A solid-state, low-cost, reliable solution for solar hot water from PV. Zero maintenance & CO2, connected, smart combi pre-heat control.
This video will illustrate the working principle of the Water Quality Monitoring and Notification System.
How to get temperature sensor data from a remote Raspberry Pi via Wireless LoRa Protocol.
Build an Android or iOS app for your hardware with no coding!
Know the temperature of your pool anywhere, anytime
Another indoor greenhouse powered by Nano. 100% controlled environment with some extra perks that make life easier.
This tutorial will show you how to use DHT11 with Arduino.
Using this design and Autodesk Remake, you have a 3D scanner for under $30.
A basic introduction to the low cost and accurate HC-SR04!
A robo which follows an object of uniform color using Computer Vision.
Real time plant monitoring system to view temperature, light exposure and moisture.