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gusgonnetMark Wilkinson
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Farm Irrigation System

A contribution to the Internet of Plants.

AdvancedFull instructions providedOver 1 day7,063
Farm Irrigation System

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
VH400 Soil Moisture Sensor Probe
Particle relay shield

Software apps and online services

Porter App
Use this app for Android/iOS control of the system
Particle 2.0 iOS App
Use this app for iOS (only) control of the system


Read more


Moisture sensor

Connect it to A0


Plant UML code for the state machine of the firmware

Plain text
To draw the FSM image, copy paste this code in http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml
skinparam backgroundColor LightYellow
skinparam state {
  BackgroundColor LightBlue
  BorderColor Gray
  FontName Impact

[*] --> initState

note left of initState : it lands here\nwhen the system\nboots

initState -down-> idleState: 10 seconds

idleState: valve closed
idleState -down-> valveOnState: moisture < threshold

valveOnState: valve open
valveOnState -> restState: 15 minutes

restState: valve closed
restState -up-> idleState: 30 minutes

github repo




37 projects • 306 followers
With a decade of Software Engineering experience in IoT, I focus on creating Particle IoT solutions coupled with mobile and web applications
Mark Wilkinson

Mark Wilkinson

0 projects • 5 followers
I have been growing food products for sale since I was 10. Have been orcharding for near 40 years, growing peaches and cherries.
