The CPX "Bop It!"
We were tasked with making a device that utilized two or more inputs, and uses some form of physical interaction. With three members, each with our own components, we decided to partially recreate the popular toy game- Bop It™ utilizing a cardboard chasis, as well as three Circuit Board Playground Express (CPX) panels. With the idea in conception phase, it was decided that different input activations would be needed for each individual CPX. Ultimately we decided on- a sound input, a flip input, and a shake input. Each one of these was considered with the original game in mind- having to perform a singular action upon command of the toy. Immediately we ran into the potential issue of not being able to code a "command" system where the device will tell you what to press. It was then brainstormed amongst the three of us that we would replace the command system with an assortment of beeps which needed to correlate to the right input. Each input has it's own tune so that the user knows what they performed. With this in mind, we simply used this logic for all three inputs, each CPX with it's own code according to what we wanted it to do.
The next phase of the project then was the physical construction and direct application of the chassis for the Bop It. We decided on utilizing some form of cardboard as a base while having the three CPX's scattered atop the base. Nikolai assembled and painted the base chassis, and Giovanni provided a cardboard cover for the CPX's to obscure them, and partially aid in aesthetic value. The CPXs were mounted using T-rex tape and then covered with a red and white face plate using the same adhesive.
With the final product we have a flat plane with blinking lights of different colors and different inputs along with audio cues indicating what command they performed.
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