An automated, smart, self-contained growing system that cultivates plants from seed to maturity!
Robot that drives around autonomously in greenhouse environment and identifies diseases.
Real-time visibility and control of water, process farming, weather & wells - from anywhere.
The Green Box is an automated hydroponics system.
The irrigation system based on AI is made with an Arduino UNO and soil moisture sensor. The control system uses neurons to make decisions...
Hello! I'm going to show you how to make an Arduino OLED thermometer and hygrometer* with DHT11.
I'm not as lonely as this project would leave you to believe lol. Easy to make auto swiper for Tinder/Bumble!
This NodeMCU-based IoT project monitors and uploads the weather related data like pressure, temp, humidity, heat index and altitude.
A solar powered, cloud-connected device to dispatch annoying summertime pests efficiently.
Ozone to the Earth, Automatic tectum and aqua rehash system to the fields.
A contribution to the Internet of Plants.
We aim to develop a smart, cost-effective aquaponics system that grows diverse crops sustainably with smart automation and monitoring.
The automated bird repeller system seeks to fend off birds from crop fields to minimise damage and maximise crop output!
In the future, crops will be watered NOT because it is time, but because smart pumps SEE that they are thirsty!
This project will demonstrate the real prototype of smart cities product including sensor data manipulation using Google Data Studio.
Intent: Use Rasberry Pi, Arduino Nanos, off the shelf parts to make solar powered aquaponics system managed by Artificial Intelligence.
Alerts a farmer when water has been depleted for livestock. Cheap, simple, and can be used for any container.
This project aims to improve the issue of manpower shortages in the urban farming industry by developing an automated harvesting system.
Farm indoor or outdoor, in very less space, with more growth and less water usage. Also, monitor the conditions on a cloud-based dashboard.
Urban Farming: making a sustainable vertical farming system to make more with less.
Design and build a system to monitor the status of your crops using the Netduino 3 WiFi.
In this project I will demonstrate how we can use Smart Agriculture Devices using Long Range Communication(LoraWan) in Rural areas.
Would like to solve the problems of water scarcity and lack of farming techniques in developing nations through the use of IoT and AI.