This project is divided into many phrases, heating control is just one of the many phases of my project. There is a lot more I plan to use it for, but for now I am going to explain more about the automated heating control device that I have built for the sake of this write up.
So having just one heating unit which basically supplies hot water (on demand) and is controlled by a wireless thermostat, this heating unit also has the ability to control surrounding temperatures depending on the room it is placed in.
Problems with this system are- Wireless control looses signal all the time.
- each room has different sized radiators that produce different amounts of heat with a thermostatic valve
- during the colder months heating is on 24/7 wasting energy (wasting my bloody money)
So I come across the app my devices cayenne and the project grew from there. With the app I can set up sensors, control relays, set schedules and trigger points using the scheduler.
I have set 2 schedules 1st schedule that triggers a primary relay on and a 2nd schedule to trigger it off.
Using the Triggers:
Using the DS18B20 in each room to setup a min and max temperature in each room to trigger a secondary relay. I have linked two relays in series so the heating will only run if both relays are closed.
So if the primary scheduling relay is set to close between 18.00h and 06.00h the heating will only switch on if the secondary relay trigger point has been reached (temp below 17 degree Celcius in one of the rooms). So from home or away I can control my heating with Cayenne on my phone.